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Orme, Edward:: Sailors at Prayers on Board Lord Nelson’s Ship, after the Battle of the Nile
Orme, Edward:: The Allies before Dantzic in Winter
Orme, Edward:: Taking a French Eagle at Barrossa
Orme, Edward:: The Buffs at the Battle of Albuera
Orme, Edward:: The Cockpit, Battle of the Nile
Orme, Edward:: Head Quarters, Waterloo 1815
Orme, Edward:: The Horse Guards at the Battle of Waterloo. One of the Officers having killed a French Colonel cuts off his Epaulette in Triumph
Orme, Edward:: The French Conscripts
Morden, Robert:: Britannia Saxonica
Morden, Robert:: Britannia Romana
Boethius:: De Consolatione Philosophiae [...] Ioh. Bernatius recensuit, & Commentario illustravit
Justinus:: Historiae Philippicae ad optimas editiones collatae [....]
Braun, Georg and Hogenberg, Frans:: Haec est nobilis & florens illa Neapolis ... [Naples]
Braun, Georg and Hogenberg, Frans:: Basilea [Basel]
Braun, Georg and Hogenberg, Frans:: Gouda
ENGLAND, LONDON: Graham, C.B.:: Plan of the East and West India Docks
White, Capt. Martin:: A Survey of the Island of Jersey and the surrounding dangers
LANCASHIRE: Jenkinson, John:: View of the Town and Harbour of Liverpool, England
D’Anville, J.B.B.:: Golfe Arabique ou Mer Rouge
Maitland, William:: The South prospect of Somerset House in the Strand
Maitland, William:: The Custom House
Maitland, William:: The South East Prospect of the Temple Church
Maitland, William:: The East Front of the Horse and Foot Guards at Whitehall
Maitland, William:: Bow Church
Seymour, Robert:: The Tower of London
Russell, P. (ed.):: View of the Queen’s Palace in St James’s Park
ENGLAND, LANCASHIRE: Bowen & Owen:: Lancashire
ENGLAND, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE: Bowen & Owen:: Nottinghamshire
ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE: Saxton-Kip:: Lincolniae Comitatus ubi olim insederunt Coritani
ENGLAND, CORNWALL: Morden, Robert:: Cornwall
ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE: Morden, Robert:: Gloucestershire
ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE: Blaeu:: Lincolnia Comitatus, Anglis Lincolnshire
Roux, Joseph:: Carte du Mouillage de Corfou
ENGLAND, KENT: Braun & Hogenberg:: Cantuarbury (Canterbury)
ENGLAND, SUFFOLK: Speed, John:: Suffolke described
ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, WEST RIDING: Bowen & Owen:: The West Riding of Yorkshire
ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE: Bowen & Owen:: Berkshire
ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE: Bowen & Owen:: Shropshire
ENGLAND, CUMBERLAND: Bowen & Owen:: Cumberland
ENGLAND, DEVON: Bowen & Owen:: Devonshire
ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE: Bowen & Owen:: Warwickshire
ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE: Bowen & Owen:: Glocestershire
ENGLAND, DORSET: Bowen & Owen:: Dorsetshire
WALES, PEMBROKSHIRE: Saxton-Kip:: Penbrok Comitatus, olim pars Demetarum
ENGLAND, HUNTINGDONSHIRE: Saxton-Kip:: Huntingdon Comitatus qui pars fuit Icenorum
ENGLAND, HEREFORDSHIRE: Saxton-Kip:: Herefordiae Comitatus qui olim pars fuit Silurum delineato
ENGLAND BUCKINGHAMSHIRE: Saxton-Kip:: Buckingham Comitatus, in quo olim insederunt Cattieuchlani
ENGLAND, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE: Morden, Robert:: Nottinghamshire
ENGLAND, LEICESTERSHIRE: Morden, Robert:: Leicestershire
ENGLAND, HEREFORDSHIRE: Morden, Robert:: Herefordshire
ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE: Morden, Robert:: Hertfordshire
ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE: Morden, Robert:: Lincolnshire
ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE: Morden, Robert:: Northamptonshire
ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE: Morden, Robert:: Shropshire
ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE: Morden, Robert:: Bedfordshire
ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, NORTH RIDING: Morden, Robert:: The North Riding of Yorkshire
ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, EAST RIDING: Morden, Robert:: The East Riding of Yorkshire
SCOTLAND, AYRSHIRE: Blaeu:: Caricta Meridionalis vulgo the South part of Carrick
ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE: Blaeu:: Staffordiensis Comitatus; vulgo Staffordshire
Homann Heirs:: Imperium Turcicum in Europa, Asia et Africa Regiones [...]
WALES, PEMBROKESHIRE: Blaeu:: Penbrochia Comitatus et Comitatus Caermaridunum
Theophrastus:: [Greek title] Characteres Ethici: ex recensione Petri Needham cum versione Latina Isaaci Casauboni
Epictetus:: Enchiridium una cum Cebetis Thebani Tabula Graec. & Lat. Cum notis Wolfii, Casauboni, Caselii & aliorum : Abrahamus Berkelius textum recensuit & suas quoque addidit. [...]
Wit, Frederick de:: Nova totius Hungariae, Transilvaniae, Serviae [... &c.] descriptio
Reilly, F.J.J. von:: Das Furstenthum Wales
ENGLAND, DEVON: Blaeu:: Devonia vulgo Devonshire
ENGLAND, DORSET: Blaeu:: Comitatus Dorcestria sive Dorsettia; vulgo Anglice Dorsetshire
ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, NORTH RIDING: Blaeu:: Ducatus Eboracensis pars Borealis. The North Riding of Yorkshire
ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE: Blaeu:: Glocestria Ducatus; vulgo Glocestershire
ENGLAND, SOMERSET: Blaeu:: Somersettensis Comitatus. Somersetshire
Bowen, Emanuel:: A New and Accurate Map of Peru and the Country of the Amazones
Bowen, Emanuel:: An Accurate Map of Asia Minor
Merian:: Turcicum Imperium
Mercator-Cloppenburgh:: Turcici Imperii Imago
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