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MacAdam, J. H: A Collection of Proverbs of All Nations on Bread and Baking MacAuley, Thomas Babington: The Lays of Ancient Rome Szabolcsi, Bence; Kroo, Gyorgy: A Concise History of Hungarian Music
Windsor-Richards, A: Birds of the Lonely Lake Baltzer, Eduard: Vegetarisches Kochbuch Fur Freunde Der Naturlichen Lebensweise Mit Einem Dor Und Nachwort Dodds, Susanna W: Health in the Household; or, Hygienic Cookery
Embury, David A: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks Crane, Eva: Honey a Comprehensive Survey Perry, Lily M: Medicinal Plants of East and Southeast Asia: Attributed Properties and Uses
Ellison, J. Audrey: The Great Scandinavian Cook Book: An Encyclopeadia of Domestic Cookery Davidson, Alan: Seafood of South-east Asia Warne, Dumayne; Viscount Kemsley: Fifty Years of Amateur Theatre 1899-1949
Ekegardh, Edith; Hallman-Haggren, Britta: Stora Kokboken Hushallets Uppslagsbok I Alla Matfragor Rosengarten, Frederic: The Book of Spices Winnicott, D. W: The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment: Studies in the Theory of Emotional Development
Culshaw, John: Putting the Record Straight: The Autobiography of John Culshaw Simon, Andre L: Bibliotheca Gastronomica: a Catalogue of Books and Documents on Gastronomy De Pomaine, Edouard; Bacon, Josephine: The Jews of Poland: Recollections and Recipes
Handl, Irene: The Sioux Albers Bros. Milling Co: Collection of Three Printed Promotional Ephemera from the Albers Bros. Milling Co., c. 1922 Finch, Van Slyck & McConville: Collection of Five Printed Promotional Ephemera from Finch, Van Slyck & McConville, St. Paul, Minnesota, c. 1920s-1930s
May-Jane Novelty Co: Printed Promotional Ephemera from the May-Jane Novelty Co., New York, c. 1890s-1920s Marathon Mfg. Co: Printed Promotional Ephemera from the Marathon Mfg. Co., New York, c. 1890s-1920s American Aluminum Mfg. Co: Collection of Three Printed Promotional Ephemera from the American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemont, Illinois, circa 1920s
Valley Oil Company: One Printed Promotional Letter from the Valley Oil Company, Cleveland, Ohio, 1919 The Bissinger Hat Manufacturing Company: One Printed Promotional Letter from the Bissinger Hat Manufacturing Company, New York The Florsheim Shoe Company: One Printed Promotional Ephemera from the the Florsheim Shoe Company, New York
The Fleischmann Company: Collection of Four Printed Promotional Letters from the Fleischmann Company Fitzgerald, Edward: Letters & Literary Remains of Edward FitzGerald Nathan, George Jean: Art of the Night
Le Gallienne, Richard: The Religion of a Literary Man (Religio Scriptoris) Stanford, Ann; William Stafford; Howard Baker; Clinton Williams; Myron Broomell; Harold witt; Alan Stephens; George Elliott; Leonard Nathan: A Western Sampler : Nine Contemporary Poets Various: Chambers's Papers for the People
Anonymous: Three Pioneer California Gold Rush Songs Stephens, James: Theme and Variations Sanz, Jose: Observacion Chirurgico-Medica de un Hidro-Sarcocele, O Tumor Scirroso en un Testiculo con Kiste, O Saco, Lleno de pus en El Escroto
Knower, Daniel: The Adventures of a Forty-Niner Strickland, Agnes: Lives of the Queens of England, from The Norman Conquest; with Anecdotes of Their Courts, Now First Published from Official Records and Other Authentic Documents, Private as Well as Public; 12 Volumes, Complete Knopf, Alfred A: Publishing Then and Now, 1912 - 1964; Twenty-first of the R. R. Bowker Memorial Lectures
Murray, Robert A: The Custer Court Martial (cover title) Anonymous: Henry Raup Wagner, 1862 - 1957 : An Exhibition of Rare Books Honoring the Centenary of His Birth White, Andrew Dickson: Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White; Two Volumes
Axton, Stockton, Kenyon Cox, G. Stanley Hall and Oliver S. Tonks: Art Museums and Schools: Four Lectures Delivered at the Metropolitan Museum of Art Dewick, The Rev. E.S: On a Ms. Book of Hours Written in France for the Use of a Scottish Lady Gunsky, Fred and Mary Griffith, Editors: Sacramento Yesterday: Looking Back To the Early Years of California's Capital.from Golden Notes
Gordan, John D: William Makepeace Thackeray: An Exhibition from the Berg Collection.first Editions, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters and Drawings in Celebration of the one-Hundreth Anniversary of Vanity Fair Garroway Will: Pianism Mangourit, M.O.B: Travels in Hanover, During the Years 1803 and 1804. Containing an Account of the Form of Government, Religion, Agriculture, Commerce, and Natural History of the Country
Maxim, Hudson: Signature on Card - Hudson Maxim Various: Parergon : From the Greek Word Meaning "Work By the Side of Work" Anonymous: Original Photograph. "Bristol, England"
Dean, Priscilla: Original Publicity Photograph Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Niagara, Mightiest of Waterfalls - General View from Steel Arch Bridge - U.S.A." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Niagara - Sunshine and Shadow - Winter."
Ward, Mrs. Humphry (Mary A. Ward): The Writings of Mrs. Humphry Ward, with Introductions By the Author. Autograph Edition Anonymous: 20 Different Views of Cartagena, Colombia Wentworth, Trelawny: The West India Sketch Book. In Two Volumes. [Vol. II]
Anonymous: Bardell Fototone Miniatures. Los Angeles, California Anonymous: Bardell Miniatures, 15 Views, Portland, Oregon Everson, William: San Joaquin
Weller, Fontunella A: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Stereoscopic Treasures, No. 375." Rea, Florence P: Original Childhood Photos (3) and One as an Adult Weller, Fontunella A: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Stereoscopic Treasures, Found a Prize, No. 313"
Weller, Fontunella A: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Stereoscopic Treasures. A Mis-step. - - - No. 340" Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Cheese it Cillies, De Cop is Comin" Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Bunker Hill Monument"
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Massachusetts - Connecticut Valley. Springfield, Court Square." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "'D--M YOUR HIDE.' 'I'SE SORRY SAH'." Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "No. Capri Da Massa."
Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Marble Room, U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C." None: Original Stereocard Photograph. "In Amsterdam, Holland, the Venice of the North None: Original Stereocard Photograph. "The Schotten-ring Strasse, Vienna, Austria."
Anonymous: Souvenir Letter: Minneapolis, Minn None: Cabinet Sized Photograph. "7124. Lago Di Como. Menaggio Daila Villa Melzi." None: Cabinet Sized Photograph. "Bellagio"
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