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Combs, Barry B: Westward to Promontory: Building the Union Pacific Across the Plains & Mountains. a Pictorial Documentary Berger, Joshua & Sarah Dougher / Plazm: XXX: The Power of Sex in Contemporary Design Ashton, Dore: Terence La Noue
Doschka, Roland (Ed.): Marc Chagall: Meisterwerke Seiner Keramik Ramljak, Suzanne: Crafting a Legacy: Contemporary American Crafts in the Philadelphia Museum of Art Paquet, Marcel: Photographies de Magritte
Gernsheim, Helmut & Alison Gernsheim: The Recording Eye: a Hundred Years of Great Events as Seen By the Camera, 1839-1939 Graves, Ken & Mitchell Payne: American Snapshots McClinton, Katharine Morrison: Collecting American Victorian Antiques
Blackwood Films: The Art of This Century: an Ongoing Series of Films About Contemporary Art and Artists Jenkins, David Fraser & Frances Spalding: John Piper in the 1930s: Abstraction on the Beach Melmed, Raphael N: Mind, Body, and Medicine: an Integrative Text
Lauritzen, Paul (Ed.): Cloning and the Future of Human Embryo Research Forrest, James (Ed.): Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. LIII, Session 1877-78 - Part III Forrest, James (Ed.): Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXI - Part III
Forrest, James (Ed.): Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXII - Part IV Fry, William F. & Waleed A. Salameh (Eds.): Advances in Humor and Psychotherapy Gjersten, Derek: The Newton Handbook
Hagelstange, Rudolf: Gesang Des Lebens: Das Werk Frans Masereels Homer, William Innes: Alfred Stieglitz and the Photo-Secession Earle, Joe: Inro and Lacquer From the Jacques Carre Collection
Barker, Richard: Ko-Imari Porcelain From the Collection of Oliver Impey Robert, Marthe: Franz Kafka's Loneliness Snyder, Joan: Joan Snyder: Primary Fields
Hunter, Sam & William Corbett: John Raimondi: Sculptor Prelinger, Elizabeth & Michael Parke-Taylor: The Symbolist Prints of Edvard Munch: the Vivian and David Campbell Collection Lord, James & Michael Brenson: Alberto Giacometti: a Loan Exhibition
Goldman, Solomon: The Book of Human Destiny (2 Volumes). 1: The Books of Books, An Introduction. 2: In the Beginning Baron, Salo Wittmayer: Steeled By Adversity: Essays and Addresses on American Jewish Life Watson, Rowland: Merry Gentlemen: a Bacchanalian Scrapbook; Being a Curious, Diverting and Instructive Miscellany of the Bacchanalian Arts ..
Clunn, Harold P: The Face of the Home Counties, Portrayed in a Series of Eighteen Week-End Drives From London Crawford, Alistair: Erich Lessing: Arresting Time, Reportage Photography, 1948-1973 Skinner, Tina & Mary L. Martin: Midget Exhibit: Images From the Heyday of Dwarf Display
Icher, Francois: The Artisans and Guilds of France: Beautiful Craftsmanship Through the Centuries Azadi, Siawosch U.; Latif Kerimov & Werner Zollinger: Azerbaijani-Caucasian Rugs Phillips, Sandra S: The Photography of John Gutmann: Culture Shock
Collector's Club Philatelist Volume X, No. 1, January 1931 Collector's Club Philatelist Volume X, No. 2, April 1931 Collector's Club Philatelist Volume X, No. 3, July 1931
Collector's Club Philatelist Volume X, No. 4, October 1931 Collector's Club Philatelist Volume XI, No. 2, April 1932 Collector's Club Philatelist Volume XI, No. 3, July 1932
Collector's Club Philatelist Volume XII, No. 1, January 1933 Collector's Club Philatelist Volume XIII, No. 2, April 1934 Collector's Club Philatelist Volume XIV, No. 1, April 1935
Forbush, Edward Howe: A History of the Game Birds, Wild-Fowl and Shore Birds of Massachusetts and Adjacent States Van Der Grinten, Franz Joseph & Hans Van Der Grinten: Joseph Beuys: Ölfarben / Oilcolors 1936-1965 Ball, Joanne Dubbs & Dorothy Hehl Torem: Fragrance Bottle Masterpieces
Gosse, Edmund: Life of William Congreve Monroe, Joel H: A Century and a Quarter of History: Geneva From 1787 to 1912 Donders, F.C: Die Anomalie Der Refraction Und Accomodation Des Auges
Heyen, William: The Host: Selected Poems 1965-1990 Nagler, A.M: Sources of Theatrical History Merrill, James: The Inner Room
Hobbs, Robert: Dan Fischer: Strangelove Ramljak, Suzanne: Elie Nadelman: Classical Folk Lopate, Phillip with Vincent Katz: Rudy Burckhardt
Papadakis, Alexandra & Andreas (Eds.): Innovation: From Experimentation to Realisation Wilkin, Karen: Edgar Degas: the Many Dimensions of a Master French Impressionist Howard, Richard: Paper Trail: Selected Prose, 1965-2003
Baxter, Charles; Michael Collier & Edward Hirsch: A William Maxwell Portrait: Memories and Appreciations Contet, F: Documents de Ferronnerie Ancienne: Epoques Louis XV et Louis XVI & du XII au XVIII Siecle (5 volumes) Walther, Conradin: Die Kunstschlosserei Des XVI, XVII und XVIII Jahrhunderts. Eine Sammlung Vorzuglicher Schmiedeeiserner Gegenstande Aller Art
The Ninety-First and Twenty-Third Psalms Thevoz, Michel: Art Brut Honour, Hugh: Goldsmiths & Silversmiths
McCoy, Terry (ed.): Cuba on the Verge: an Island in Transition Claxton, William: Photographic Memory Snodgrass, W.D: After-Images: Autobiographical Sketches
Carmi, Boris: Boris Carmi: Photographs From Israel Tsouti-Schollinger, Nena: Robert Morris and Agnst Evans, Walker & Andrei Codrescu: Walker Evans: Signs
Lamb, Christian: From the Ends of the Earth: Passionate Plant Collectors Remembered in a Cornish Garden Clair, Jean (Ed.): The Great Parade: Portrait of the Artist as Clown De Grazia, Diane & Carter E. Foster (Eds.): Master Drawings From the Cleveland Museum of Art
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