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Bunner, H. C: Love in Old Cloathes Bunner, H. C: "Short Sixes": Stories to Read While the Candle Burns Hubbard, Kin: Short Furrows
Catherwood, Mary Hartwell: The Lady of Fort St. John de Halsalle, Henry: Treasure Trove in Bookland: The Romance of Modern First Editions Washington Irving Association: Washington Irving: Commemoration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of His Birth by the Washington Irving Association at Tarrytown-on-Hudson, Tuesday Evening, April 3, 1883
Morley, Christopher: Moments of Millenium: from John Mistletoe Tommasini, A. R. (Introduction): May There Be Peace Among All the Nations Sadleir, Michael; Booth, Bradford A. (Introduction): Passages from the Autobiography of a Bibliomanic
Jacobs, W. W: The Skipper's Wooing and The Brown Man's Servant O'Donnell, Mary King: A Peculiar Thing Tommasini, A. R: Printers' Marks, Curious and Challenging
Field, Eugene: The Complete Tribune Primer: Containing 75 Original Drawings by F. Opper Morris, Charles V: B. Franklin, Inventor Morris, Charles V: B. Franklin, Innovator
Lloyd, Lester; Tommasini, A. R: XXX Plus One (Thirty Plus One), This Being a Listing of The Owners of Tommy's Thirty Books and Other Extraneous Trivia Appertaining Thereto Blumenthal, William Hart: Bookmen's Trio: Ventures in Literary Philandering Bryansen, Jennes (pseudonym of Nathan Billstein): The Homesteader's Daughter: A Story of the Times (Founded on Fact)
Small, Harold A: Tommy's Twenty-five Thomajan, P. K: Ten Racy Recipes Tattersall, Ivan (pseudonym of Ivan Tattersall Hodgkinson): The Avenging Brotherhood: A Startling Tale of Russian Intrigue
Doran, George H: Chronicles of Barabbas, 1884-1934 Orcutt, William Dana: Robert Cavelier: The Romance of the Sieur de La Salle and His Discovery of the Mississippi River Hawking, Stephen W.; Sagan, Carl (Introduction): A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes
Fuller, Henry B: Lines Long and Short: Biographical Sketches in Various Rhythms Chatterson, E. Keble: Old Ship Prints Stockton, Frank R: Amos Kilbright: His Adscititious Experiences; with Other Stories
Stockton, Frank R: The Vizier of the Two-Horned Alexander Smith, F. Hopkinson; Smith, F. Berkeley: Enoch Crane Johnson, John: The Book of Life; A Bibliographical Melody
Madan, F.; Rogers, R. W.; Barlow, William P., Jr: C. H. O. Daniel vs. Thomas B. Mosher: A Letter from F. Madan to R. W. Rogers Willis, N. P: American Scenery; or Land, Lake, and River; Illustrations of Transatlantic Nature Lodge, Edmund: Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain. Engraved from Authentic Pictures in the Galleries of the Nobility, and the Public Collections of the Country. With Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Their Lives and Actions
Hale, Edward E: Our New Crusade: A Temperance Story Carpenter, George Rice; Howe, M. A. DeWolfe (Editor): Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (The Beacon Biographies of Eminent Americans) Matthews, Brander: Americanisms and Briticisms with Other Essays on Other Isms
Matthews, Brander: Studies of the Stage Warner, Charles Dudley: As We Were Saying Howells, W. D: The Unexpected Guests: A Farce
Howells, W. D: Out of the Question: A Comedy Howells, W. D: An Open-Eyed Conspiracy: An Idyl of Saratoga Herbert, Edward; Ellwood, Thomas; Howells, W. D. (Editor): Autobiography. Lives of Lord Herbert of Cherbury and Thomas Ellwood
Fields, James T: Old Aquaintance. Barry Cornwall and Some of His Friends Oakum, John: Oakum Pickings: A Collection of Stories, Sketches, and Paragraphs Contributed from Time to Time to the Telegraphic and General Press Peck, George W: Peck's Boss Book
Stiles, Henry Reed: Bundling; Its Origin, Progress and Decline in America Davis, Richard Harding: About Paris Kauffman, Reginald Wright: The Ranger of the Susquehannock
Hawthorne, Nathaniel: The Blithedale Romance Cook, Burton Chauncey: Signature on Card - Burton Chauncey Cook Baring, Maurice: Hildesheim: Quatre Pastiches
Locke, David R. (pseudonym Petroleum V. Nasby): Nasby in Exile: or Six Months of Travel in England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium, with Many Things Not of Travel Thackeray, William Makepeace: Mr. Brown's Letters to a Young Man About Town Hertz, Emanuel: Abraham Lincoln--The Great Leveler (Delivered at the Forum of the Level Club, February 7, 1928)
Rice, Wallace; Illinois Centennial Commission: The Masque of Illinois, Presented by The Illinois Centennial Commission, October Fourth and Fifth, Nineteen Hundred and Eighteen, Eight-Fifteen P. M United States House of Representatives: Homestead of Abraham Lincoln. Speeches in the House of Representatives, April 5, 12, 1916, on a Bill to Accept a Deed of Conveyance from the Lincoln Farm Association to the United States of the Homestead of Abraham Lincoln, near the Town of Hodgenville, State of Kentucky Oakleaf, Joseph Benjamin: The Great Task Assumed by Abraham Lincoln and the Burden He Had to Bear. Address Delivered Before the Grand Lodge of Iowa, A.F. & A.M. at Its Eighty-second Annual Communication, Held at Davenport, Iowa, June 9-11, 1925
Jackson, S. Trevena: Lincoln's Use of the Bible Procter, Addison G: Lincoln and the Convention of 1860: An Address Before the Chicago Historical Society, April 4, 1918 Cole, Arthur Charles: Lincoln's "House Divided" Speech: Did It Reflect a Doctrine of Class Struggle? An Address Delivered Before the Chicago Historical Society on March 15, 1923
Carman, L. D: Abraham Lincoln, Freemason; An Address Delivered Before Harmony Lodge No. 17, F. A. A. M., Washington, D.C., January 28, 1914. With an Appendix Containing the Actions Taken by the Masonic Grand Lodges of the United States on Lincoln's Death Lambert, William H: Abraham Lincoln; Address Delivered Before the Union League of Philadelphia, February 12, 1909 Carman, L. D: The Other White House: An Illustration of the Unreliability of History Concerning Abraham Lincoln
Barton, William E: Lincoln and Douglas in Charleston: An Address Delivered at the Sixty-fourth Anniversary Celebration, Charleston, Illinois, September 18, 1922 Selby, Paul: Abraham Lincoln: The Evolution of His Emancipation Policy; An Address Delivered Before the Chicago Historical Society, February 27, 1906 Pease, Theodore Calvin: The Diary of Orville H. Browning: A New Source for Lincoln's Presidency; A Lecture Delivered Before the Chicago Historical Society, March 29, 1923
White, Horace: The Lincoln and Douglas Debates: An Address Before the Chicago Historical Society, February 17, 1914 Barton, William E.; Procter, Addison G.; The Grand Army Hall and Memorial Association of Illinois: Twenty-third Lincoln Birthday Service: Memorial Hall, Chicago, Sunday, February 12, 1922, 2:30 P. M Brown, C. C.; Temple, Wayne C: Lincoln as Seen by C. C. Brown
Barton, William E: The Parents of Abraham Lincoln: An Address Delivered at the Grave of Thomas Lincoln, Goose Nest Prairie, near Janesville, Illinois, September 18, 1922 Barton, William E: Abraham Lincoln: Kentucky Mountaineer; An Address Delivered Before the Faculty and Students of Berea College, Berea, Kentucky, Thursday, March 8, 1923 Hertz, Emanuel: Abraham Lincoln at the Climax of the Great Lincoln-Douglas Joint Debate in Galesburg, Illinois; Delivered at Galesburg, Illinois, on the 6th Day of October, 1928, on the 70th Anniversary of the Lincoln-Douglas Debate, from a Platform Erected on the Spot Where the Original Debate Was Held--upon the Campus of ... Knox College
Jenks, Tudor: Autograph Letter Signed and Signed Bookplate - Tudor Jenks McMurtrie, Douglas C: A Speech by Abraham Lincoln: Contemporary Records of a Campaign Speech Delivered at Alton, Illinois, on April 9, 1840 Godkin, Edwin L: A Letter on Lincoln
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