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Barrett, Unwin S & Johnston, J H O: The Aeneid of Vergil van den Heever, Maura: Die Wit Lag Roux, Sophie: Smarag en Robyn
Horticulture A Guide to Amateurs Worsfold, W Basil: Palestine of the Mandate Beukes, Jan: Die Bruid van Paradysvlei
de Haan, Merle et al: The Health of Southern Africa Prinsloo, Ivor: Isiili sam sise Afrika Volume 2 Number 1 July 1978 A Journal of Architecture and Human Settlements Herbst, Anri: Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa Volume 1 2004
Hatton, Claire Louise: You Have Control! Being a Better Flying Instructor du Plessis, I D: Die Springbok 'n Rugby Verhaal Stander, Elizabeth: Die Huis Langsaan
Fraser, E J M: Merk van Kain Herselmann, Tom: Moord op 'n Afstand Darwin, Charles: The Origin of Species
The Splendour of Sathya Sai Cameron, Sheila & Luiz, John: The Management Handbook Hawkes, Chris: Cricket World Cup 2007 Guide
Heenk, Liesbeth: Howard Hodgkin the complete prints Hofer, Candida: The Louvre Satrapi, Marjane: Embroideries
Rose, F Horace: Bruid van die Kaliharie van der Linde, Jan H: In die Huis op die Koppie Theron, Miemie-Louw: Op Eie Wieke
Hugo, Patrick: Katerina and Her Dolphins of Destiny Waberi, Abdourahman et al: Emergency Myers, Anne: Mind over Mass
Meintjies, Louisa: Fyn Goud Sachs, Joseph: Beauty and the Jew Joubert, J.D: The Leaders of South Africa
Randles, M: For Ever : An Essay on Eternal Punishment Keene, John: South Africa in World War II: A pictorial history Crump, Alan: Public sculpture & reliefs : Cape Town
Bula, Maurice: Grand Prix Motorcycle Championships of the World 1949 - 1975 Nyren, Penny (Editor): Dreaming of Freedom : The Story of Robben Island Bond, Pauline ; Goldblatt, Peter: Plants of the Cape flora: A descriptive catalogue (Journal of South African botany, supplimentary volume 13)
Swartz, Leslie: Able-Bodied: Scenes from a Curious Life West, Nicholas: Absence of Innocence Van Zyl, D.J: Langeberg
Borman, Martie (compiler); Clarkson, Anne (Transl); Plessis, Shirley du (sub-editor): Die Kaaplandse Onderwysdepartement / The Cape Education Department 1839 - 1989 de Vries, J; Toenniessen, Gary: Securing the Harvest: Biotechnology, Breeding and Seed Systems for African Crops du Toit, Alex L: The Geology of South Africa
Department of Agriculture, Pretoria: Handbook for Farmers in South Africa - volume 1: Agriculture and Related Services Rego, A. da Silva ; Burke, E. E. (eds): Documentos Sobre Os Portugueses em Mocambique e na Africa Centra 1497 - 1840 / Documents on the Portuguese in Mozambique and Central Africa 1497 - 1840 VOL. VIII (1561 - 1588) Chilvers, Hedley A: The Seven Wonders of Southern Africa
Geyser, prof dr. O (compiler): Dr H F Verwoerd die Republikein - Hoofartikels uit die Transvaler 1937-1848 Griffiths, Maurice: Little Ships and Shoal Waters: Designing, Building and Sailing Shoal Draught Cruising Yachts . With a Cruise or Two in Both Blue and Sandy Waters Hall, A. Vine: Poems Of A South African
Hathorn, Peter and Young, Amy: Henderson Heritage - Being a Record of Some Episodes in the Life of Joseph Henderson, the Founder of a Family in Natal and of his Wife and Their Children McGee, Charlene E: Tuskegee Airman ; The Biography of Charles E. McGee ; Air Force Fighter Combat Record Holder Reisenberger, Azila Talit: The Other Booker Prize; Memoir of a fictitious character
Seaton, A.E: The Screw Propeller and Other Competing Instruments for Marine Propulsion Caldwell, Erskine: All Night Long Marketos, Paul: Malachite: A Journey in Africa
Kersh, Cyril: The Aggravations of Minnie Ashe Birns, Linden (Ed.): Air Report 1995 Simenon, Georges: Simenon: Les Noces de Poitiers, Le Rapport du Gendarme, G7 (Le grand langoustier - La nuit des sept minutes - L'enigme de la Marie-Galante)
Simenon, Georges: Simenon : La Veuve Couderc, Le Coup de Vague, Les Desmoiselles de Concarneau, Le Fils Cardinaud Von Breitenbach, Friedrich: Nasionale lys van inheemse bome (Afrikaans Edition) de Noordt, Egmont: Kaapse Vrybuiter
Carcasson, R. H: Collins Handguide to the Butterflies of Africa Eriksson, Gillian I: Reflections on Giftedness : A Guide for Students, Parents and Teachers Lindsay-Carnegie, Agnes and Macdonald, Jane C. C. (Salmond, J B - editor): The Muster Roll of Angus - South African War 1899 - 1900 A Record and a Tribute
Maurier, Daphne du: Jamaica Inn Fearnside, William Gray and Tombleson, William: Eighty Views on the Thames - Tombleson's Thames Thorley, Wilfrid: The Londoner's Chariot
Barrett, Sir William and Besterman, Theodore: The Divining Rod - An Experimental and Psychological Investigation Stockenstrom, Eric: Vrystelling van die Slawe Patrick, Mason M: The United States in the Air
Doyle, Martin: Martin Doyle - 11th November 1948 - 17th January 1997 : a collection of his poems and drawings published in celebration of Martin's 50th birthday November 1998 Atwell, Mabel Lucie: Lucie Atwell's Annual - Hullo! Here We Are Again! Mays, Raymond (May, Dennis - ed): Split Seconds - My Racing Years
Nicolas, J B ; Corvo, Frederic Baron (transl); Heron-Allen, Edward (editor, notes by, introduction by); Carr, Hamzeh (illus): The Rubaiyat of 'Umar Khaiyam Gordon, Charles: i remember Bruwer, Marlena: Die Ander Vrou
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