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Barnard, Lady Anne: South Africa A Century Ago (1797-1801)
Goddio, Franck, E J Guyot De Saint Michel: Griffin: On The Route of An Indiaman
Hickman, C P Jr, Roberts, Larry and Hickman, Frances (eds): Integrated Principles of Zoology
Arkin, Marcus: Storm In A Teacup - The Cape Colonists and the English India Company The Later Years of John Company at the Cape 1815-36
Lord,Tony (Chief Consultant): FLORA - The Gardener's Bible 2 VOLUMES
Binns, C T: Dinuzulu -The Death of the House of Shaka
Urban, Emil; Fry, Hilary C.; Keith, Stuart (ed): The Birds of Africa Volume II
Papini, Roberto: Decorative Arts and Architecture of the 1920's
Salmond, J.B: The Story of the R&A
Kruger, Rayne: Goodbye Dolly Gray: The Story of the Boer War
Babujee: Honoured Sir
Fiske, Symond: Ploughing a Frurrow *** SIGNED ***
Proust, Alain: A Portrait of Cape Town
Davidson,Basil: The African Awakening
Eastwood, Frank: Guide to the Mulanje Massif
Bauer, Ernst: The Mysterious World of Caves
Macnab, Roy: Gold Their Touchstone Goldfields of South Africa 1887 - 1987 a Centenary Story
Fraser, Maryna (Ed): Some Reminiscences Lionel Phillips
Clark, G.C; Dickson, C.G.C: Life Histories of the South African Lycaenid Butterflies
Duminy,A H and Adcock,L J G(ed): The Reminiscences of Richard Paver
Maxwell, W.A.; McGeogh,R.T. (ed): The Reminscences of Thomas Stubbs
Solomon, Richard Allan: The Solomons: The Genealogical Tree and a Short History of the Solomon Family in South Africa
Ploeger, Dr.Jan: Over-Vaal the History of an Official Residence
Tyson, P.D: Climatic Change and Variability in Southern Africa
De Guingand, Major-General Sir Francis: African Assignment
Shute, Nevil: In the Wet
Kamel, B.S; Stauffer, C.E (ed): Advances in Baking Technology
Pretorius, Andre: Our Threatened Heritage
Laband, John (ed): Daily Lives of Civilians in Wartime Africa
Holt, Basil Rev: Greatheart of the Border
Innes, Hammond: Golden Soak
Albany Museum (Grahamstown, South Africa) Standard Bank Gallery: Material Matters: Appliques by the Weya Women of Zimbabwe and Needlework by South African Collectives
Callinicos,Luli: Gold and Workers 1886-1924
Jenny, Hans: South West Africa Land of Extremes
Lurie, Jos: School of Mines and Its Alumni 1926-2002
Taylor,Charles Rupert: Ripples in the Pond Memoirs of Charles Rupert Taylor
The Republic of Bophuthatswana
Shaw, Gerald: Some Beginnings the Cape Times 1876 - 1910
Sander, Ivor: Development, Diamonds, Gold and Platinum the Story of the Johannesurg Consolidated Investment Company
Young, Peter: Himalayan Holiday a Trans-Himalyan Diary 1939
De Villers, Marq and Hirtle, Sheila: Into Africa
Cooke, C K: Rock Art of Southern Africa
Rudner, Jalmar & Ione (ed): The Journal of Gustaf De Vylder Naturalist in South-Western Africa 1873-1875
Gardiner, A.F: Narrative of a Journey to the Zoolu Country in South Africa By Captain Allen F. Gardiner Undertaken in 1835
Burrows, Edmund H: A History of Medicine in South Africa Up to the End of the Nineteenth Century
Kerouac, Jack: Satori in Paris
Shepherd, Robert H.W: Under the Oaks
Pateson, John W: Science in Agriculture a Discussion of Scientific Principles in Relation to Farm Practice
Holt, Basil Rev: Joseph Williams and the Pioneer Mission to the South-Eastern Bantu
Taylor, Rev J Dexter: Christianity and the Natives of South Africa a Year Book of south African Missions
Board, C: The Border Region Natural Environment and Land Use in the Eastern Cape
Shepherd, R.H.W: A South African Medical Pioneer the Life of Neil MacVicar
Dodd, A D: Native Vocational Training a Study of Conditions in South Africa 1652 - 1936
Horne,George: Pheasant Keeping for Amateurs a Practical Handbook on the Breeding, Rearing, and General Management of Aviary Pheasants
Connell, A.D: Photographic Study of Aliwal Shoal for SAICCOR
Mackenzie, John: Austral Africa Losing it or Ruling it Being Incidents and Experiences in Bechuanaland, Cape Colony, and England (2 volumes)
Viljoen,J.J; Amakali,P; Hasheela,P: Folk Tales of the Wambo
Maile, Ben: A Look Behind the Easel *** SIGNED ***
Thomson, Rev. J.B: Joseph Thomson African Explorer
Harris, Captain William Cornwallis: The Wild Sports of Southern Africa Being the Narrative of a Hunting Expedition Through the Territories of Chief Moselekatse, to the Tropic of Capricorn
The Spirit of the Public Journals for the Year 1825
Galton, Francis: Narrative of an Explorer in Tropical South Africa Being an Account of a Visit to Damaraland in 1851
Blackwell, Lewis: Photo-Wisdom. Master Photographers on Their Art
Gray, Jas: Payable Gold an Intimate Record of the History of the Payable Witwatersrand Goldfields and of Johannesburg in 1886 and 1887
Kuper, Hilda: An African Aristocracy Rank Among the Swazi
Cyrus, Digby & Robson, Nigel: Bird Atlas of Natal
Fischer, Lorenz Andreas; Burri, Judith: Kalahari Wild Africa
Gray, Jas: Payable Gold an Intinate Record of the History of the Payable Witwatersrand Goldfields and of Johannesburg in 1886 and 1887
Francis, Francis: Newton Dogvane a Story of English Country Life
Collier, Joy: Frontier Post the Story of Grahamstown *** SIGNED ***
Colenso, J. W: Three Native Accounts of the Visit of the Bishop of Natal in September and October, 1859, to Umpande, King of the Zulus; with Explanatory Notes and a Literal Translation, and a Glossary of All the Zulu Words Employed in the Same: Designed for the Use of s
Baillie, G. H: Watches: Their History, Decoration, and Mechanism
Stalker, Rev John (ed): The Natal Carbineers the History of the Regiment from Its Foundation, 15th January, 1855 to 30th June 1911
Skead, C J: Sunbirds of Southern Africa Also Sugarbirds White Eyes and the Spotted Creeper
Smith, Ken; Nothling, F.J: Africa North of the Limpopo the Imperial Experience since 1800
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