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Porcacchi, Tomaso:: Scarpanto (Karpathos) Porcacchi, Tomaso:: Scio (Chios) Moll, Hermann:: Spain and Portugal
Jefferys, Thomas:: South America Quad-Bussemacher:: Angliae regni florentissimi nova descriptio [...] Quad-Bussemacher:: Europa
Mercator:: Andaluzia Mercator:: Portugall and Algarbia / Portugallia olim Lusitania Mercator:: Hungariae
Mercator:: Castilia Vetus et Nova Mercator:: Andalusia et Granada Mercator:: Argow
S.D.U.K.:: Calcutta S.D.U.K.:: Berlin S.D.U.K.:: Geneva
Braun, Georg and Hogenberg, Frans:: [Calecut] Calechut Celeberrimum Indiae Emporium Ortelius, Abraham:: Asiae Nova Descriptio Basire, James:: A Plan of Rome containing the Several Additions from the time of Servius Tullius to that of being taken by the Gauls
SDUK / Clarke, William Barnard:: Plan of Ancient Rome SDUK / Clarke, William Barnard:: Pompeii Aa, Pierre van der:: Novissima et accuratissima delineato Romae veteris et novae [...]
Bertius, Petrus:: Helvetia Bertius, Petrus:: Argow Bertius, Petrus:: Wiflispurgow
Bertius, Petrus:: Tartaria Bertius, Petrus:: Salzburg et Carinthia Bertius, Petrus:: Austria
Bertius, Petrus:: Oswieczimensis et Zatoriensis Ducat Ortelius:: Polonia Ortelius:: Zara et Sebenic
Ortelius:: Palatinatus Bavariae Ortelius:: Saxonia, Thuringia, Misnia ENGLAND, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE: Saxton-Kip:: Notinghamiae Comitatus olim pars Coritanorum
Ottens, R & J:: Nova Isthmi Americani, qui et Panamiensis item Dariensis, Tabula [...] Reilly, F.J.J. von:: Das Konigsreich Scotland Bertius, Petrus:: Scotia
Seller, John:: Anglesey Island ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE: Seller, John:: Warwickshire ENGLAND, NORFOLK: Seller, John:: Norfolk
ENGLAND, LEICESTERSHIRE: Seller, John:: Leicestershire ENGLAND, HUNTINGDONSHIRE: Seller, John:: Huntingdonshire ENGLAND, WESTMORLAND: Seller, John:: Westmorland County
WALES, CAERMARTHENSHIRE: Seller, John:: Carmardenshire WALES, CAERNARFONSHIRE: Seller, John:: Carnarvenshire WALES, CARDIGANSHIRE: Seller, John:: Cardiganshire
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WALSES, FLINTSHIRE: Seller, John:: Flintshire WALES, BRECKNOCKSHIRE: Seller, John:: Breknokshire Seller, John:: Scotland
Goos, Pieter:: Het Canaal tuschen Engeland en Vrancriick Janssonius:: Peru Seutter, Matthaus:: Opulemtissimum Sinarum Imperium
Wit, Frederick de:: Accuratissima totius Asiae Tabula ENGLAND, ESSEX: Janssonius:: Essexia descriptio. The Description of Essex Mercator-Hondius:: Angliae Regnum
Mercator-Cloppenburgh:: Peru Le Rouge, George Louis:: La Barbade/Isle St Christophle ENGLAND, CUMBRIA: Janssonius:: Cumbriae Comitatus descriptio
Scherer, Heinrich:: Navigationes Praecipuae Europaeorum ad Exteras Nationes Scherer, Heinrich:: [Untitled World Map] ENGLAND, CAMBRIDGESHIRE: Moll, Herman:: Cambridgeshire
ENGLAND, WESTMORLAND: Moll, Herman:: Westmorland ENGLAND, CUMBRIA: Moll, Herman:: Cumberland ENGLAND, WORCESTERSHIRE: Moll, Herman:: Worcestershire
ENGLAND, RUTLAND: Moll, Herman:: Rutlandshire ENGLAND, HUNTINGDONSHIRE: Moll, Herman:: Huntingdonshire Thackeray, William Makepeace:: The Works [...] with biographical introduction by his daughter, Anne Ritchie [...]
Plutarch:: [...] Plutarchi Chaeronensis Quae Supersunt Omnia. Cum adnotationibus variorum adjectaque lectionis diversitate. Opera Johannis Georgii Hutten [...] Stanford, Edward:: London Atlas Map of Ceylon Stuart & Revett:: Column detail, Monument of Lysicrates
Werner, Paul:: Paris und Umgebung wahrend der Belagerung 1870 und 1871 Mannert, Conrad:: Charte von Hindostan Stanford, Edward:: Burmah
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