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Tibullus:: [... Opera] quae exstant [...]
Lucan:: [...] Pharsalia, cum notis Hugonis Grotii, et Richardi Bentleii
Wood, Anthony:: Athenae Oxonienses. An exact History of all the Writers and Bishops who have had their Education in the most Antient and Famous University of Oxford, from the Fifteenth Year of King Henry the Seventh, A.D. 1500, to the Author’s Death in November 1695 [...] The Second Edition, very much Corrected and Enlarged; with the Addition of above 500 new Lives from the Author’s Original Manuscript
Pliny the elder:: Naturalis Historiae [...] Cum Commentariis et adnotationibus Hermolai Barbari, Pintiani, Rhenani, Gelenii, Dalechampii, Scaligeri, Salmasii, Is. Vossi, & Variorum [...] Item Joh. Fr. Gronovii Notarum liber singularis [...]
Gould, John:: Jack Snipe
Gould, John:: Crested Tit
Gould, John:: Marsh Bunting
Gould, John:: Fieldfare
Gould, John:: Reed Bunting
Gould, John:: Crested Lark
Gould, John:: Richard’s Pipit
Gould, John:: Grey-Headed Wagtail
Gould, John:: White-Winged Wagtail
Gould, John:: Black Wheatear
Gould, John:: Barred Warbler
Gould, John:: Sparrow Owl
Staunton, Sir George:: A chart of part of the coast of Cochin-China including Turon Harbour [Danang] and the island Callao from an actual survey in June 1793. By H.W. Parish of the Royal Artillery and J.Barrow
Jode, Gerard de:: Primae Partis Asiae accurata delineatio habens nomina antiqua et recentia continens Turcici Imperii magnam partem ac Sophorum seu Persarum Regnum observatis ubique cum longitudinis tum latitudinis gradib. Auctore Iacobo Gastaldo pedemontano. Gerhardis de Jode excudebat
Roberts, David:: Remains of the Portico of the temple of Kom Ombo
ENGLAND, CORNWALL: Blaeu:: Cornubia sive Cornwallia
ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE: Neele, Samuel John:: A Plan of the Town of Reading copied by permission of the Rev. Cha. Coates from the Plan prefixed to his History of that Town
Church, R.W.:: Bacon
Anselm of Bec, Saint, & Eadmer:: Sancti Anselmi ex Beccensi Abbate Cantuariensis Archieposcopi Opera: nec non Eadmeri Monachi Cantuariensis Histroia Novorum, et alia Opuscula: labore ac studio D. Gabrielis Gerberon [...] Secunda Editio, coreecta & aucta
Cromwell, Thomas:: Oliver Cromwell and his times [...] second edition
Covens & Mortier (after Sanson):: Les Deux Poles Arcticque ou Septentrional et Antarcticque ou Meridional, ou Description des Terres Arcticques et Antarctiques et des Pays circomvoisins jusques aux 45 Degres de Latitude [...]
Ruscelli, Girolamo:: Tabula Asiae V
ENGLAND: Ogilby, John:: The Roads from London to Wells in Norfolk and St Edmonds Bury in Suffolk
ENGLAND, LEICESTERSHIRE: Speed, John:: Leicester, both Countye and Citie described [...]
ENGLAND, WESTMORLAND: Speed, John:: The Countie of Westmorland and Kendale the cheif towne described
Aristotle:: Ethics and Politics, comprising his Practical Philosophy, translated from the Greek: illustrated by introduction and notes [...] by John Gillies [...] the Third Edition [...]
ENGLAND, CAMBRIDGESHIRE: Saxton-Kip:: Cambridge Comitatus quem olim Iceni insederunt
Ordnance Survey:: London Sheet VII.75 [Bankside]
Philip, George & Sheldrake, T. Swinborne:: The Chambers of Commerce Atlas [...] A systematic survey of the world's trade, economic resources & communications specially prepared for The Times Trade and Engineering Supplement [...]
Philip, George:: Philips’ New Handy General Atlas and Gazetteer: A Geographical Survey of the New Era [...] Third Edition, revised to show the latest territorial changes [...]
Goodall, George & Fullard, Harold:: The Standard Reference Atlas
Baines, Edward:: United States of America, exhibiting the Seat of War on the Canadian Frontier from 1812 to 1815
Stanford, Edward:: Stanford's London Atlas of Universal Geography: exhibiting the Physical and Political divisions of the various Countries of the World
Hughes, William (ed.):: Philips' General Atlas of the World; a series of new and authentic maps engraved from original drawings, compiled from national surveys and the works of eminent travellers and explorers [...] accompanied by a valuable index of reference
Philip, George & Son Ltd:: Philips’ New Imperial Atlas, new and revised edition. A series of 95 maps illustrating the territorial changes effected, and the new States created by the Treaties of Peace
Homann, Johann Baptist:: Magna Britannia [...]
Taylor, Joseph:: Arbores Mirabiles: or, a description of the most remarkable trees, plants and shrubs, in all parts of the World., Illustrated with several curious anecdotes of their wonderful properties, and at the same time manifesting infinite wisdom in the formation of those valuable productions, so beneficial to all mankind. Taken from the journals of eminent travellers, historians, and naturalists
Thucydides:: De Bello Peloponnesiaco [...] Graece et Latine ad editionem Ios. Wasse et Car. Andr. Dukeri accurate expressi, cum varietate lectionis et annotationibus. Studiis Societatis Bipontae
Bacon, G.W. & Co:: New General Atlas of the World
Johnston, W. & A.K. Ltd:: The Victoria Regina Atlas, Political, Physical & Astronomical [...] Second Edition
Bartholomew, J.G.:: The Citizen’s Atlas of the World [...]
Sophocles:: Tragoediae Superstites et Deperditarum Fragmenta ex recensione G. Dindorfii
Macrobius:: Opera. Ioh. Isacius Pontanus recensuit: & Saturnaliorum libros MS. ope auxit, ordinavit, & Castigationes sive notas adiecit [...]
Scott, Sir Walter:: Waverley Novels, Centenary Edition
Cluverius, Philippus:: Veteris et Novae Britanniae Descriptio
Simms, F.W.:: Plan of the East India Docks
Ogilby, John:: The Roads from Cambridge to Coventry
Sanson, Guillaume:: Troianum [Troy] Regnum, Novem Dinasteias Complectens, Priami dum Regna manebant [...]
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas:: [Falkland Islands] Carte von Hawkins Maiden, oder Jungfern-Land/Carte de Maidenland ou de la Virginie de Hawkins decouverte par Sr. Richard Hawkins en 1574 [...]
Bacon, G.W. & Co:: Bacon’s Map of Liverpool corrected to the present time, by John Dower [...]
Porcacchi, Tomaso:: Hollanda
Porcacchi, Tomaso:: Sicilia (Sicily)
Lotter, T.C.:: Castellum Gibraltar in Andalusia situm, cum celebri Freto inter Europam et Africam [...]
Homann Heirs:: Dominia Anglorum in praecipuis Insulis Americae, ut sunt Insula S. Christophori [St Kitts], Antegoa [Antigua], Jamaica, Barbados, nec non Insulae Bermudes [Bermuda] vel Sommers dicate [...]
ENGLAND, NORTHUMBERLAND: Morden, Robert:: Northumberland
ENGLAND, CUMBRIA: Morden, Robert:: Cumberland
Aa, Pieter van der:: Anglia
London Magazine:: A Plan of Pondicherry in the East Indies
Cary, John:: Hindoostan
Day & Son:: The Residency, Palaces &c of Lucknow
Cantelli da Vignola de Rossi, Giacomo:: [Title-Page] Mercurio Geografico [...] Tomo Secondo [...]
Chatelain, Henri Abraham:: [Title-page] Atlas Historique
Pitt, Moses:: [Title-page] The English Atlas, Volume II
Janssonius:: [Title-page] Le Nouveau Theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas, Tome Troisieme
Blaeu:: [Title-page] Theatrum orbis Terrarum, sive Atlas Novus [...]
Blaeu:: [Title-page] Le Nouveau Theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas, Tome second
NORFOLK: Hearne, Thomas:: The Castle at Castle Acre
NORFOLK: Martin, Hood & Co:: Witchingham Hall, North Front
NORFOLK: Martin, Hood & Co:: Witchingham Hall, South Front
NORFOLK: Martin, Hood & Co:: Brooke House, view from the park
NORFOLK: Way, Thomas:: Houghton Hall, North Front
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