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BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: Wiltshire
BOWLES, Henry Carington & CARVER, Samuel: Bowles's New four-sheet Map of the World on Mercator's Projection, exhibiting the several quarters of the Globe, divided into their respective Empires, Kingdoms, States, &c. ... Together with all the New Discoveries and most interesting Tracks of those eminent Circumnavigators Cook, Byron, Bougainville, Perouse, Vancouver &c
SPEED, John: A New Mappe of the Romane Empire Newly Described by John Speede
SPEED, John: France, Revised and Augmented, the Attires of the French and Situations of their Chieftest Cityes Observed by John Speed
SPEED, John: A New Mape of ye XVII Provinces of Low Germanie, Mended a New in Manie Places
ROCQUE, John: England and Wales Drawn from the Most Accurate Surveys Containing all the Cities Boroughs Market Towns & Villages ... Printed for Robt. Sayer ..
SAYER, Robert: Africa According to Mr. D'Anville with Several Additions, & Improvements with a Particular Chart of the Gold Coast, wherein are Distinguished All the European Forts and Factories, the Whole Illustrated with a Summary Description Relative to the Trade & Natural produce, Manners & Customs ..
ORTELIUS, Abraham: Typus Orbis Terrarum
BOWLES, Henry Carington & CARVER, Samuel: Bowles's New Four-Sheet Map of Europe, Divided into it's Empires, Kingdoms, States, Republicks and Principalities ..
WAGHENAER, Lucas Jansz: Zee Caerte van Engelants Eijndt, alsoe hem Tselfde Landt Verthoont Beginnede van Sorlinges tot Pleijmondt
SELLER, John: The Kingdom and Desart of Barca
CLOPPENBURG, Johannes: Barbaria
WALDSEEMULLER, Martin - FRIES, Laurent: Tabula IX Asiae
ORTELIUS, Abraham: Eryn. Hiberniae, Britannicae Insulae, Nova Descriptio. Irlandt
BRAUN, George - HOGENBERG, Frans: Lugdunum
MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Tab. IV. Africae, in qua Libya Interior et Exterior. Aethiopia sub Aegypto et Interior ..
WALDSEEMULLER, Martin - FRIES, Laurent: (Tabula II Aphricae)
WELLER, Edward: Liverpool
WELLER, Edward: The Isle of Man
WELLER, Edward: Birmingham
WELLER, Edward: Glasgow
WELLER, Edward: Coast of China from Hie Che-Chin Bay to San Moon Bay
WELLER, Edward: Country Between Pe-king & The Gulf of Pe-Chili
WELLER, Edward: The Landmarks of London
WELLER, Edward: London (South Sheet)
DORRET, James: An Accurate Map of Scotland Drawn from all the Particular Surveys hitherto Published ... by James Dorret
BORDONE, Benedetto: (No title)
MOLL, Herman: The West Part of Barbary
ORTELIUS, Abraham: Persia
BERTIUS, Petrus: Persicum Regnum
MUNSTER, Sebastian: Die Statt Genff
ORTELIUS, Abraham: Ducatus Mediolanensis ..
COOK, Captain James: Carte de L'Extremite Meridionale de L'Amerique
JANSSON, Jan: Africae Propriae Tabula. In qua, Punica Regna Vides, Tyrios, et Agenoris Urbem
WELLER, Edward: The Residency, Palaces & c. of Lucknow
MORDEN, Robert: The Kingdom of Ireland
WYLD, James: Map of Part of The Western Coast of Africa Extending from the Isles de Loss to Sherboro Island. Particularly Exhibiting the Discoveries Lately Made to the N.E. of Sierra Leone by Surgeon O'Beirne and Major Laing ..
WELLS, Edward: A New Map of the Islands of the Aegaean Sea, Together with The Island of Crete and the Adjoining Isles
MOUNT, William & PAGE, Thomas: A Chart of the Sea Coasts of Algrave and Andalusia between Cape St. Vincent and the Strait of Gibralter and C. Spartel
WELLER, Edward: The Canton River or Chu-Kiang from Macao and Hong Kong to Pottinger Isl. [on sheet with] The Canton River or Chu-Kiang from Pottinger Isld. to Canton
CLOPPENBURG, Johannes: Asia
OGILBY, John: Kings Lynn to Harwich
MEISNER, Daniel: Aden in Arabia
LAPLACE, Cyrille Pierre T: Port-Louis a l'Ile de France
LAPLACE, Cyrille Pierre T: Port-Louis (Ile de France)
BRAUN, George - HOGENBERG, Frans: Ancona Civitas Piceni Celeberrima, ad Mare Adriaticum Posita
ORTELIUS, Abraham: Bavariae olim Vindeliciae Delineationis Compendium
BRAUN, George - HOGENBERG, Frans: Bardewick
SELLER, John - GROSE, Francis: Isle of Wight
BLOME, Richard & BAKEWELL, Thomas: Hundreds in the county of Glocester
RICHARDSON, Thomas Miles: View of Port & Town of Newcastle Upon Tyne
COWLEY, John - DODSLEY, Robert: An Improved map of Norfolk …
SAXTON, Christopher - KIP, William: Warwici Comitatus a cornauus olim inhabitatus
MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Eur: V Tab:
CLOPPENBERG, Johannes: Russia cum Confinns
HOMANN HEIRS: Carte Nouvelle de l'Isle de Cadix & du Detroit de Gibraltar
MERIAN, Matthaus: Freyburg in Uchtland
WALKER, John & Charles: North Africa or Barbary IV Tripoli
WALKER, John & Charles: North Africa or Barbary III Tunis and Tripoli
WALKER, John & Charles: North Africa or Barbary I Marocco
WALKER, John & Charles: Ancient Africa or Libya
SELLER, John: Buckingamiae Comitatus vulgo Buckingham Shire
SPEED, John: A New and Accurat Map of the World Drawne According to ye Truest Descriptions Latest Discoveries & Best Observations yt have beene Made by English or Strangers
MUNSTER, Sebastian: Von de Statt Zurich
SELLER, John: The Sea Coast of Barbary From Cape de Tenes to Cape de Rosa
SPEED, John: Bohemia
MORDEN, Robert: Oxfordshire
MORDEN, Robert: Episcopatus Dunelmensis Vulgo The Bishoprick of Durham
MORDEN, Robert: Lincolnshire
MORDEN, Robert: Wiltshire
MORDEN, Robert: Worcestershire
ORTELIUS, Abraham: Poictou. Pictonum Vicinarumque Regionum Fidiss Descriptio ..
ORTELIUS, Abraham: Lorraine. Lotharingiae Nova Descriptio
MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Europ: IIII Tab:
LAURIE, Robert - WHITTLE, James: A New Chart for Sailing Between the Straits of Sunda or Batavia and the Straits of Banca and Gaspar
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