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Scully, William Charles: The Ridge of White Waters Impressions of a Visit to Joannesburg with Some Notes of Durban, Delagoa Bay, and the Low Country Van Everdingen, Dr W: De Oorlog in Zuid Afrika Een Beschrijving (Two volumes) Cecil, Evelyn: On the Eve of the War a Narrative of Impressions During a Journey in Cape Colony, the Free State, the Transvaal, Natal and Rhodesia September 1899 to January 1900
Hofmeyr, N J: De Afrikaner-Boer En De Jameson-Inval Hofmeyer, N: Zes Maanden Bij De Commando's Boldingh, Luitenant Gerrit: Een Hollandsch Officier in Zuid-Afrika
Aitton, D: Korte Geschiedenis van de Republieken in Zuid Afrika met Eene Inleiding Over de Geschiedenis der Kaapkolonie tot 1835 Smith, J A: Naar Bloedrivier En Paardekraal 16 Desember Van Der Vyver, Dr G C P: Professor Dirk Postma 1818-1890
Engelenberg, Dr F V: General Louis Botha Cazenove, Susie: Licenced to Guide King, Captain C Cooper: Great Campaigns a Succinct Account of the Principal Military Operations Which Have Taken Place in Europe from 1796 to 1870
Walker, Clive; Richards, Don: Savuti: The Vanishing River Baldwin, William Charles: African Hunting from Natal to the Zambesi Including Lake Ngami, the Kalahari Desert &c from 1852 to 1860 Jenkinson, David: LNWR Carriages : A Concise History
Koch, Heidi and Hans-Jurgen: Animal Life an Intimate Journey Sparrman, Anders; Forbes, Vernon S: A Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, towards the Antarctic Polar Circle, Round the World and to the Country of the Hottentots and the Caffres, from the Year 1772-1776 Lewsen, Phyllis (ed): Selections from the Correspondence of John X Merriman 1890-1898
Thunberg, Carl Peter;Forbes, Vernon S: Travels at the Cape of Good Hope, 1772-1775: Based on the English Edition London, 1793-1795 Nash, M D (ed): The Last Voyage of the Guardian Lieutenant Riou, Commander Broome, Francis Napier: Speeches and Addresses
Murray, R W (ed): South Africa from Arab Domination to British Rule Potgeiter, Herman (Photog); Butler, Guy (text): South Africa Landshapes, Landscapes, Manscapes Pinhey, E C G: The Dragonflies of Southern Africa
Vaughan, Richard: Zimbabwe Bleloch, W E; O'Flaherty, A E: A Thousand Million Pounds for Us or Germany the Gold of the Far East Rand Botha, C Graham (ed): Archives Year Book for South African History Second Year Part I
De V. Pienaar, U.;Carruthers, Vincent;Passmore, N. I: Neem Uit De Verlede Environmental Impact Assessment Eastern Shores of Lake St Lucia (Kingsa/Tojan Lease Area). Volume 3. Environmental Impact Report Elliott, Major W J: Victoria Cross in Zululand and South Africa. Isandhlwana and Rorke's Drift
A Brief History of Missionary Enterprise in Antient and Modern Times Lecture Memorand World Missionary Conference Edinburgh 1910 Russell, W Clark: A Voyage to the Cape Thesen, Hjalmar: The Echoing Cliffs (SIGNED)
Boswell, James: The Life of Samuel Johnson Comprehending an Account of His Studies Askew, Julie: A Voyage Around the World in Paintings the Art of Julie Askew Lewis-Williams, David: Bushmen a Changing Way of Life
Faris, James C: Nuba Personal Art Amin, Mohamed; Willetts, Duncan; Eames, John; Huxley, Elspeth (foreword): The Last of the Masai Wannenburgh, Alf: The Bushmen
Jacob, A: White Man, Think Again McCracken, D.P; McCracken, Patricia A: Natal the Garden Colony Victorian Natal and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Steenkamp, Willem: Land of the Thirst King
Lewsen, Phyllis (ed): Selections from the Correspondence of John X Merriman ** 4 Volume Set ** (Nos. 41, 44, 47, 50) Selley, Ron: West of the Moon Early Zululand and a Game Rangeer at War in Rhodesia Feldman,Ole: The Battle of Copenhagen 1801
Butler, Guy: The Dove Returns Marshall, Brian: The Fishes of Zimbabwe and Their Biology Clark, Gordon: Transitions Southern Africa
Jobson, Richard: Discovery of River Gambra (1623) Roze, Anne: Fields of Memory a Testimony to the Great War Manning, John: Photo Guide to the Wildflowers of South Africa
Dennison, C.G. Major: Zulu Frontiersman Norman, Terry: The Hell They Called High Wood: The Somme 1916 Loic Le Quellec, Jean: Rock Art in Africa Mythology and Legend
Stamm, Anne; Saulnier, Pierre: African Gods Contemporary Rituals and Beliefs Castiglioni, Alfredo and Angelo: Once Upon a Time in Africa 50 Years of Explorations and Adventures Marks, Thomas Penrose: The Laughter Goes from Life: In the Trenches of the First World War
Hardy, David: Succulents of the Transvaal Attwell, Eric: The Road to London Over 11,000 Kilometers Through Africa and Europe By Bicycle Jeffreys, Baron George Darell;Craster, J. M: Fifteen Rounds a Minute: The Grenadiers at War, August to December 1914
Pinhey, Elliot C. G: Emperor Moths of South and South Central Africa Rowan, Mary Katherine: The Doves, Parrots, Louries, and Cuckoos of Southern Africa Fry, C Hilary; Fry, Kathie; Harris, Alan: Kingfishers Bee-Eaters and Rollers
Madge, Steven; Burn, Hilary: Crows and Jays : A Guide to the Crows, Jays and Magpies of the World Turner; Rose: Swallows and Martins of the World : Handbook Gould, John; Lambourne, Maureen: John Gould's Birds
Boyer, Trevor; Hume, Rob: Owls of the World Skutch, Alexander Frank: Life of the Tanager Gordon, Rene;Joyce, Peter: Africa: A Continent Revealed
Schoeman, Karel (ed): The Bloemfontein Diary of Lieut. W. J. St John 1852 - 1853 Leigh, William R: Frontiers of Enchantment an Artist's Adventures in Africa McBride, Bill: Points of Issue a Compendium of Points of Issue of Books By 19th - 20th Century Authors
Burrows, Edmund H: Overberg Outspan a Chronicle of People and Places in South-Western Districts of the Cape Holden, Rev W Clifford: British Rule in South Africa Illustrated in the Story of Kama and His Tribe & the War in Zululand Butler, Guy (ed): The Re-Interment on Buffelskop: S C Cronwright-Schreiner My Diary 7-15 June 1921 and 8th to 29th August 1921
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