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Germond, R.C: Chronicles of Basutoland Hurrell, A.E: Timoti the Chameleon White, E.G: Klimaks van die Eeue
Roberts, Maclennan; Wilhelm, Style: Bateleur Poets Spillane, Mickey: I, The Jury Steinberg, Jonny: Thin Blue: The Unwritten Rules of Policing in South Africa
Swart, Vincent: Collected Poems Redman, Tim: Ezra Pound and Italian Fascism (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture) Plath, Sylvia; Hughes, Ted [Editor]: Sylvia Plath Collected Poems
Stibbe, Max: Opvoeding Langs Nieuwe Wegen Woodward, S P ; Tate, Ralph: A Manual of the Mollusca being a treatise on Recent and Fossil Shells - with an appendix of recent fossil conchological discoveries Wylie, Jill: Call of-the-Marsh: Life with a Basenji
Who's Who of Southern Africa 1980 : An illustrated biographical record of prominent personalities in the Republic of South Africa, South West Africa, Zimbabwe Rhodesia, the neighbouring countries and Mauritius Lelarge, Fabrice; Ruyer, Francois: Emergencies at the animal hospital Von Baditz, Nora: Was braucht das kleine Kind?
Von Baditz, Nora: Das Wahre Zeitgeschehen Haueter, Bruno; Juon, Lucius; Appenzeller, Peter; Kerle, Jurg: Dank an die Erde Rabinowitz, Adam: Porter's Rule: Slave to the City
Fuhr, Ian: Get that Feeling Jaffe, Harold: Mourning Crazy Horse Schapera, I: Migrant Labour and Tribal Life : A study of Conditions in the Bechuanaland Protectorate
Duras, Marguerite ; Seaver, Richard and Wright, Barbara (transls): Hiroshima Mon Amour / Une Aussi Longue Absence Walton, James: Homesteads & Villages of South Africa Friedenthal, Julius. M: Die Wagter van die Koning se Beeste
Hamilton, Gerald: Jacaranda Hughes, Dorothy B: The Blackbirder Raiz, Allon: Lose the Business Plan
Acheson, G.J: The Caesarian Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero Hattle, James: 'Neath the Tower (Part two) Burchell, Philippa: Plantaganet - a Story of Grahamstown
Steyn, J.C: Dagboek van n verraaier Tatham, Major G F: Diary of the Siege of Ladysmith - by Major G F Tatham of the Natal Carbineers and resident of Ladysmith at the time of the Siege Williams, Michael: The Billion Dollar Soccer Ball
Christie, Pam: Open Schools: Racially Mixed Catholic Schools in South Africa, 1976-1986 Ferreira, Jeanette: Charlotta - 'n diep menslike sage oor liefde en oorlog Black, Colin: Sable : The Story of The Salisbury Club
Victoria Park High School, Port Elizabeth 1970 Walton, G S: History of E H Walton Group 1845 to 1995 Collins, Kathy: Cathy's Complete Carob Cook Book
Searle, Scott Rev: A Son of the Soil Fitzgerald, Penelope: Offshore Simonis, Peet: Ruimte vir Jesus in die Media
Brink, André P: Parys-Parys : Retoer Godley, John, R. (Ed.): Letters from Early New Zealand by Charlotte Godley: 1850 - 1853 Everard, John: Second Sitting: Another Artist's Model
Major 19th & 20th Century Watercolours & Drawings Nordlinger, Jay: Here, There & Everywhere: Collected Writings of Jay Nordlinger Minnaar, Dana Ds. (Voorwoord): Die Wonder van Sy Wee
Powys, Llewelyn: Rats In The Sacristy Hattle, James: 'Neath the Tower Part two Only Parish, J R: Ann Harding
Spillane, Mickey: The Long Wait Lanham & Willmore: The 1820 Settlers of Sevenfountains & Salem A Cookery Book Of Home Recipes In aid of The Governor General's National War Fund
Review 2011 - Strauss & Co Kelland, Clarence Budington: This Is My Son Shuman, R. Baird: William Inge
Steinman, Wiliams S. ; Stevens, Wendelle C: UFO Crash at Aztec: A Well Kept Secret Bijbel, dat is De Gansche Heilige Schrift, vervattende al de kanonije boeken des Ouden en Nieuwen Testaments, door last van de Hoog-Mog. Heerden Staten-Generaal Der Vereeningde Nederlanden en volgens het besluit van de Synode Nationaal, gehouden te Dordrecht, in de jaren MDCXVIII en MDCXIX, uit de oorspronkelijke talen in onze Nedelandsche Getrouwelijk overgezet Greig, George: Facts connected with the stopping of the South African Commercial Advertiser : a facsimile reproduction of the original handbill and its first postcript together with a transcription of the subsequent postscripts
Giliomee, Hermann [Compiler]; Mbenga, Bernard [Compiler];: New History of South Africa Cooper, Linda ; Kaplan, Dave (Eds): Reform and Response : Selected Research Papers on Aspects of Contemporary South Africa Dhupelia-Mestrie, Uma: Gandhi's Prisoner?: The Life of Gandhi's Son Manilal
Rahlwes, F (Ed): Die Bücher der Bibel - Band 1 Barnes, Pamela: Charles Jasper Selwyn : "Where Duty Leads" - Officer Commanding Royal Enginners, Graham's Town, 1834-1842 Kellogg, J.H: The Home Hand-Book of Domestic Hygiene and Rational Medicine
d'Assonville, VE: Kruger & Rhodes van Jameson tot Milner (1895 - 1899) Aucamp, L: Filling in the Silhouette : Cuds from the Kruger National Park Cook, Jimmy; Cleary, Frederick: The Jimmy Cook Story
Carruthers, Vincent: Fauna und Flora im Sudlichen Afrika Buzan, Tony: The Speed Reading Book Shark, Peter: Swaziland : Shared Secrets
Lighthouses of South Africa Waters, John W (producer): Springbok Challenge - Book One : A Pictorial Record of the 1965 Springbok Tour of New Zealand U Thant ; Resha, Robert ; Zupnick, Dr E ; Reeves, Bishop A ; Benson, Mary et al: Objective : Justice - January 1970 Vol 2 No 1 : Special Issue on Apartheid
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