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Harding, James Duffield:: The Port of London Nayler, Sir George:: His Majesty King George the Fourth proclaimed King [...] at Carlton House, on Monday 31st January 1820 Vue d’optique:: A View of the Royal Palace of Hampton Court
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Laurie & Whittle:: A View of the Center Cross walk &c in Vauxhall Gardens West, Francis:: The Triumphal Arches, Mr Handel’s Statue &c in the South Walk of Vauxhall Gardens West, Francis:: A View of the East India House, Leadenhall Street
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Bowles, John:: Marlborough House in St James’s Park Daniell, William:: View of the East Front of the New Theatre Royal, Covent Garden Janssonius:: Aethiopia Inferior vel Exterior
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Orme, Edward:: The Grand Te Deum on the Field of Battle near Toplitz. Attended by the Allied Sovereigns and Troops, 1813 Orme, Edward:: The Allied Army Crossing the Rhine to Invade France, 1813 Orme, Edward:: French Cuirassiers in the Battle of Waterloo, charged and defeated by the Highlanders and Scotch Greys
Orme, Edward:: A True Picture of a Field of Battle Orme, Edward:: The Battle of Waterloo decided by the Duke of Wellington, heading a charge upon the French Imperial Guards, June 18th 1815 Orme, Edward:: Wellington and Blucher meeting by accident at the close of the Battle of Waterloo
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