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Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "High Bridge, Harlem River, N.Y." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "City Hall Park, Brooklyn" Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Au Sable Chasm, Keeseville, N.Y."
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "View from the Hotel Lawn, Looking Down the Lane" Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Geyser Lake, Saratoga County, N.Y." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Moonlight, East River, New York Harbor, U.S.A."
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Columbus' Flagship 'Santa Maria' Columbus Naval Parade, New York Harbor, U.S.A Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "An Irrigating Sakkiyeh on the Bank of the Nile, Egypt" Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Mosque Mohammed Ali, the Largest Mosque of Cairo, Egypt."
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Nubian Dancing Girl, Luxor, Egypt." None: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Ostriches, Matariych, Egypt." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Sisal Hemp Plantation in Blossom, Uganda, Africa."
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "The Firmament Showeth His Handiwork" Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Town Hall and World War Memorial, Duban, South Africa." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Picking Coffee in Moschi Province, East Africa."
None: Original Stereocard Photograph. "The Great Sphinx and Pyramid of Chefren, Egypt." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "At the Pacific Entrance of the Panama Canal Showing Fortfied Islands, Wireless Towers and Breakwater." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Busy Scene on the Panama Canal - Looking South Over Gatun Locks and Gatun Lake. Emergency Dam in Position."
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Coffee Pickers at Work, Guadeloupe, F.W.I." None: Original Stereocard Photograph. "In the Heart of a Banana Plantation, Hawaiian Islands." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Papaia Trees, in the Mauna Loa Valley, Hawaii."
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. " La Guayra, Venezuela, Showing Fort Recently Bombarded By British." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "The Sacred Shrine on Cholula and 'Old Popocatapetl,' Cholula, Mexico." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Art Creation By the Master's Hand, Acambarro, Mexico."
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "On the Great Ice Mountain, Niagara Falls, U.S.A." None: Original Stereocard Photograph. "The Sunken Gardens, Fairmont Park, Phila., Pa., U.S.A." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "The Fairest Blossoms of Japan - a Pretty Maid in the Kabota Iris Garden Near Omori, Japan."
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "St. Andrew's Castle." None: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Horticultural Hall from the Sunken Gardens, Philadelphia, Pa." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "The Casino, Monte-Carlo, Monaco."
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "New Suspension Bridge from the Top of the Tower, Niagara Falls, N.Y." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Niagara - The Hermits Cave - Winter." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "The American Falls Seen Through the Snow Arch."
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Horse Shoe Fall." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Ice Encrusted Trees Seen from Hog's Back." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "The American Falls, from Luna Island."
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Table Rock. American Falls in the Distance." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Ice Lodged on the Rocks Near Goat Island." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Terrapin Tower and Horse Shoe Fall."
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Terrapin Tower and Horse Shoe Falls." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "View from the Top of Ice Mountain - Niagara." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Winter Wonderland in Prospect Park - February 1875."
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Winter Wonderland in Prospect Park, Niagara - February 1875." Anonymous: Original Stereograph Photograph. "From the Mouth of the Moodna, Looking South." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Gold Hill on the Right And Contractor's Hill on the Left, Culebra Cut, Panama Canal."
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Digging the Gallard Cut, Panama Canal." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "U.S. Battleships (Connecticut in lead) Steaming Out to Sea, Hampton Roads, Va." None: Original Stereocard Photograph. "The Raadzaal of the Volksraad (Legislative Hall), Bloemfontein, South Africa, Now English Army Hospital."
None: Original Stereocard Photograph. "The Temple of Aesculapius, Atherns, Greece." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "The Famous Old Grape Vine at Hampton Court, London, England." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Westminster Abbey.West Towers."
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Entrance of the Gorge of the Aare, Meiringen, Switzerland." None: Original Stereocard Photograph. "The Great White Sea, the Banqueting Hall of the Royal Palace, Stockholm, Sweden." None: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Making the 'Flat Bread' of the Norwegian Peasant, Norway."
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Old Town, Christiania, Norway." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Feeding the Ducks, Phoenix Park, Dublin, Ireland." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Poetry of Light, Fjords of Norway"
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "The Interior of the House of Parliament, Christiania, Norway." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "The Ball Room, Grand Hotel, Christiania, Norway." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "The Beauties of the Royal Palace, Stockholm, Sweden."
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "On Mr. Washington Carriage Road, Looking Up." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Tip-Top and Summit Houses - Mt. Washington." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Champs Elysees, the Favorite Drive of Paris, France."
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Heidelburg Bridge and Castle, Germany." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Battle Monument." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Eglise De Notre Dame De Lorette."
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Ruins of Devonshire Castle" Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Market Place, Cologne, Germany." None: Original Stereocard Photograph. "The Acropolis from Philopappos Hill, Athens, Greece."
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Village of Chamonix from Trail to the Brevent, France." None: Original Stereocard Photograph. "In the Queen's Reception Rooms, Royal Palace, Stockholm, Sweden." None: Original Stereocard Photograph. "San Marco, Venice Italy. - 'An Oriental Poem in Marble Mosaic and Gold.'"
None: Original Stereocard Photograph. "The Dining Hall, Grand Hotel, Stockholm, Sweden." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Glacier Des Bossons, Chamonix, France." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Voyage to Troudhjem, the Fjords of Norway."
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