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Van Keulen, Joannes:: Pascaert, vande Westkuste van Schotlandt, Als mede een gedeelte van de Lewys Eylanden, van S. Patricius tot Nary, Nog t’I. Roda ofte Barre en t’I. S. Kilda [...]
Weigel, Christoph:: Ducatus Luneburgensis et Comitatus Dannebergensis
Weigel, Christoph:: Lotharingia cum contiguis
Weigel, Christoph:: Novissima Tabula Regionis Ludovicianae Gallice dictae La Louisiane
Bry, Theodore de:: Aden
Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Guepier a collier, de Madagascar
Fer, Nicolas de:: Bruselles (Brussels)
Braun, Georg and Hogenberg, Frans:: Orivetum vulgo Orvieto / Lauretum (Loreto)
Seutter:: Sueciae, Daniae et Norwegiae Regnae
Ottens R & J:: [Black Sea] Pontus Euxinus of Niewe en Naaukeurige Paskaart van de Zwarte Zee [...]
Merian:: Hungaria Regnum
Sanson:: Hungaria Regnum
Homann Heirs:: Tabula Geographica exhibens Regnum Sclavoniae
Mercator:: Abissinorum Regnum / The Dukedome of the Abissines
Nolin, J.B: Gouvernement General du Dauphine
de Wit, Frederick:: Gouvernement General de Pays Orleanois
Lotter:: Magni Turcarum Dominatoris Imperium per Europae, Asiam et Africam [...]
Andrews, John:: A Plan of the City of Rome
Andrews, John:: Mantua and its Environs
Bodenehr, Gabriel:: Roma Moderna
Bodenehr, Gabriel:: Fiorenza oder Florenz
Mercator:: Castilia Vetus et Nova/The Old and New Castile
Blaeu:: [Title-Page] Toonneel des Aerdrycs, oft Nievwe Atlas [...] Vierde Deel
Mercator:: [Title-Page] Atlas Minor
Braun, Georg and Hogenberg, Frans:: [Title-Page] Civitates Orbis Terrarum
Mercator:: Anglia, Scotia et Hibernia
Mercator:: Udrone
Mercator:: Le Duche d’Berry
Mercator:: Anjou
Mercator:: Lotharingia Septentrional
Mercator:: Lotharingia Meridionalis
Mercator:: Burgundia Ducatus
Mercator:: Bolonia et Guines com
Mercator:: Picardia
Mercator:: Burgundia Comitatus
ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE: Speed, John:: Yorkshire
ENGLAND, HUNTIGDONSHIRE: Speed, John:: Huntington, both Shire and Shire Town with the Ancient Citie Ely described
ENGLAND, WESTMORLAND: Saxton-Kip:: Westmorlandiae comitatus
ENGLAND, NORTHUMBRIA: Saxton-Hole:: Northumbriae Comitatus
ENGLAND, WILTSHIRE: Saxton-Kip:: Wiltonia Comitatus [...]
ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE: Saxton-Kip:: Hertfordiae Comitatus
ENGLAND, WORCESTERSHIRE: Saxton-Hole:: Wigorniensis Comitatus
ENGLAND, YORKSIRE, EAST RIDING: Saxton-Hole:: Eboracensis Comitatus [...] pars Orientalis, vulgo East Riding
ENGLAND, CAMBRIDGESHIRE: Morden, Robert:: Cambridgeshire
ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE: Morden, Robert:: Barkshire
ENGLAND, WORCESTERSHIRE: Morden, Robert:: Worcestershire
SCOTLAND: Keere, Pieter van den [Miniature Speed]:: The South part of Scotland wherin is the strange Lake Lomund
WALES, MONTGOMERY/MERIONETH: Keere, Pieter van den [Miniature Speed]:: Montgomeri & Merionidh Shires
ENGLAND, WORCESTERSHIRE: Keere, Pieter van den [Miniature Speed]:: Worcestershire
SCOTLAND: Keere, Pieter van den [Miniature Speed]:: Part of Scotland it is called of its inhabitance Stranaverne with his borderers
ENGLAND, RUTLAND: Keere, Pieter van den [Miniature Speed]:: Rutlandeshire
ENGLAND, HUNTINGDONSHIRE: Keere, Pieter van den [Miniature Speed]:: Huntingtonshire
ENGLAND, HUNTINGDONSHIRE: Blaeu:: Huntingdonensis Comitatus, Huntingtonshire
ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE: Speed, John:: Hartford Shire described, The situations of Hartford and the most ancient towne St Albans with such memorable actions as have happened
ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE: Speed, John:: Bedfordshire and the situation of Bedford described
ENGLAND, WORCESTERSHIRE: Speed, John:: Worcestershire described
Munster, Sebastian:: Venice
Cluverius, Philippus:: Syriae sive Soriae Descriptio
Wharton, Captain W.J.L.:: Position of the Fleet at Spithead on the 23rd July 1887
Ortelius:: Hispalensis Conventus Delineato (Andalusia)
Blaeu:: Capitanata, olim Mesapiae et Iapygiae pars (Puglia)
Hondius-Janssonius:: Episcopatus Paderbornensis descriptio nova
Hondius-Janssonius:: Castilae Veteris et Novae Descriptio
Blaeu:: Quangsi, Sinarum Imperii Provinciae Decimatertia
Homann, J.C.:: Recentissima Asiae Delineatio [...]
Hondius-Janssonius:: Thuringiae Nova Descriptio
Hondius-Janssonius:: Typus Frisiae Orientalis
Hondius-Janssonius:: Hassia Landgraviatus
Hondius-Janssonius:: Nova Descriptio Palatinatus Rheni
Hondius-Janssonius:: Bavariae Superioris et Inferioris
Ortelius:: Pomerania
Ortelius:: Germania
Ortelius:: Thietmarsia
Ortelius:: Bavaria
Ortelius:: Silesiae Typus
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