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Smith, R.A: A Bibliography of Lake District Geology and Geomorphology Leech, John: Children of the Mobility Scholfield, P. H: The Theory of Proportion in Architecture
Steiner, Wendy: The Scandal of Pleasure: Art in an Age of Fundamentalism Nicoll, Maurice: Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of G. I. Gurdjieff and P. D. Ouspensky - Volume 5 Coward, T. A.; Oldham, C: The Vertebrate Fauna of Cheshire and Liverpool Bay - Two Volumes
Haehl, Richard; Wheeler, Marie L.; Grundy, W. H. R.; Clarke, J. H.; Wheeler, F. J: Samuel Hahnemann His Life and Work Based on Recently Discovered State Papers, Documents, Letters &c. - Two Volumes Power, Richard: Great Song: The Life and Teachings of Joe Miller Michael Murphy; Rhea A. White: The Psychic Side of Sports
Connolly, Cyril; Zerbe, Jerome: Les Pavillons: French Pavilions of the Eighteenth Century ---: An Inventory of the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Selkirkshire with the Fifteenth Report of the Commission Masson, Georgina: Italian Gardens
---: British Atlas of Potato Varieties Harris, Joel Chandler: Uncle Remus Old Negro Slave Tales Rutley, C. M.; MacNair, J. H: Dean's Big Book
McIntyre, D.; Kitzinger, E: The Coffin of Saint Cuthbert Surridge, Rev. T: Notices By the Rev. T. Surridge, LL.D., Trin. Coll. Dub. Of Roman Inscriptions Discovered at High Rochester, Risingham, and Rudchester in Northumberland ---: Warne's Pleasure Book for Children
R.Buckminster Fuller; Robert W. Marks: The Dymaxion World of Buckminster Fuller Gardiner, Robert (ed): Cogs, Caravels and Galleons: The Sailing Ship, 1000-1650 (Conway's History of the Ship) Yankovsky, George: First Photographs of the Reverse Side of the Moon - Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R
Browne, the Right Rev. G. F: The Ancient Cross Shafts at Bewcastle and Ruthwell Enlarged from the Rede Lecture Delivered Before the University of Cambridge on 20 May 1916 Meda Mladcova; Jiri Machalicky: Works on Paper; a Selection of Drawings, Graphic Works and Collages By Czech Artist from the Jan and Meda Mladek Art Collection. Museum Kampa. Prace Na Papire Cooper, Albert William: Benjamin Banks 1727-1795 - the Salisbury Violin Maker: A Detailed Survey of His Work, Life and Environment
Swan, Abraham: Interior Decoration of the Eighteenth Century (Woodwork, Wall-Treatments, Staircases, Chimneypieces and Other Details) MacLeod, Donald: Donald M'leod's Gloomy Memories in the Highlands of Scotland: Versus Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe's Sunny Memories in (England) a Foreign Land: Or a Faithful Picture of the Extirpation of the Celtic Race from the Highlands of Scotland ---: The Big Budget for Children
Dahlberg, Edward: The Sorrows of Priapus Borland, Robert: Border Raids and Reivers ---: The Favourite Book of Nursery Tales
Jones Barker, W. G. M: The Three Days of Wensleydale; the Valley of the Yore Lawson, William: Text-Book of Physical Geography Henty, G. A: Both Sides the Border: a Tale of Hotspur and Glendower
James Robertson; D M Henderson; J H Dickson: A Naturalist in the Highlands: James Robertson - His Life and Travels in Scotland, 1767-1771 Beedham, R. John; Gill, Eric: Wood Engraving Baldwin, Jayne: Mary Timney - the Road to the Gallows
Hintze, Otto; Gilbert, Felix; Berdahl, Robert M: The Historical Essays Of Otto Hintze Barnett, Michael: At Heaven's Gate Guntrip, H.; Grensted, Rev. L. W: Mental Pain and the Cure of Souls
Kolb, Robert W: Too Much Is Not Enough: Incentives in Executive Compensation Boldt-Irons, Leslie Anne: On Bataille: Critical Essays (SUNY series, Intersections: Philosophy and Critical Theory) Hutchinson, Horace G: Golf (The Badminton Library of Sports and Pastimes)
---: Les Contes De Ma Grand'Mere Tires Des Contes De Perrault, De Grimm, De Mesdames D'Aulnay, Leprince De Beaumont Etc Eaton, Gai: The Richest Vein: Eastern Tradition and Modern Thought Ekvall, Robert B: The Lama Knows: a Tibetan Legend is Born
Lang, Andrew: Old Friends Among the Fairies, Puss in Boots and Other Stories Chosen from the Fairy Books Edited By Andrew Lang The Old Shekarry, H. A. L: The Hunting Grounds of the Old World. First Series ---: Robert Anderson the Cumberland Bard Born 1770 - Died 1833 - Centenary Celebration Souvenir
Kyle, Elisabeth: Visitors from England Blake, William: Songs of Innocence Lhuillier, Alberto Ruz: La Civilisation Des Anciens Mayas
Rameil, Pierre; Herriot, Edouard: Forces Spirituelles et Morales De La Democratie Francaise ---: L'Espion Anglois, Ou Correspondance Secrete Entre Milord All'Eye et Milord All'Ear - Volume 1 ---: L'Espion Anglois, Ou Correspondance Secrete Entre Milord All'Eye et Milord All'Ear - Volume 8
---: L'Espion Anglois, Ou Correspondance Secrete Entre Milord All'Eye et Milord All'Ear - Volume 9 ---: L'Espion Anglois, Ou Correspondance Secrete Entre Milord All'Eye et Milord All'Ear - Volume 5 ---: L'Espion Anglois, Ou Correspondance Secrete Entre Milord All'Eye et Milord All'Ear - Volume 4
---: Mauritshuis: The Royal Cabinet of Paintings ; illustrated general catalogue Jones, Mark: Fake? The Art of Deception ---: National Gallery Technical Bulletin: Volume 12, 1988
Surtees, R. S.; Grego, Joseph: Jorrock's Jaunts & Jollities: The Hunting, Shooting, Racing, Driving, Sailing, Eating, Eccentric and Extravagent Exploits of That Renowned Sporting Citizen Mr. John Jorrocks Haskell, Francis: Patrons and Painters: a Study in the Relations Between Italian Art and Society in the Age of the Baroque Hambling, Maggi: Maggi and Henrietta: Drawings of Henrietta Moraes By Maggi Hambling
Manchester, William: The Caged Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill 1932-1940 Cust, Lionel (ed): The National Portrait Gallery - Two Volumes Wilcock, David: Dalston: The Story of a Cumberland Parish
Blagdon: Shooting with Game and Gun-room Notes McClellan, Andrew: Art and its Publics: Museum Studies at the Millennium (New Interventions in Art History) Alexander, Edward P. & Mary; Decker, Juilee: Museums in Motion: An Introduction to the History and Functions of Museums, 3rd Edition (American Association for State & Local History Series)
Juxtapoz - Illustration 2 Jannaway, Kathleen: Abundant Living in the Coming Age of the Tree Pearse, Jessie B: Wayside Posies
Chappell, Jennie: Winnie's White Frock J.I.H: Oswald the Hermit A Domestic Drama McDonald, Dee: Dee McDonald's Purple Pillow Book
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