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Trowbridge, L.S: A Brief History of the Tenth Michigan Cavalry Lewis, Lloyd: Sherman: Fighting Prophet Hersch, Gisela with Lisa E. Landau: Lincolniana: A Collection of Pamphlets, Booklets, Manuscripts. Magazine & Newspaper Articles Relating to Life & Times of Lincoln
Bartlett, Edward O: The "Dutchess County Regiment" (150th Regiment of New York State Volunteer Infantry) in the Civil War Cooke, John Esten: Stonewall Jackson: A Military Biography Headley, P.C: The Life and Campaigns of Lieut.-Gen. U.S. Grant: from his Boyhood to the Surrender of Lee
Miller, Francis Trevelyan & Robert S. Lanier (Eds.): The Photographic History of the Civil War in Ten Volumes (10 Volumes) Martin, Camille: L'Art Roman en Italie: L'architecture et la Decoration, Premiere Serie British Admiralty Charts: Chart Folio 28: Crete and Western Aegean Sea
Turk, Frank A: The Prints of Japan Mathews, F. Schuyler: Familiar Trees and Their Lives Chiodetto, Eder & Elise Jasmin: Olhar e Fingir: Fotografias da Colecao M+M Auer / Regarder et Simuler: Photographies de la Collection M+M Auer
Bockenhoff, Ignaz: Eine Zeit die war: Photographien aus dem Dorf Raesfeld 1928-1963 Catany, Toni (editor): Tomàs Montserrat: Retratista d'un poble (1873-1944) Sinsheimer, Karen (intro): Dreamscapes: The Photographic Art of Jenny Okun
Arthaud, Claude & François Hébert-Stevens: Andes toit de l'Amerique Gathercole, Peter W.; Adrienne L. Kaeppler & Douglas Newton: The Art of the Pacific Islands Sinclair, James: Wigmen of Papua
O'Hara, Frank: Nakian Various: The Watering Places of Great Britain and Fashionable Directory [bound with] Jones' Views, Wales Illustrated & London Views Charlip, Remy: Arm in Arm: A Collection of Connections, Endless Tales, Reiterations, and Other Echolalia
Bessy, Maurice: Imprécis d'erotisme (Bibliothèque internationale d érotologie, No. 7) Brusendorff, Ole & Poul Henningsen: Kaerlighedens Billedbog: Af Glaedens og Forargelsens Historie - Fremmede Horisonter Brusendorff, Ole & Poul Henningsen: Kaerlighedens Billedbog: Af Glaedens og Forargelsens Historie - Fra den Graeske Oldtid til den Frankse Revolution
Brusendorff, Ole & Poul Henningsen: Erotisk Antologi: Et Udvalg af Nyere Erotisk Litteratur fra Marquis de Sade til Henry Miller Zvorikine, Nicolas: La Revolution et le Bolchevisme en Russie Flaubert, Gustave: La Légende de Saint Julien l'Hospitalier
France, Anatole: Le Jongleur de Notre-Dame France, Anatole: La Miracle de la Pie Field, Eugene: A Little Book of Nonsense
Spencer, J.A. (editor): The Children's Magazine, New Series, Volume XXVII for 1855 (10 issues) Saunders, George: Congratulations, By the Way: Some Thoughts on Kindness Martini, Carlo M: Through Moses to Jesus: The Way of the Paschal Mystery
Quoist, Michel: The Breath of Love Valles, Carlos G: Models of Faith: Biblical Spirituality for Our Time von Hildebrand, Dietrich: Jaws of Death: Gate of Heaven
Hepburn, James Curtis: A Japanese and English Dictionary with an English and Japanese Index Matamala Elorz, Roberto (editor): Teatro de Los Ríos: Una Antología Crítica de la Dramaturgia Valdiviana Contemporánea Meléndez Alonso, Antonio Ignacio: Inmaculada: Libro de Imágenes (Catedral de la Almudena, Madrid, Mayo-Octubre 2005)
Kostenovich, Albert: French Art Treasures at the Hermitage: Splendid Masterpieces, New Discoveries Chazal, Gilles; Bertrand Davezac & Catherine Bortoli: Luz del Icono: Collecion Roger Cabal Laviana,Juan Carlos (editor): 1943: Franco viste de uniforme a las Cortes
Cabrera Bonet, R. & Mª Teresa Artigas: Los Toros en la Prensa Madrileña del Siglo XVIII Merrill, Arch: From Pumpkin Hook to Dumpling Hill Marzio, Peter C: The Democratic Art: Chromolithography 1840-1900. Pictures for a 19th-Century America
Saltman, David: Gilda: An Intimate Portrait Vickers, Hugo: Vivien Leigh Brooks, David: The Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life
Stevenson, Tom: Champagne Friedman, Milton & Rose D. Friedman: Two Lucky People: Memoirs Messia de la Cerda y Pita, Luis F: Heraldica Espanola: El Diseno Heraldico
The Mississippi Commission for International Cultural Exchange: The Glory of Baroque Dresden: The State Art Collections Dresden Paez, Elena et al: Los Austrias: Grabados de la Biblioteca Nacional Polo, Sergio Navarro et al: Ukiyo-e: Grabados Japoneses de la Biblioteca Nacional
Ward, Hannah & Jennifer Wild (editors): The Westminster Collection of Christian Meditations Eisenstein, Charles: Sacred Economics: Money, Gift & Society in the Age of Transition Nepo, Mark: The Endless Practice: Becoming Who You Were Born to Be
Weslager, C.A: The Log Cabin in America: From Pioneer Days to the Present Nowak, Ronald M: Walker's Mammals of the World (Fifth Edition, Volume I) Cayuga County Bicentennial Publications Committee: Back to Before: Anedotes from the Twentieth Century in Cayuga County, New York
Ellis, Merwyn S: Tales From a Diary White, Michael: Isaac Newton: The Last Sorcerer Bullock, C. Hassell: An Introduction to the Old Testament Poetic Books
Staff of Tokyo International Publishers: Picasso Farrell, William R: Classical Place Names in New York State: Origins, Histories and Meanings Moses, Robert; Harry A. Bruno et al: A Lotos Tribute: State Dinner in Honor of Harry A. Bruno, Lotos Club, February 2, 1960
Paine, Robert Treat & Alexander Soper: The Art and Architecture of Japan Lazare, Aaron: On Apology Chadwick, Bruce: The General and Mrs. Washington: The Untold Story of a Marriage and a Revolution
Jones, Tayari: An American Marriage Broner, E.M: The Telling (The Story of a Group of Jewish Women Who Journey to Spirituality Through Community and Ceremony) Clay, Catrine: King, Kaiser, Tsar: Three Royal Cousins Who Led the World to War
Downie, David: Cooking the Roman Way: Authentic Recipes from the Home Cooks and Trattorias of Rome Buck, Pearl S: A Silk Road Journey (CD) and The Good Earth (book) Forster, E.M: A Passage to India (book) and Intriguing India (2-CD set)
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