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Arey, Leslie Brainerd: Developmental Anatomy : a textbook and laboratory manual of embryology Joseph, Joanne: Dwelmslagoffer: 16 Jaar in 'n Thai-tronk (Afrikaans Edition) M'Leod / McLeod / MacLeod, Donald: Gloomy Memories in the Highlands of Scotland versus Mrs Harriet Beecher Stowe's Sunny Memories in (England) a Foreign Land or a Faithful Picture of the Extirpation of the Celtic Race
Yates, Dornford: The Courts of Idleness Gutsche, Hugo et al: Die F.A.K. Volksangbundel Malkin, Bill: It's a Fact
Hele, Hazel: Cooking for Cheats Yates, Dornford: As Other Men Are Farrant, Rose: Dine with Me
Ledwidge, Francis & O'Meara, Liam: The Complete Poems Deane, Sonia: The Burnt Offering The Salvation Army Year Book 1970
Mee, Arthur: Jesus Said The Salvation Army Year Book 1952 The Salvation Army Year Book 1961
Smith, J Allister: A Zulu Apostle Voke, H A: The Saving of the Soul Player, Gary: Golf Begins at Fifty
Spiro, Lesley: The South African Housekeepers Cookbook English and Sesotho Grobbbelaar, B G: Enlightened Humanism The Official Racing Calendar from 1st August 1939 to 31st July 1940 Races Past
Dallas, W S: Loudon's Natural History Timbs, John: London and Westminster Vol I & II Otto, Gawie J: My Heideblommetjie
Nienaber, P J: M H Neser se Novelles, Verhale en Gedigte Little, Frances: The Lady Married Lorenzi, Lorenzo: Witches
A Concise Guide to the Loerie Awards 2006 Lofting, Hugh: Doctor Dolittle's Garden Malory, Thomas: The Book of Sir Galahad and the Achievement of the Adventure of the Sancgreal
Nove-Josserand, Fabien: My Life With Alphonse : Living with HIV Mulder, Pieter: Kan Afrikaners Toyi-toyi? (Afrikaans Edition) Vivekananda ,Swami: The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda - Mayavati Memorial Edition - Volume IV
Vivekananda ,Swami: The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda - Mayavati Memorial Edition - Volume VII Smith, R.C: Rhodesia : A Postal History :- Its Stamps, Posts & Telegraphs Smith, J.L.B. ; Smith, Margaret (illus): Smith's Sea Fishes
Dissel, Philippa (Ed): Zebra Register of South African Artists and Galleries 2002 Vivekananda ,Swami: The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda - Mayavati Memorial Edition - Volume VIII Vivekananda, Swami: The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda - Mayavati Memorial Edition
Blignaut, JJG and Furter, FJJ (part 1) ; Savage, WHD (part II): The Northern Natal Coal-Field (Area No. 2) The Utrecht-Newcastle Area : Coal Survey Memoir 2 : Part 1 - Geological, Part II - Chemical and Physical The 50 Most Outstanding South African Advertisements of the Past 3.625 Years (selected by a strictly impartial panel of AE & CI judges) Podhajsky, Alois ; PodhaJsky (trans): My Horses, My Teachers
Axelrod, Cyril: And the Journey Begins William Frederick Rhodes, Isidor Gordon, Israel Gordon, Reuben Turner, Robert Albert Turner: Medical Jurisprudence Villiers, Bertus de: Birth of a Constitution
Mike Nicol: Payback Wiechers, Marinus: South African Political Terms Moore, David (ed): The World Bank: Development, Poverty, Hegemony
Dissel, Philippa (Ed): Zebra Register of South African Artists and Galleries 2001 Lloyd, R. Ian; Elias, Steve: Hunter Valley - Australian Wine Regions Oliphant, Andries Walter[ed]: The Change of seasons & other stories
Moodley, Praba: A Scent So Sweet Fraser, Michael; McMahon , Liz: A Fynbos Year Acocks, J. P. H: Veld Types Of South Africa; Botanical Survey Of South Africa Memoir No. 28
Bayley, Viola: The Wings of the Morning Malherbe, E G: Offisiele Jaarboek van die Unie van Suid-Afrika en van Basoetoland, Betsjoeanaland-protektoraat en Swaziland Trekkers Gids - Die Staatsbiblioteek / The State Library Pretoria Herdrukke / Reprints No. 43
5 Pintores Espanoles, 5 Peintres Espagnols, 5 Spanish Painters, 5 Spanische Maler : El Greco, Ribera, Velazques, Murillo, GoyaI Burnett, Pat: The Bathurst Faeries and Their Friends Attwood, Bruce (publisher): Art - The Independent Review - No.1 Dec '87
Handbook for South Africans visiting London 1935 The Golden Jubilee of Parliament 1924 - 1974 - . to commemorate Fifty Years of Parliamentary Government in Rhodesia Caldecott, Randolph: Randolph Caldecott's "Graphic" Pictures
Bohannan, Paul: Justice & Judgment Among the TIV Phelan, Jim: The Name's Phelan; The First Part of the Autobiography of Jim Phelan Nkonki, Sinovuyo: Crooked Halo
Wilkins, Vaughan: Being Met Together Metzger, Fritz: Narro & His Clan Pickthall, Marmaduke: The Children of the Nile
George, Brenda: Falling Leaves & Mountain Ashes; The Story of a Mountain Langenhoven, C J: Versamelde Werke : Deel X [Ons Weg Deur die Wereld ; Die Opraende Pad] Mollo, J. K: Diplomacy protocol: With focus on multi-cultural new South Africa
Hartman, Rodney ; Mandela, Nelson (foreword): Ali Bacher Biography: The Life of Ali Bacher Rothmann, Anna: Overberg Die Berymde Psalms - in gebruik by die Gefedereerde Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika (t.w. die Ned. Geref. Kerk in Suid-Afrika, Die Ned. Geref. Kerk in die O.V.S., Die Ned. Geref. Kerk van Natal en die Ned. Herv. of Geref. Kerk van Suid-Afrika), die Nederduits Hervormde Kerk van Afrika en die Gereformeerde Kerk, sam met die - Evangeliese Gesange in gebruik by die Gefedereerde Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika (t.w. die Ned. Geref. Kerk in Suid-Afrika, die Ned. Geref. Kerk in the O.V.S., die Ned. Geref. Kerk van Natal en die Ned. Herv. of Geref. Kerk van Suid-Afrika) en die Nederduits Hervormde Kerk van Afrika
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