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Gordimer, Nadine: Jump and Other Stories The Charter and By-Laws of the Corporation of the Governor and Directors of the Hospital for Poor French Protestants and Their Descendants Residing in Great Britain van Tonder, Robert: Ons Diaspora
Kruger, Paul (as told by himself to.); Bredell, H C and Grobler, Piet: The Memoirs of Paul Kruger (Two volumes published in One) Schoonraad, Murray ; Schoonraad, Elzab?: Battiss in the Hadhramaut: Sketches of Southern Arabia Malan, Jacques (compiler): Die Malan - Gedenkboek - Uitgegee deur die Malandag-Komitee gestig op 15 September 1951 onder voorsitterskap van Prof Dr A I Malan, LV, en onder beskerming van Dr Die Ed. D F Malan, Eerste Minister van die Unie van Suid-Afrika by die geleentheid van die Malan-Saamtrekke wat op 6 Oktober 1951 deur die hele Suid-Afrika plaasvind
Pohl,Victor: Bushveld Adventures Bradley, H. Dennis: Towards the Stars Van Huyssteen, Ters; Meiring, Hannes: Foot-Loose In Stellenbosch: A guide for walkers
Holliday, Clayton S: Victoria And After: Art and Decoration in Britain 1850-1910 ( King George VI Art Gallery) Whitwell, Lesley: The Stolen Mealies: An African folk-tale Hunt, Keith and Bryer, Lynne: The 1820 Settlers
Oosthuizen, A. J: The law of succession (Juta's legal guide series) Segal, Helen & Swift, Mark: Mantis Editions of Southern African Poets 5 & 6 Chalmers, Thomas: Sermons Preached in ST. John's Church, Glasgow
Irving, David: Die Tragodie der Deutschen Luftwaffe: Aus den Akten und Erinnerungen von Feldmarschall Milch (German) Chipkin, Ivor: Do South Africans Exist?: Nationalism, Democracy and the Identity of 'the People' Lee, Ismay: El Paso Gold
Mgxashe, Mxolisi 'Bra Ace': Are You With Us?: The Story Of A Pac Activist de Villiers, I. L: Die goeie sal lewe Okereke, Kenneth: Freedom From Poverty
Du Toit, S. J: Die Koningin van Skeba Carpe Diem Christian School Sieze The Day Recipes Mrs. Eiloart: Cris Fairlie's Boyhood : A Tale of an Old Town
Maugham, R C F: Wild Game in Zambezia Alberts, Paul (Photography): Lighting Up South Africa : A Century of Electricity Serving Humankind Hulpboek vor Boere in Suid-Afrika - Vol 1 : Landbou en Verwante Dienste
Hulpboek vor Boere in Suid-Afrika - Vol 2 : Akkerbou en Tuinbou Stokes, C S: And the Laity Laughed : A Harvest of Humour from Pulpit and Parish Shields, Graham: Port Elizabeth Tramways 1879 - 1979
Senn, C. Herma: Recherche Entrees : A Collection of the Latest and Most Popular Dishes Carter, Nick: The Arm'd Rhinoceros Heath, Duane & Warren: Springbok Kitchen: Celebrating the Love of Food, Family and Rugby
de Kock, Dani?l: Dani?l se Uitsoek Resepte - Tygerberg Hospice (Hierdie Resepteboek word Spesiaal opgedra aan die Tygerberg Hospice en aan almal wat deur die jar 'n bydrae gelewer het aan Tygerberg Hospice) Tried and Tested Recipes Farrarmere Primary 25th Anniversary Recipe Book
Viljoen, Fanie: Prooi Camp, Nottens Bush: There's a Hyena in my Kitchen Turner, Ethel: The Story of a Baby
Yeld, John: The Table Mountain Fund Lovett, John: Contact: A tribute to those who serve Rhodesia Arwani ; Talbot, Jennifer (eds): The Long Road to Democracy : A Photographic Journey of the Civil Society Movement in Indonesia 1965-2001 / Jalan Panjang Menuju Demokrasi : Buku Foto Gerakan Masyarakat Sipit di Indonesia 1965-2001
Boshoff, P. H: Duikavonture Kloppers, Gysbert; Fourie, Louis: Namibie: Katrolsingverhale En Hengelgids (Afrikaans Edition) Kaplan, Rabbi Aryeh; Sutton, Abraham (ed): Innerspace: Introduction to Kabbalah, Meditation and Prophecy
Alexander, F.L: Art in South Africa : painting , sculpture and graphic work Since 1900 / Kuns in Suid-Afrika Murray, Yvonne: Pride Of The Cob: More than 120 tested recipes for all occasions Harris, Captain W Cornwallis ; Tabler, Edward C (intro) ; Liversidge, Richard (Zoological note): Portraits of the game & wild animals of Southern Africa (facsimile reprint of 1840/41 edition)
Lubavich Women's Organization: A Candle of my Own : Thoughts on Shabbos Candles by Girls Who Light Them Trowski, Albin: My Manchester Farson, Negley: Transgressor in the Tropics
Ajar, Emile: Momo Grove, Henriette: Toe hulle die vierkleur op rooigrond gehys het: Drama in drie afleweringe (Afrikaans Edition) de Waal, J. H. H: Johannes Van Wyk 'n Historiese Roman
Oslo Radhus : Oslo Town Hall - Das Rathaus Zu Oslo / L'Hotel De Ville D'Oslo Greenfield, Richard: Ethiopia : A New Political History Tweedy, Owen: By The Way Sahara
van Waart, Sue: The Hell: Valley of the Lions du Toit, SJ: Whale Capital Chronicles 1 Louw, W. E. G: Standpunte 90
Moll, Peter; Nattrass, Nicoli; Loots, Lieb (editors): Redistribution: How can it work in South Africa? Turquan, Joseph: La Reine Hortense Jones Rufus.M: New Studies In Mystical Religion
Niebuhr, Hermann: Mine Campbell, Roy: The Mamba's Precipice Scholtz, Jan: DIe Man Sonder Skaduwee
Crampton, Hazel: The Sunburnt Queen Doan's Book on Moderation, Cheerfulness, and other Long Life Laws Goodwin, A. J. H: A Handbook To The Collections Of Stone Implements
Adey, David; Beeton, Ridley; Chapman, Michael; Pereira, Ernest [Editors];: Companion to South African English Literature Botha, Amanda: Marjorie Wallace: Drif En Vreugde Die Geskiedenis van die Christendom
Schindler, Hanns-Michael (ed): SWA : Tourist Guide / Toeristegids / Touristenf?hrer Wynne, Norman: Facts on Sharks NBRI Researchers. J. Morris (Director): Low-cost housing (NBRI special report)
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