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Brink, Andr? P: Orde en Chaos : 'n studie oor Germanicus en die tragedies van Shakespeare Malherbe, Marie: Russiese Legendes en Volksverhale Monaghan, Mary: Who Do You Belong To?
Aitmatov, Chinghis: The Time to Speak Out Rainier, Margaret ; Theron, Marie L ; McDowall, M ; Bailie, L H ; Porter, A ; Hunt, Keith ; Rennie, J L V ; Webster, Enid ; Basson, A S ; Tonkin, A H ; Martin, Edith H ; Cory, C G A: Grahamstown Historical Society : Annals 1973 : Vol 1 No 3 Derbyshire, Dr Deric: A horse named Sheldon and a church named St Peter's
Davenport, T. R. H ; Hunt, Keith: The Right To the Land; (Documents on Southern African history) Versfeld, Dr M (Hon Editor): The Journal of The Mountain Club of South Africa - being number forty-five for the year 1942 Versfeld, Dr M (Hon Editor): The Journal of The Mountain Club of South Africa - being number forty-six for the year 1943
Rhoodie, Denys: Conspirators in Conflict Hawker, Lt Col P: Instructions to Young Sportsmen in all that relates to Guns and Shooting Laqueur, Walter: Russia and Germany : A Century of Conflict
Mann, Walther (compiler and editor): Erinnerungen an Odrau : Erlebnisse in einer kleiner Stadt im Sudetenland vor und nach Zweiten Weltkrieg Practical Automobile Engineering Terblanche, H J: Regte Afrikaans : 'n Alfabetiese naslaanboek van problematiese Afrikaanse woorde, uitdrukkings, gesegdes en aktuele taalvraagstukke
Miles, Elza: Die W?reld van Jean Welz Letty, Cythna: Children of the Hours : Indigenous plants with peculiar habits - drawings, paintings and poems by Paustovsky, Konstantin ; Harari, Manya and Duncan, Michael (transls): Story of a Life
Die Provinsie Transvaal : Buitengewone Offisi?le Koerant / The Province of Transvaal : Official Gazette Extraordinary - Vol CXXVIII, Pretoria, 12 Januarie / 12 January - No 2114 Fagan, Gawie ; Fagan, Gwen: Church Street in the Land of Waveren Souvenir Brochure of Paintings - Pierneef : The South African Railways' Pierneef Paintings
Bekker, Martin: Gregoire Boonzaier Levinson, Olga ; Meinert, Monica ; B?ttner, H D: Adolph Jentsch Rothmann, Anna ; Warner, John: Overberg
Fisher, Angela: Africa Adorned Paroz,R.A: Elements Of Southern Sotho Bouwer, Alba: Alba Bouwer-omnibus : Stories van Rivierplaas ; Nuwe Stories van Rivierplaas ; Stories van Ruyswyck
Petersen, S.V: Die Kinders van Kain Van Wyk Louw, N. P: Asterion Svevo, Italo; Johnson, B. [Translator]; Furbank, P. N. [Translator];: Further Confessions of Zeno (The Uniform edition of Svevo's works, vol. 5)
Pereira, Michael: Masquerade Chase, James Hadley: Have This One On Me Van Wyk Louw, N. P: Opstelle Oor Ons Ouer Digters
Postma, Dr F: Beknopte Woordeboek : Latyn-Afrikaans / Afrikaans-Latyns - 2 Volumes Van Wyk Louw, N. P: Lewenslyn Cloete, Theunis Theodorus: N. P. van Wyk Louw: 11 junie 1906-18 junie 1970 (Skrywers in beeld) (Afrikaans Edition)
Platter, John: John Platter's New Book of South African Wines 1983 Van Wyk Louw, N. P: Drie Hoorspele Venter, Peet: Plasenta
Muller, Petra: Om die gedagte van geel M.E.R: 'n Kosbare erfenis: Briewe 1916-1975 (Afrikaans Edition) Grey, Zane: Thieves' Canyon
Gair, Malcom: A Long Hard Look Van Wyk Louw, N. P: Die Pluimsaad Waai Ver M.E.R: Die Gewers
Hurter, L.R: Veeartsenykunde vir die Praktiese Boer Gray, Berkeley: Nightmare House Gray, Berkeley: Conquest In The Underworld
Chase, James Hadley: The Double Shuffle Chase, James Hadley: Vulture is a Patient Bird Nel, Dr Malan: Van Pa tot Seun
Aucamp, Hennie: n Baksel in die More Handbook of National Technical Courses, Syllabuses and Examinations for Full-Time Students 1963 Downing, John A: The i.t.a. Reading Experiment
Gibson, J T R: Wille's Principles of South African Law Sixth Edition Pearse, H H S: Four Months Besieged Handboek vir die Matrikulasie-Eksamen 1966
Zur Strassen, H W: Game Trails in S.W.A Melville Koppies Nature Reserve Guide Book and Supplement Wolmarans, Vera: Uit die Trane van Gister
Murray, M I: Wit water se Mense Roux, Anthonie P: Rebellie sonder Gewere Du Toit, Chris: Draai sy nek om
Cape Town: The Open Universities in South Africa and Academic Freedom 1957 - 1974 Redelinghuys, H J M: Die Uiterste Draai Latsky, Lulu: Spinnekop - Streke
Albrecht, Frieda: Lisette se Oorwinning Hendriks, Hermie: Liefde Sonder More Serfontein, E: Los - Hande En Ander Verhale
Nienaber, Dr. G.S: Klaas Waarzegger se Zamenspraak en Brieve Uit 1861 Holmes, Harold: Religious Education in the State School Davis, S: 1969 SWA Annual Jaarboek Jahrbuch
Hughes, Laurence: Johannesburg the Cosmopolitan City Etosha and the Kaokoveld Pienaar, T.C: Verlate Vlaktes
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