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Pacific Rural Press. Vol. XLVI. No. 16. October 14, 1893 Pacific Rural Press. Vol. XLVI. No. 19. November 4, 1893 Pacific Rural Press. Vol. XLVI. No. 20. November 11, 1893
Pacific Rural Press. Vol. XLVI. No. 27. December 30, 1893 Pacific Rural Press. Vol. XLVII. No. 4. January 27, 1894 Pacific Rural Press. Vol. XLVII. No. 8. February 24, 1894
Original Carbon Typescript of Radio Show: The Fleischmann's Yeast Hour; June 14, 1934 Original Carbon Typescript of Radio Show: The Fleischmann's Yeast Hour; May 31, 1934 Original Carbon Typescript of Radio Show: The Fleischmann's Yeast Hour; May 24, 1934
Original Carbon Typescript of Radio Show: The Fleischmann's Yeast Hour; January 25, 1934 Campbell, Thomas (Editor): Specimens of the British Poets; With Biographical and Critical Notices and an Essay on English Poetry Russell, Charles Edward: Blaine of Maine: His Life and Times
Mackey, Mary: McCarthy's List Stowe, Harriet Beecher: The May Flower and Miscellaneous Writings North Carolina Federation of Women's Clubs; Leavitt, Alga (Mrs. Sturgis Elleno Leavitt; Editor): Stories and Poems from the Old North State
Holmes, Oliver Wendell: The Guardian Angel Smith, F. Hopkinson: The Under Dog Barrie, J. M: The Little White Bird; or, Adventures in Kensington Gardens
Tiernan, Frances Christine (pseudonym: Christian Reid): Morton House. A Novel Bamford, Mary E: Ti: A Story of San Francisco's Chinatown King, Stoddard: Grand Right and Left
California Federation of Women's Clubs: Year-Book of the California Club of California, 1910-1911; Organized December 27, 1897; Incorporated March, 22, 1902; Joined the General Federation of Women's Clubs May, 1898; California Federation of Women's Clubs January, 1900; Local Council of Women 1902 Rotary Clubs of the Twenty-third District: Sixth Annual Conference: Rotary Clubs of the Twenty-third District; Long Beach, California, March 31, April 1-2, 1921 Ladies' Seamen's Friend Society: 48th Annual Report of the Ladies' Seamen's Friend Society of the Port of San Francisco, Cal. For the Year Ending July 31st, 1904
Student Body of Nevada City High School: The Quill: Published Annually by the Student Body, Nevada City High School, Nevada City, California. Volume XX. June 1923 Porter, Rose: The Years That Are Told Porter, Rose: The Winter Fire. A Sequel to "Summer Drift-Wood."
Frederic G. Melcher et al: Frederic G. Melcher: Friendly Reminiscences of a Half Century Among Books and Bookmen Cook, Joseph: Boston Monday Lectures. Conscience, with Preludes on Current Events Faber, Geoffrey: A Publisher Speaking
Willis, N. Parker: Fun-Jottings; or, Laughs I Have Taken a Pen To Cobb, Benjamin F: Tom Clingstone's Letters to the Editor Craddock, Charles Egbert (pseudonym of Mary Murfree): His Vanished Star
Mitchell, S. Weir: The Guillotine Club and Other Stories Addison, Daniel Dulany: Lucy Larcom: Life, Letters, and Diary Wells, Harry L: California
Coffin; Robert P. Tristram: Maine Ballads Finch, Robert; Ratcliff, Nora (Editor): The Teaching of English Series. Nine Western Plays. No. 247 Curtis, George William: Literary and Social Essays
Warner, Anne: Seeing France with Uncle John Hale, Edward Everett, Jr: Dramatists of To-Day: Rostand, Hauptmann, Sudermann, Pinero, Shaw, Phillips, Maeterlick; Being an Informal Discussion of Their Signficant Work Watson, William: Heralds of the Dawn: A Play in Eight Scenes
Dormoy, Marie: La Bibliotheque Litteraire Jacques Doucet: Extrait des Annales de l'Universite de Paris; 12e annee, no. 4. Juillet-Aout 1937. (The Literary Library Jacquest Doucet) Saintsbury, George: Some Recent Studies in English Prosody: From the Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. IX Pacific Rural Press. Vol. XLVII. No. 10. March 10, 1894
Pacific Rural Press. Vol. XLVII. No. 11. March 17, 1894 Pacific Rural Press. Vol. XLVII. No. 12. March 24, 1894 Morse, F. W.; Chapman, A. Scott: University of California. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 71. The Use of Gases Against Scale Insects
Committee on Un-American Activities, U. S. House of Representatives: Proceedings Against James J. Matles. August 10, 1950. 81st Congress, 2d Session. House of Representatives. Report No. 2850 Waller, John Francis: The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore with the Life of the Author Goldberg, Rube: The Rube Goldberg Plan for the Post-War World
Rhein-Panorama von Mainz bis Koln Lea and Febiger: One Hundred and Fifty Years of Publishing, 1785-1935 Hinks, R. P.; Forsdyke, E. J. (Preface): Greek and Roman Portrait-Sculpture
Whittier, John G: Songs of Labor and Other Poems Warner, Charles Dudley: A Little Journey in the World Warner, Charles Dudley; Mabie, Hamilton Wright (Introduction): Fashions in Literature and Other Literary and Social Essays and Addresses
Brown, Charles Brockden: Wieland; or, The Transformation. With a Memoir of the Author Jackson, Helen Hunt: Zeph. A Posthumous Story Green, Henry (pseudonym of Henry Yorke): Loving
Pacific Rural Press. Vol. XLVII. No. 21. May 26, 1894 Pacific Rural Press. Vol. XLVII. No. 22. June 2, 1894 Pacific Rural Press. Vol. XLVII. No. 24. June 16, 1894
Pacific Rural Press. Vol. XLVII. No. 26. June 30, 1894 Pacific Rural Press and California Fruit Bulletin. Vol. XLVIII. No. 1. July 7, 1894 Pacific Rural Press and California Fruit Bulletin. Vol. XLVIII. No. 2. July 14, 1894
Pacific Rural Press and California Fruit Bulletin. Vol. XLVIII. No. 5. August 4, 1894 Pacific Rural Press and California Fruit Bulletin. Vol. XLVIII. No. 6. August 11, 1894 Cobb, Sophia Dickinson: Hillsboro' Farms
Pacific Rural Press and California Fruit Bulletin. Vol. XLVIII. No. 8. August 25, 1894 Pacific Rural Press and California Fruit Bulletin. Vol. XLVIII. No. 9. September 1, 1894 Pacific Rural Press and California Fruit Bulletin. Vol. XLVIII. No. 10. September 8, 1894
Pacific Rural Press and California Fruit Bulletin. Vol. XLVIII. No. 11. September 15, 1894 Pacific Rural Press and California Fruit Bulletin. Vol. XLVIII. No. 14. October 6, 1894 Pacific Rural Press and California Fruit Bulletin. Vol. XLVIII. No. 15. October 13, 1894
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