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Venter, F. A: Die koning se wingerd (Afrikaans Edition) Pretorius, Dirk J.J: In The Days of the Settlers Wagenaar, Dr L H: Van Strijd en Overwinning : De groot Synode van 1618 op '19, en wat aan haar voorafging. Voor he Christelijk Volk beschreven
Strydom, dr C J Scheepers: Held van Colenso : Die verhaal van genl. Louis Botha (S A Galery 9) Lochner, Myra: Die 10 Heuwel-Reuse van Heroldsbaai Holt, Basil: Joseph Williams and the Pioneer Mission to the South-Eastern Bantu
Sandy, A.H: Dictionary of Engineering and Machine Shop Terms Lloyd, Angela Read: Bridging The Divide: The Story of a Boer-Brittish Family Haydon, Arthur Lincoln (Ed) ; Bastin, S Leonard ; Batten, H Mortimer ; Blake, Paul ; Boyle, F Whelan ; Burgess, Fred W ; Cooper, A B ; Corbin, T W ; Edmonds, Fred. ; Edwards, R W K ; Ellis, Frank ; Gard, Lillian ; Gilson, Capt, Charles L ; Gordon, W J ; Hawkes, W J ; Horden, H F ; Hunt, Rev K R G ; Johnson, V E ; Knight, Arthur Lee ; Lea, John ; Leigh, Felix ; Nendick, Victor R ; Pocock, D A ; Pontin, George ; Raife, Raymond ; Roberts, John ; Simpson, A Nicol ; Stow, Edith ; Thoburn-Clarke, L B ; Vivian, E Charles ; Wade, George A ; Wheeler-Holohan, V ; Wilbar, Lincoln ; Wood, J Claverdon ; Young, Major Charles: The Boy's Own Annual - Volume 38 - 1915-1916
Eshmade, Liz ; Runciman, Mary ; Drury, John ; Drury, Lorraine: Monumental Inscriptions : Cemetries in and around 1820 British Settler Country, Eastern Cape Flacci, Q. Horati; E. C. Wickham [Editor]; H. W. Garrod [Editor];: Opera Achterberg, Gerrit: Voorbij De Laatste Stad
Twee Nederlandse Novellen: Ina Boudier-Bakker De Straat, Augusta De Wit Orpheus In De Dessa Van der Merwe, C. P.; Kempen, W: Ons Moedertaal: Volgens die leerplanne van Afrikaans as Eerste Taal in die vier provinsies Spicer, Michael ; Huggett, P S ; Sutton, J Keith ; Mitchell, Dr F K: Prince Alfred's Guard : Centenary of First Battle Honour December 2, 1877 - Centenary of The Battle of Umzintzani
Seredy, Kate: Die Wit Hert Van Biljon, Elizabeth: Andre P Brink et le "Nouveau Roman" Francais Kennedy, Adam: Somebody Else's Wife
Brecht, Bertolt; Vesey, Desmond I.; Isherwood, Christopher (translators): Threepenny Novel Allix, Hereward: In the Face of the Enemy Loeve, Annalese (Senior Huishoudkundige): Verrig Wonders met Piesangs
Singh Ji, Huzur Maharaj Sawan: Spiritual Gems Cochrane, Robert: The English Explorers : Travels of Mandeville, Bruce, Park, Livingstone Kiessler, Bernd-Wilfried: Skoda - Zukunft durch Tradition - Skoda nimmt unbestritten einen bedeutenden und besondren Platz in der Automobilgeschichte ein. Der Mythos der Marke gründet im Einfallsreichtum, der ingeniösen Kunst und der legendären handwerklichen Begabung der Tscheden, die seit hundert Jahren viel Bemerkenswertes aud die Räder gestellt haben. Diese Fähigkeiten sind aktuell, lebendig und jung gelieben
A Century of Mechanical Engineering 1892 - 1992 Lunn, Helen (compiler and editor): Profiles of Africa : Vol III Cruickshanks, Piers: Confluence: My journey beyond the River with Siseko Ntondini
Gunn, Shirley and Tal, Mary-Magdelene (editors): Torn Apart Thirteen Refugees Tell Their Stories LOW, Rosemary: Parrots in aviculture: a photo reference guide Van Den Heever, C. M: Verhalende Gedigte
Steenberg, David H: Sestigerproblematiek : Aanleiding tot 'n Christelike Literatuurbeskouing en Kritiek : Proefskrif voorgelê ter gedeeltelike nakoming van die vereistes vir die graad D. Litt (Afrikaans-Nederlands) aan die Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys Steenberg, Elsabe: Die Moerasloper Von Wielligh, G.R: Dierestories
Dafaranos, Eyvah T: Maharani's Letters - A cycle of poems Groenewald, Coen: Bannelinge Oor Die Oseaan: Boere-krygsgevangenes 1899 - 1902 Brink, Andre P: Bakkies en sy Maats: Platsak
Hulme, Kathryn: The Nun's Story Personeelregulasies, Polisieregulasies, Personeelregulasies vir die Lugdiens, Verkiesingsregulasies van die Tugappèlraad Maharaj, Sri Swami Chidanandaje: An Apostle of India's Spiritual Culture
Franklin, Alfred White: Child Abuse Hahlo, H R ; Kahn, Ellison ; Keeton, George W (Gen. Ed): The Union of South Africa - The Development of its Laws and Constitution (The British Commonwealth - The Development of its Laws and Constitution, Vol 5) Vinkenoog, Simon: Aan het Daglicht
Goldsack, Paul [Editor]: Jane's World Railways and Rapid Transit Systems 1976 : The world wide survey of railway operation and equipment Burgoyne, Marianne Harding (poems): Into the Okavango : The Africa Poems and Photographs Roderigues, Jan: The Silent Heroes of the African Bush : A collection of true, hair-raising stories the rangers would rather forget . (Revised Edition)
Sarles, Marina Gottlieb: The Last Daughter of Prussia Marais, David: Out of this World Kaplan, Jonathan: Contact Wounds
Langenhoven, C J: Aan Stille Waters Thorpe, C: Settlers Church Port Alfred Van Aswegen;Nel;Oosthuizen & Van Rensburg: Begripstoetse; Vir Standerds IX En X Afrikaans Hoer Graad
Steenkamp, W.P. [Editor]: Die Reenboom (Afrikaans Edition) Jansens, J.G: De Spiegel Der Eeuwen 2 Puzo, Mario: The Fortunate Pilgrim
Van der Merwe, C. P.; Kempen, W. ; Meyer, S: Ons Moedertaal: Volgens die leerplanne van die vier provinsies : Onderwysersuitgawe The Lions Souvenir Book of Uitenhage Carey, James J: Virgil Aeneid 3
Davidson, Basil: No Fist Is Big Enough to Hide the Sky: The Liberation of Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde : Aspects of an African Revolution Frawley, John: The Horary Textbook Frawley, John: The Real Astrology Applied
Frawley, John: The Real Astrology Leven, Margaret Noelle: The Cosmic Rainbow Boshoff, P.H: Small Boat Navigation, Boatmanship and Survival at Sea
The Sunday at Home Family Magazine for Sabbath Reading 1891-2 Du Plessis, I.D: Kwatryne Air Navigation Regulations 1976 / Lugvaartregulasies 1976
Hand, Robert: Planets in Transit Frawley, John: Sports Astrology Du Plessis, I. D: In die Sabie: n Hekeldig
Jeffery, Anthea: From Myths to Modernity : the story of blood transfusion in South Africa Brennan, Frank: The Man and Other Short Stories Macgregor, Mary: The Story of Rome from the earliest times to the death of Augustus. Told to boys and girls by Mary Macgregor
Edwards, Gareth ; Bills, Peter: Gareth Edwards: The Autobiography Wickins, Liz & Mike: Whispers from the Depths : the Kariba Story Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba ; Kasturi, N. (Translator): The Rama Story (Stream of Sacred Sweetness) Ramakatha Rasavahini
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