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ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE: Morden, Robert:: The County Palatine of Lancaster Moll, Herman:: Scotland Moll, Herman:: Ireland
Porcacchi, Tomaso:: Scotia Porcacchi, Tomaso:: Irlanda Ortelius:: Anglia
Ortelius:: Hibernia ENGLAND, LONDON: Bacon, G.W. & Son Ltd:: Geological Map of London and Environs, showing the Superficial Deposits OXFORDSHIRE: Aa, Pieter van der:: Le College de Magdalen Hall a Oxford
Stuart & Revett:: Elevation of the Stoa or Portico, commonly supposed to be the remains of the Temple of Jupiter Olympus OXFORDSHIRE: Aa, Pieter van der:: Le College de Jesus OXFORDSHIRE: Aa, Pieter van der:: Le College de S. Jean Baptiste (St John’s, Oxford)
CAMBRIDGESHIRE: Aa, Pieter van der:: Vue interieure du côté du Nord du College de Clare CAMBRIDGESHIRE: Aa, Pieter van der:: Le Collge du Roi (King’s, Cambridge) Jacotin. Pierre:: Le Kaire, Plan Particulier de la Ville
GASS, Patrick: Voyage des Capitaines Lewis et Clarke BONNE, M: Carte de la Cote N. O. de L'Amerique MUNSTER, Sebastian: Il Cuscho Citta Principale della Provincia del Peru
CLOPPENBURG, Jan Evertszoon: Asia ZATTA, Antonio: Atlante Novissimo… BLAEU, Joan: Novus Atlas
BLAEU, Joan: Nouvus Atlas PIRANESI, Giovanni Battista: Veduta dell Arco di Costantino, e dell Anfiteatro Flavio detto il Coloseo LYDON, A. F: English Lake Scenery
MEAD, Joseph: London Interiors: A Grand National Exhibition FEARNSIDE, William Gray & Thomas HARRAL: The History of London LOW, Lieut. Charles Rathbone: Her Majesty’s Navy
SMITH, Charles: Smith’s New General Atlas WALKER, George: The Costume of Yorkshire HASSELL, John: Tour of the Grand Junction
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BADESLADE, Thomas & TOMS, William Henry: A New Map of Hampshire LANGLEY, Edward: Hertfordshire ROCQUE, John: The Isle of Man
MOULE, Thomas: Lancashire BLAEU, Joan: Middle-sexia LANGLEY, Edward: Langley's New Map of Norfolk
MOULE, Thomas: City and University of Oxford MOULE, Thomas: Sussex MALLET, Alain: Royaume d'Irlande
MALLET, Alain: Isle d'Irlande MALLET, Alain: Ancienne Isle d'Hibernie BERTIUS, Petrus: Scotia Australis
SELLER, John: Anglesey BLAEU, Joan: Caernarvoniensis et Mona Insula CHIQUET, Jacques: Les Royaumes D'Angleterre,D'Escosse et D'Irlande…
GARDNER, Thomas: Plate 85. Road from Salisbury to Campden OGILBY, John: Plate 75. Kings Lynn to Harwich OGILBY, John: Plate 14. London to Abingdon
DENHAM, Lieut HM: Milford Haven JOHNSTONE, Capt. - TAPPER, M: Carte de la cote meridionale d'Angleterre depuis Douvres jusqu'a Winchelsea BOISSEAU, Jean: Les Isles des Indes Orientalles
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LAPLACE, Cyrille: Port-Louis LAPLACE, Cyrille: Vue prise a Malacca ARROWSMITH, John: Map of the Colony of New Zealand
CORONELLI, Vincenzo Maria: Xantung e Peking provincie della China VISSCHER, Nicolas: Indiae Orientalis COVENS, Jean - MORTIER, Corneille: Insula Corsica
HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE OF THE ADMIRALTY: Belfast Lough DE WIT, Frederick: Vienna Austriae JAILLOT, Alexis Hubert - MORTIER, Pierre: Les Environs de Paris
TESTOLINI, Eugenio: L'Arsenale VISSCHER, Nicolas: Austriae Archiducatus pars Superior TURGIS, L: Dieppe Vue du Casino
WEIMAR GEOGRAPHISCHES INSTITUT: Plan von Rom BELLIN, Nicolas: Carte des Entrees de la Tamise BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: 2me Carte Particuliere des Costes de Normandie ... ou sont Comprises les Isles de Jerzey, Grenzey, Cers, & Aurigny ..
BRAUN, George - HOGENBERG, Frans: Ancona MILLAR, George: A View of the City of Berlin… ORTELIUS, Abraham: Bavariae olim Vindeliciae …
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