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FADEN, William: Lower Egypt and the Adjacent Deserts, with a Part of Palestine; to which has been Added the Nomenclature of the Roman Age, MDCCCII. London Published by William Faden Jan 1st 1802 D'APRES DE MANNEVILLETTE, Jean B. P. D: Carte Des Isles Nicobar MUNSTER, Sebastian: Bern in der Endegnoschafft ..
FADEN, William: A Map of the Kingdom of Denmark with the Duchy of Holstein .. ORTELIUS, Abraham: Valentiae Regni, olim Contestanorum si Ptolimaeo, Edetanorum si Plinio Credimus Typus GOOS, Pieter: Pas-Kaarte van de Zuyd-west-Kust van Africa; van Cabo Negro tot Beoosten Cabo de Bona Esperanca
SEALE, Richard William: A Correct Chart of the German Ocean From the North of Scotland to the Start Point, on the Coast of Great Britain MUNSTER, Sebastian: La figure de la place ou sut iadiz la cite de Romme avec ses portes .. SANSON, Nicolas: Turcomanie Georgie Commanie
HARRISON, John: A New Chart of the Caspian Sea, from the Original by D'Anville MUNSTER, Sebastian: Asia Minore STEEN, C: Nyeste Grundtegning af Kiobenhavn
HOMANN, Johann Baptist: Tabula Marchionatus Brandenburgici et Ducatus Pomeraniae quae sunt Pars Septentrionalis Circuli Saxoniae Superioris .. HOMANN, Johann Baptist: Typus Geographicus Ducat. Lauenburgici DANCKERTS, Justus: Novissima Regnorum Portugalliae et Algarbiae Descriptio Emendata a. I. Danckerts
QUAD, Matthias: Elsatia Superior, Ober Elsas D'APRES DE MANNEVILLETTE, Jean B. P. D: Nouveau Plan des Detroits, Situes a l'Est de Java et de Madura, Nommes Communement les Detroits de Bali et d'entre Pondi et Respondi .. DUDLEY, Sir Robert: Carta Particolare del Mare di Ethiopia con l'Isola di S. Elena e Parte della Costa ..
VAN KEULEN, Gerard: A New Gradnally Encreasnig Compass-Map, of the Coming in of the Heads; Containing a Part of the Coass of Boulonnois; extending from Callis to Dannes, as also in England from the South Foreland to Rye .. DURAND-BRAGER, Jean Baptiste Henri: Soujak-Bay THOMSON, John: (The Atlas of Scotland)
KITCHIN, Thomas - JEFFERYS, Thomas: The Small English Atlas, being A New and Accurate Sett of Maps of All the Counties in England and Wales BLAEU, Joan: Comitatus Northantonensis vernacule Northamton Shire BLAEU, Joan: Leicestrensis Comitatus. Leicester Shire
BLAEU, Joan: Herefordia Comitatus. Herefordshire MOLL, Herman: Glostershire SAXTON, Christopher - KIP, William: Bedford Comitatus olim pars Cathifuclanorum
SAXTON, Christopher - KIP, William: Essexia Comitatus DRAYTON, Michael: (Dorset, Hampshire & Isle of Wight) BLOME, Richard: A General Map of Dorsetshire
NORDEN, John - KIP, William: Hertfordiae Comitatus .. SAXTON, Christopher - HOLE, William: Northumbriae Comitatus BOWEN, Emanuel: Somersetshire Divided into its Hundreds
MOLL, Herman: Suffolk MOLL, Herman: Shropshire MOLL, Herman: Worcestershire
BLOME, Richard: A Mapp of the County of Warwick BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: Worcestershire Divided into Hundreds BLOME, Richard: A Mapp of the County of Rutland
BLOME, Richard: A Mapp of ye Countie of Westmorland SAXTON, Christopher - HOLE, William: Wigorniensis Comitatus Sabrinae .. BLAEU, Joan: Comitatus Salopiensis; Anglice Shrop Shire
BLAEU, Joan: Staffordiensis Comitatus; vulgo Stafford Shire BLOME, Richard: A Mapp of Hantshire BLOME, Richard: A Mapp of Nottinghamshire
BLOME, Richard: A generall Mapp of the County of Hereford BLOME, Richard: A Mapp of Huntington Shire BLOME, Richard: A Mapp of the County of Leicester
BLOME, Richard: A Generall Mapp of the Countie of Cumberland BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: Cambridgeshire Divided into Hundreds BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: Dorset Shire Divided into Hundreds
BILL, John: Surrey VAN DEN KEERE, Pieter: Midle-sex LUFFMAN, John: Middlesex
LUFFMAN, John: Essex RUSCELLI, Girolamo: Mauritania Nuova Tavola MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Appendix. III. Tabulae Afr:
BONNE, Rigobert: Isles de Wallis/ I. Turtle/ I. des Cocos/ I. des Traitres/ Palmerston I/ I. Sauvage/ I. D`Hervey/ Esquisse de la Baye Dusky, dans la Nouvelle Zeelande/ I. Pitcairn/ I. de Pasques COOK, Captain James: Chart of Cook's Strait in New Zealand COOK, Captain James: Carte des Isles des Amis
MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Tab. I. Europae, Continens Albion, Britanniam, et Hiberniam .. MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Asiae VIII Tab HEYNS, Pieter: Bohemia
SANSON, Nicolas: Cimmeria quae Postea Scythia Europaea .. MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Eur: IX Tab: NOLIN, Jean Baptiste: La Rochelle
ORTELIUS, Abraham: Mansfeldiae Comitatus Descriptio Auctore, Tilemanno Stella Sig MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Asiae X Tab: MERIAN, Matthaus: Ardebil
MALLET, Alain Manesson: Ancienne Arabie LE BRUYN, Cornelis: Premiere Vue de Persepolis WALDSEEMULLER, Martin: Nona Asiae Tabula
MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Tab. V. Asiae, Repraesentans Mediam, Hyrcaniam, Assyriam, Susianam, ac Persiem .. SAYER, Robert: The Whole Russian Empire MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Asiae II Tab
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