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Hertslet, Jessie: Endulo Magic Tales from Africa **SIGNED ** Mailer, Norman: Of Women & Their Elegance Gibbs, Peter: The History of the BSAP (Two Volume Set) The First Line of Defense + The Right of the Line
Koopman, Adrian: Zulu Names Guy, Jeff: Remembering the Rebellion:The Zulu Rebellion of 1906 Van Jaarsveld, Floris Albertus: From Van Riebeeck to Vorster, 1652-1974: An introduction to the history of the Republic of South Africa
Van Vuuren, Lani: In the Footsteps of Giants Exploring the History of South Africa's Large Dams Tarboton, Warwick: A Guide to the Nests and Eggs of Southern African Birds Castle, Jennie; Emmett, Trish; Hart, Yvonne; Kearney, Brian; Lloyd, Hanlie; Pretotius, Petrus: Rewarding Conservation
Watkins-Pitchford, H: Beseiged in Ladysmith Hockey, Phil (editor): Spectacular world of southern African Birds Rees, Darren: Bird Impressions: A Personal View of Birds
Chambers, Alistair: African Seasons: Wildlife at the Waterhole Van Der Elst, Rudy ; King, Dennis: Everyone's Guide to Sea Fishes of Southern Africa Smith, Margaret M and Heemstra, Phillip C (editors): Smiths' Sea Fishes
Galloway, Francis (editor): Flame in the Snow the Love Letters of Andre Brink & Ingrid Jonker Coppinger, Mike and Williams, Jumbo: Zambezi: River of Africa Churchill, Winston S: THE SECOND WORLD WAR, volumes 1-6
Dick, David: Who Was Who in Durban Street Names Jackson, Colonel Roy L; Scheuble, Roger; Janzen, Heinrich: Under the Crossed Flags a Pictorial History of the Imperial Light Horse and the Light Horse Regiment 1899 to 1999. A Documentary of the Regiment in Peacetime and War Neser, Regina: Die Verstoteling
Gering, Hugo (translator): Die Edda Die Lieder der sogenannten älteren Edda Nebst einem Anhang: Die mythischen und heroischen erzählungen der Snorra Edda, Osborn, Robert Farquhar: Umdoni Park - Gift to the Nation Laband, J.P.C.; Thompson, P.S: Field Guide to the War in Zululand and the Defence of Natal 1879
Knight, Ian: Zulu Isandlwana & Rorke's Drift 22-23 January 1879 *** SIGNED *** Paola, Louis: Exotic Subtropical Trees in Durban a Guide for the Layman Parr, Captain Henry Hallam: A Sketch of the Kafir and Zulu Wars Guadana to Isandhlwana
Leipoldt, C Louis: The Mask Poland, Marguerite: Train to Doringbult Nuttall, Jolyon: Hooked on Rivers
Laband, John: The Eight Zulu Kings Wood, R Cecil: A Note-Book of Tropical Agriculture Eden, T: Elements of Tropical Soil Science
Barrie, J M: J.M.BARRIE'S PETER PAN & WENDY Retold By May Byron for Boys and Girls, with the Approval of the Author Hayman, Peter; Arlott, Norman; Tarboton, W. R.; Sinclair, J. C: Birds of Southern Africa: The Sasol Plates Collection Venter, Al J: Gunship Ace the Wars of Neall Ellis, Helicopter Pilot and Mercenary
The Illustrated Bosman Soule, Allan; Dixon, Gary and Richards, Rene: The Wynand Du Toit Story Mannlall, David: Battle of the Lomba 1987 the Day a South African Armoured Battallion Shattered Angola's Last Mechanised Offensive
Leveque, Henri: Le Panorama De La Guerre De 1914-15 (2 volumes) The New Oxford Illustrated Dictionary (Two volume set) Webster's Third International Dictionary and Seven Language Dictionary
Schrotter, K and Wust, W: Tod und Unsterblichkeit Deutsches Ahnenerbe Reihe C: Volkstumliche Schriften Tod Und Unsterblichkeit Im Weltbild Indogermanisher Denker Von K Schrotter Und W Wust Uhlemann, Dr Max: Thoth Oder Die Wissenschafen Der Alten Aegypter Nach Klassischen Und Agyptischen Quellen Morris, Desmond: The Washing of the Spears
Duminy, Andrew & Guest, Bill (Ed): Natal and Zululand: From Earliest Times to 1910 Scott, Shaw C: Stories from the Karkloof Hills Hewson, Leslie A: They Seek a City: Methodism in Grahamstown
Gray, Richard: The Two Nations Aspects of the Development of Race Relations in the Rhodesias and Nyasaland Raper, Peter E: New Dictionary of South African Place Names Gallico, Paul: The Snow Goose Illustrated Edition
Hanlon, Joseph; Manjengwa, Jeanette; Smart, Teresa: Zimbabwe Takes Back Its Land Harris, Captain Sir William Cornwallis: Wild Sports of Southern Africa Collins, Wm. M: Free Statia Reminiscences of a Lifetime in the Orange Free State
Chase, John Centlivres: The Natal Papers Balfour, Alice Blanche: Twelve Hundred Miles in a Waggon Arbousset, Rev T and Daumas, Rev F: Narrative of an Exploratory Tour to the North-East of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, By the Revs. T. Arbousset and F. Dumas, of the Paris Missionary Society
Gillespie, Stirling: Celluloid Safari Filming Big Game from Cape to Cairo Coudenhove, Hans: My African Neighbours Man Bird and Beast in Nyasaland Martin, David and Johnson, Phyllis: The Struggle for Zimbabwe the Chimurenga War
Koss, Stephen: Pro-Boers: The Anatomy of an Anti-War Movement Pritchard, J. Lawrence: Sir George Cayley the Inventor of the Aeroplane Nixon, John: The Complete Story of the Transvaal from The "Great Trek" to the Convention of London
Wassermann, Johann; Kearney, Brian (editors): A Warrior's Gateway: Durban and the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902 Miller, Yvonne; Maude-Stone, Babrbara: Dear Old Durban Martin, Lt-Gen H J & Orpen, Col Neil D: South Africa at War Military and Industrial Organization and Operations in Connection with the Conduct of the War, 1939-1945
Roosevelt, Theodore: African Game Trails Robinson, John (Ed): George Linton or, the First Years of an English Colony Scobie, Alastair: Adventurer's Paradise
Herman Charles Bosman: Best of Bosman Dekker, Nicholas: Maqoma's Last War or the Sabotage of the Troopship HMS Birkenhead Du Chaillu, Paul B: Explorations & Adventures in Equatorial Africa with Accounts of the Manners and Customs of the People and of the Chase of the Gorilla, Crocodile, Leopard, Elephant, Hippopotamus and Other Animals
Wolhuter, H: Memories of a Game Ranger Willock, Colin (ed): The Enormous Zoo a Profile of Two National Parks Lyell, D D: Nyasaland for the Hunter and Settler
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