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Holman, H: A Handy Book for Shipowners and Masters Fisher, Roger C.; le Roux, Schalk; Mare, Estelle (eds): Architecture of the Transvaal Cocks, Chris: Survival Course
Morris, Michael: Terrorism The First Full Account in Detail of Terrorism and Insurgency in Southern Africa Gerber, Hilda & Hall, Lynn Bedford: Cape Cookery Old and New Hanneman, L J: Bakery Bread and Fermented Goods
Henning, Nan: n Lied deur die Jare Clewes, Dorothy: A Boy Like Walt Eloff-van der Walt, Ella: Tersia
Nel, Herman F B: .En Die Uitnemendste Daarvan Marais, Esther: Estelle Pienaar, T C: En die Tweede
Kuhn, S: Spaarsin as Skoolvak Warder, Marie: Niemand So Blind van der Merwe, H W: Opdraandes
Schoeman, P J: Mboza die Swazi Fourie, Nellis: Modder aan Sy Skoene van der Post, Johann: n Vrou Het Geweet
Steenkamp, F J: Ou Paaie Preston, Mark: Held van My Hart Gage, Joe & Beau: Beaumen2
Wright, Billy: Billy Wright's Book of Soccer No. 1 Stiff, Peter: Cry Zimbabwe Independence Twenty Years On Behrens, Louise: Erfenis van Onheil
van der Walt, Ella Eloff: Op 'n Vinnige Wolk Weber, Tom: Eendag is Eendag van der Berg, Willem: n Profeet in die Boland
Tolstoi, Leo: Elf Verhale Le Roux, Braam: Hoonlag van die Duiwel Koch, Charlotte: Nooit Sterf Die Droom
Redelinghuys, H J M: Uit Al My Bande Theron, Johan: Ek Is die Skuldenaar Lotz, Anna S: Maliti
Nienaber: Die Afrikaanse Dier Verhaal De Villiers, P: Nag op die Duine Holt, Dave: Balanced Bowhunting II
Myerson, Laurence: Hijackings, Burglaries and Serious Crimes Ball, Kenneth: Golf N, L, 1100, 1974-76 Autobook Clayton, Michael: Jeep
Cameron, Trewhella (editor-in-chief); Spies, S. B. (Advisory Editor): Nuwe Geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika in Woord en Beeld Burchell, E.M.; Hunt, P.M.A: South African Criminal Law and Procedure (formerly Gardiner and Lansdown): General Principles of Criminal Law v. 1 McWhirter, Norris & Ross; Rosenthal, Eric: The Guinness Book of Records, 1969 (with South African records)
Huysamer, M & Basson, I (editorial staff): The Johannian - The Magazine of St John's College, Johannesburg Vol XVI, No. 12, Record of the Year 2009 Toerien, Susan (ed): Kingsleigh Cooks Shimoni, Gideon: Community and Conscience: The Jews in Apartheid South Africa
Grobler, Douwlina: Liewe Boet Leveson, Marcia (ed): The Vita Anthology of New South African Short Fiction Tom Learmont: Light Across Time
ALLAN KOLSKI HORWITZ: Out of the Wreckage: Dream Parables Aleck Goldberg: Profile of a Community: South African Jewry Green, Lawrence G: Great African Mysteries
Malherbe, F.E.J: Afrikaanse Humorverhale Hartman, Wim: Hou Terug die Daeraad Dams of Winners in South Africa
Holscher, Fritz [Editor]: Diamonds in the Dust : Crafting your Future Landscape De Waal, Johan; Currie, Iain; Erasmus, Gerhard: The Bill of Rights Handbook Torres, Liv: Labour Markets in Southern Africa
Kid's Step - by - Step Cookbook Practical Tutor for the Clarinet In The Simple & The Boehm Systems & The Corno di Bassetto Athletics South Africa Handbook 1992/3
Ray, Cyril [editor]: The Compleat Imbiber 12 Atholl, Justin: The Reluctant Hangman : The Story of James Berry, Executioner 1884 - 1892 Dams of Winners in South Africa 1981 - 1986 (8th volume)
Wallett, Jim: Shark Attack and the Treatment of Victims in Southern African Waters Cussons, Gene: Where Vultures Fly Ball, Kenneth: Peugeot 404 1960-74 Autobook (The autobook series of workshop manuals)
Lategan, Hilda: South African Cookbook for Diabetes and Insulin Resistance 1 Human, Annette: Huisgenoot se Wenresepte 3 Human, Annette: Huisgenoot se Wenresepte 2
Oosthuizen, Theuns F.J. [editor]: An Overview of Human Resource Management : A South African Perspective Jardim, Mimi: Cooking the Portuguese Way in South Africa van Rooyen, Piet: Agter 'n Eland Aan (Afrikaans Edition)
De Jager, M: Mind Dynamics: Brain Gym in Your Briefcase Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Lord: Baden-Powell's Scouting for Boys Reed, Gavin (Revised by); Partridge, Craig (Checked by): General and Restricted Aeronautical Radiotelephony Procedures
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