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Hondius-Janssonius:: Novissima Arragoniae Regni Tabula Authore Ioanne Baptista Labbana Sanson, Nicolas:: Basse Allemaigne divisée par ses Estats [...] Sanson, Nicolas:: Germania Antiqua [...]
Tallis, John:: Arabia Schraembl, Franz Anton:: Karte von dem groessten theil des landes Jemen, Imame, Kaukeban &. &. [...] Ortelius:: Basiliensis Territorii Descriptio Nova/Circulis sive Ligne Sueviae vulgo Swabische Kraiss
Mercator-Hondius:: Stiria Mercator-Hondius:: Saltzburg archiepiscopatus cum ducatu Carinthiae Mercator-Hondius:: [Argow]
Virgil:: Opera, interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruaeus Soc.Jesu. Jussu Christianissimi Regis, ad usum Serenissimi Delphini. Secunda editio Eutropius:: Breviarium Historiae Romanae, cum Metaphrasi Graeca Paeanii, Et Notis Integris Eliae Vineti, Henrici Glareani, Tanaquilli et Annae Fabri, Thomas Hearnii, Item selectis Frid. Sylburgii. & Christ Cellarii, Accedunt Sexti rufi. Breviarium, cum notis integris Christoph. Cellarii, & Messala Corvinus. De Progenie Augusti, ut & Anonymi Oratio funebris in Constantinum Juniorem. Ex MSS. Bibl. Lugd. Bat. Reensuit Sigebertus Havercampus, Qui & Suas & Christoph. Augusti Heumanni, Notas adjecit Cum Indicibus copiosissimis Velleius Paterculus:: Quae Supersunt ex Historiae Romanae voluminibus duobus. Cum integris scholiis, notis, variis lectionibus, et animadversionibus doctorum, curante Petro Burmanno. Editio secunda auctior & emendatior
Caesar:: [Opera] quae extant cum notis & animadversionibus Dionysii Vosii [...] ex musaeo Joannis Georgii Graevii Quintilian:: [Institutio Oratoria] ENGLAND, HAMPSHIRE: Walker, J. & C:: Fox Hunting Map of Hampshire
DICTIONARIES:: The Royal Pocket Dictionary, French and English and English and French ... by J.F. Tocquot ... 1808; A Compendious Geographical Dictionary, containing a description of every remarkable place in Europe, Asia, Africa and America ... the fourth edition ... by B.P. Capper ... 1813; A New Biographical Dictionary ... by Stephen Jones ... 1822; A Dictionary of the English Language compiled from Dr Johnson ... 1825; Braun, Georg and Hogenberg, Frans:: Brugae, Flandricarum Urbium Ornamenta [Bruges] ENGLAND: CO. DURHAM: Blaeu:: Dunelmensis
Stanfield, Clarkson:: Battle of Trafalgar ENGLAND, LONDON: Schmollinger, William:: Improved Map of London for 1833, from Actual Survey Mirandula, Octavianus:: Illustrium poetarum flores [...]
Bible, Greek New Testament:: Novum Testamentum, Graece & Latine. Theodoro Beza interprete [...] huic autem quartae editioni, praeter multorum locorum recognitionem, accesserunt breves difficiliorum phraseon expositiones [...] WALES, RADNOR: Speed, John:: The Countie of Radnor Described and the Shyretowns Situatione ENGLAND, LONDON: Homann Heirs:: Regionis, quae est circa Londinum [...]
Ortelius, Abraham:: Turcici Imperii Descriptio Speed, John:: Wales Jones, George:: The Battle of Waterloo
Gailhabaud, Jules:: London Docks Sanson, Nicolas:: Royaume de Congo […] Plutarch:: The Philosophie, Commonlie called, The Morals [...] Translated out of Greek into English, and conferred with the Latine translations and the French, by Philemon Holland [...]
ENGLAND, SOMERSET: Morden, Robert:: Somersetshire SCOTLAND, STIRLINGSHIRE: Blaeu:: Sterlinensis Praefectura. Sterlin-shyre ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX: Aikin, Dr John:: Middlesex
Callimachus:: Works of Callimachus, translated into English verse. The Hymns and Epigrams from the Greek; with the Coma Berenices from the Latin of Catullus: with the original text, and notes carefully selected from former commentators, and additional observations By H. W. Tytler [...] Juvenal & Flaccus:: D. Junii Juvenalis et Auli Persii Flacci Satyrae. Tabulis Aeneis Illustravit, et Notas Variorum Selectas, Suasque Addidit G.S. [ie William Sandby] Polybius (Edward Grimeston trans.):: The History of Polybius the Megalopolitan., The five first Bookes entire with all the parcels of the subsequent Bookes unto the eighteenth, according to the Greeke originall. [...] Translated into English by Edward Grimeston, Sergeant at Armes
[Lee Boo, Prince]: The History of Prince Lee Boo, a Native of the Pelew Islands, brought to England by Captain Wilson. A new Edition Murray, Rev. Thomas Boyles:: Pitcairn: the Island, the People, and the Pastor; with a short account of the Mutiny of the Bounty [...] Sixth edition Balfour, Lady Betty:: The History of Lord Lytton's Indian Administration, 1876 to 1880: compiled from Letters and Official Papers
Moule, Thomas:: The Isle of Man Francklin, Lieutenant-Colonel William:: The History of the Reign of Shah-Aulum, the Present Emperor of Hindostaun. Containing the Transactions of the Court of Delhi, and the Neighbouring States, during a Period of Thirty-six years: interspersed with Geographical and Topographical Observations on Several of the Principal Cities of Hindostan Abell, Lucia Elizabeth:: Recollections of the Emperor Napoleon, during the first three years of his captivity on the island of St Helena: including the time of his residence at her father's house, The Briars
Clouet, Abbé Jean-Baptiste-Louis:: L’Arabie Ortelius, Abraham:: Barbariae et Biledulgerid, nova descriptio Munster, Sebastian:: Tabula Europae I
Ruscelli, Girolamo:: Anglia et Hibernia Nova Ruscelli, Girolamo:: Tabulae Europae I Tallis, John:: British India
Tallis, John:: Modern Palestine Speed, John:: The Countie of Leinster with the Citie of Dublin described [...] Bellin, Jacques Nicolas:: Carte des Costes de Perse, Gusarat, et Malabar
Moll, Herman:: A Plan of Fort St George and the City of Madras London Magazine:: A Plan of Fort St George and the City of Madras Moll, Herman:: A Plan of Constantinople
Ortelius, Abraham:: Angliae Regni Florentissimi Nova Descriptio, auctore Humfredo Lhuyd Ortelius:: Angliae, Scotiae, et Hiberniae, sive Britannicae Insularum Descriptio WALES, MONMOUTHSHIRE: Morden, Robert:: Monmouthshire
Jennings, Rev. David:: An Introduction to the Knowledge of Medals […] The Second Edition Murry, Hugh (ed.):: Adventures of British Seamen in the Southern Ocean, Displaying the Striking Contrasts Which the Human Character Exhibits in an Uncivilized State WALES, MONMOUTHSHIRE: Kitchin, Thomas:: Monmouthshire
Mortier, Pieter:: Partie occidentale d’une partie d’Asie ou sont les Isles de Zocotora, de l’Amirante; Carte particulaire d’une partie d’Asie ou sont les Isles d’Andemaon, Ceylan, les Maldives Thomson, John:: British India, Southern Part Porcacchi, Tomaso:: Inghilterra
Tallis, John:: Isthmus of Panama Bellin, Jacques Nicolas:: Karte von den Provinzen Carthagena, S. Martha und Venezuela Darton, William & Thomas:: Walker’s New Geographical Game exhibiting a tour through Europe
Le Rouge, George Louis:: La Bretagne Bertius, Petrus:: Anglia, Scotia et Hibernia Bertius, Petrus:: Northumbria, Cumberlandia et Dunelmensis Episcopatus
Bertius, Petrus:: Hibernia Septentr[ionalis] in qua Ultonia, Connatia Bertius, Petrus:: Anglesey Insula; Wight olim Vectis; Insula Garnsey; Insula Iarsay Bertius, Petrus:: Scotia Septentrionalis
Bertius, Petrus:: Media Bertius, Petrus:: Connatia Bertius, Petrus:: Lagenia
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