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Mercator-Cloppenburgh:: Transylvania
ENGLAND, LONDON: Stanford, Edward:: Map of the Environs of London Reduced from the Ordnance Survey
Homann, J.B.:: Principatus Transilvaniae [...]
Mercator-Cloppenburgh:: Nova Europae Descriptio
Janssonius:: Insularum Britannicarum Accurata Delineatio ex Geographicis Conatibus Abrahami Ortelii
ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE: Janssonius:: Comitatus Northantonensis vernacule Northamptonshire
ENGLAND, DEVON: Janssonius:: Devoniae Descriptio. The Description of Devonshire
WALES, PEMBROKESHIRE: Janssonius:: Penbrochia Comitatus et Comitatus Caermardinum
ENGLAND, LONDON: Potter, J.D.:: Thames Wharves compiled by Temple, Thompson & Clark
ENGLAND, LONDON: Wyld, James:: Wyld’s New Plan of London
ENGLAND, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE: Keere, Pieter van den:: Buckinghamshire
ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE: Keere, Pieter van den:: Barkshire
Munster, Sebastian:: Constantinopel des Griechischen Keyserthumbs Hauptstatt, im Lande Thracia am Meere gelegen
Homann, Johann Baptist:: Regni Norvegiae [...]
ENGLAND, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE: Janssonius:: Buckinghamiae Comitatus cum Bedfordiensi; vulgo Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire
ENGLAND, SOMERSET: Janssonius:: Somersetensis Comitatus: Somersetshire
ENGLAND, SURREY: Janssonius:: Surria vernacule Surrey
Johnston, Alexander Keith:: Basin of the Mediterranean
Bartholomew, John & Co.:: Bartholomew’s Tourist’s Map of South Africa
Heliodorus:: [Greek title: Aethiopicon] cum animadversionibus Ioannis Bourdelotii, ad vett. edd. recensuit Ioannes Petrus Schmidius
Seneca the Younger:: Epistolae ccxxiii. M. Antonii Mureti Notis & emendationibus illustratae. Accedunt nunc primum Animadversiones Iani Gruteri [...]
Camden, William:: Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum, Regnante Elizabetha [...]
Hierocles of Alexandria:: [Greek title] Hieroclis Philosophi commentarius in aura Pythagoreorum carmina. Ioan. Curterio interprete. [...] Parisiis [Paris], Apud Nicolaum Nivellium [...] [bound with] Aurea Pythagoreorum Carmina. Latinè conversa, multisque in locis emendata, illustratáque adnotationibus ... auctore Theodoro Marcilio
Pliny, the Younger:: The Letters of Pliny the Consul: with occasional remarks by William Melmoth [...] The Fourth Edition, Corrected
Foster, John:: An Essay on the Evils of Popular Ignorance: and a Discourse on the Communication of Christianity to the People of Hindoostan [...]
Bible, Greek Old Testament:: [Greek title] Vetus Testamentum Graecum [...] cura & studio Leandri van Ess [...]
ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE: Atkyns, Sir Robert:: Gloster City
ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE: Loggan, David:: The Prospect of Oxford from the South Near Abbington Road / The Prospect of Oxford from the East near London Road
Thomson, John:: Skye Island
ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE: Janssonius:: Lancastria Palatinatus
ENGLAND, KENT: Janssonius:: Cantium vernacule Kent
Ward, Rev. William:: A View of the History, Literature and Religion of the Hindoos: including a Minute Description of their Manners and Customs, and Translations from their Principal Works [...] The fifth edition, carefully abridged and greatly improved with a biographical sketch of the author, and an ample index
Homer (Alexander Pope trans.):: The Iliad of Homer. Tranlsated by Alexander Pope [...]
Caesar:: C. Iulii Caesaris quae extant, cum selectis variorum commentariis [...]
[Rastell, John]:: Les Termes de la Ley: or, certain difficult and obscure Words and Terms of the Common and Statute Laws of this Realm, now in Use, expounded and explained. Corrected and Enlarged, with the Addition of many other Words; particularly of those that have been lately introduced into the Statute Law of Great Britain, never Printed in any other Impression
ENGLAND, LONDON: Creighton, R.:: A Plan of London and its Environs
ENGLAND, OXFORDSHIRE: Saxton-Hole:: Oxoniensis Comitatus vulgo Oxfordshyre qui pars olim Dubunorum
Clement of Alexandria:: [Greek title] Clemetis Alexandrini Opera, Graece et Latine quae extant post accuratum D.V. Danielis Heinsii recensionem [...] accedunt diversae lectiones & emendationes [...] a Friderico Sylburgio collectae [...]
Bible, Greek Old Testament:: [...] Vetus Testamentum ex versione Septuaginta interpretum [...], summa cura edidit Lambertus Bos [...]
Bible, Greek New Testament:: [...] Novum Testamentum. Ex Bibliotheca Regia. [...]
Bible, Greek New Testament:: [Greek title] Novum Testamentum. Ex Bibliotheca Regia
Bible, Greek New Testament:: [Greek title] Novi Testamenti Omnia
Clement I, Saint, Pope:: [Greek title] Ad Corinthios Epistola Prior [...]
Bible, Greek New Testament:: [Greek title] Novum Testamentum. Juxta Exemplar Millianum. Typis Johannis Baskerville
Apollinaris, Bishop of Laodicea, & Nonnus of Panopolis:: [Greek title] Apollinarii Interpretatio Psalmorum Versibus Heroicis. Graeca recensuit F. Sylbergius [with] Nonni Panopolitani Metaphrasis Evangelii Secundum Ioannem, versibus heroicis [...] opera Frid. Sylburgii veter
Bible, Greek New Testament:: Novum Testamentum Graecum, cum lectionibus variantibus MSS exemplarium, versionum, editionum, SS patrum & scriptorum ecclesiasticorum; et in easdem notis [...] Studio et labore Joannis Millii [...] Editio Secunda
Justinus:: Historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio [...]
Terence:: Comoediae Sex
Sallust:: [opera] quae extant
Bartholomew, John George:: Atlas of the World’s Commerce., A new series of maps with descriptive text and diagrams showing products, imports, exports, commercial conditions and economic statistics of the countries of the world. [...]
Doré, Gustave & Dante Alighieri:: The Vision of Hell by Dante Alighieri. Translated by the the Rev. Henry Francis Cary, M.A. and illustrated with the designs of M. Gustave Doré. New Edition. [...]
Illustrated London News:: Westminster School: Great Dean’s Yard
Illustrated London News:: Westminster School: Little Dean’s Yard
NORTHUMBERLAND: Illustrated London News:: Newcastle upon Tyne
Illustrated London News:: An Architectural Group in Westminster [including the West Front of the Abbey]
Illustrated London News:: The Thames Embankment from the Temple to Somerset House, including a proposed site for the new Law Courts
Illustrated London News:: London Bridge
ENGLAND, CUMBRIA: Saxton-Kip:: Cumbriae sive Cumberlandia
Tallis, John:: Africa
Tallis, John:: Falkland Islands and Patagonia
Justin of Caesarea (or Justin Martyr):: Apologiae Duae et Diologus cum Tryphone Judeo. Cum notis & emandationibus Styani Thirlbii
SDUK (Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge):: Sweden, Norway and Denmark
SDUK (Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge):: Portugal
SDUK (Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge):: Syria
SDUK (Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge):: Ancient Syria
SDUK (Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge):: India: Bengal Presidency
SDUK (Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge):: India II: Madras Presidency
SDUK (Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge):: India I and Ceylon
SDUK (Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge):: India XII: Index Map
SDUK (Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge):: China: the interior chiefly from Du Halde and the Jesuits, 1710-1718, and the sea coast from modern authorities
SDUK (Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge):: China and the Birman Empire with parts of Cochin China and Siam
SDUK (Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge):: Austrian Dominions III: Croatia, Sclavonia and Dalmatia
SDUK (Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge):: Eastern Siberia
SDUK (Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge):: Poland
Illustrated London News:: An Oasis in the Desert: Fountain-Court, The Temple
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