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EVERETT W FISH MD B W illustrations 2 tipped-in photographs BROWN ENDPAPERS Sepia Frontispiece Photo BROWN ENDPAPERS SMALL INNER HINGE TEAR With many Diagrams including 2 foldout plates Black and White Engravings 8vo Yellow Inner Hinges Taped together to Hold W H VENABLE INTRODUCTION B W Illustrated
Major W G KILNER U S Army west Point and 1st Lt A J MacELROY U S Army Cornell Blank endpapers Former Owner Name Poem JAMES HOLT HIGH School EX-LIBRARY USUAL WEAR STAMP ETC Glossy B W DIAGRAM FINGER PRINT TYPES Illustrated JARED SPARKS L L D Foxed Plain Endpapers Former Owner INK Inscription DATED 1858 FONTISPIECE OF Head of George Washington Foxed
Lewis E Theiss Inner DJ Flap $1 NOT Illustrated Story of Brothers Grimm Dolls designed&Made by Amalia Serkin retold by L Gombrich B W illustrations in the text by M Hoffer and full page Colour Lois Lenski with Plain BLUE endpapers COLOR ILLUSTRATED Plain white sticker back endpaper
KIRK MUNROE W A Rourke 5050 price on top left of front jacket flap Blue&White Illustrated Endpapers B W Glossy Frontispiece Kirk Munroe B W Frontispiece Pursuit of Train Robber Illustrated B W Glossies Priceclipped Edith Lavell Glossy Frontisp Canoe rounded a bend in river&came within full View of Burning Resort Inner DJ Flap 50 cents Illustrated Green&White Endpapers
Margaret Love Sanderson PRICECLIPPED NO Illustrations FOX ENDPAPERS FORMER OWNER NAME Back Inner DJ Flap Lists Thru Trailing Rouge Elephant Margaret Love Sanderson 25 cent cover price DJ FLAP NO Illustrations This title is listed on rear endflap Rei-Lee Adventure and Mystery Stories for Girls by ELLIOTT WHITNEY Fred J Arting Color illustrated DJ INNER DJ FLAP $25 NO Illustrations CARD Pasted on Blank Fox Endpaper
BEATRIX POTTER INNER DJ FLAP 3 6 NET Endpaper Former OWNER NAME has 2 color Illustrations Color Frontispiece 3 cats looking in store Window ROY SNELL Blank FoxEndpapers by Elizabeth Wallace illustrated by Fred J Arting who illustrated some Tarzan DJS with Frontispiece
ALAN CUMMING SIGNED by Cumming&Shaffer Illustrated by artist Grant Shaffer NO INSCRIPTION Blue Illustrated Endpapers by Potter Beatrix Not price clipped 85 CENTS Color Pictorial endpapers&Frontispiece Elliott Whitney Color DJ illustrated by Fred J Arting STICKER ON CORNER TITLE PG NOT ILLUSTRATED
Judith Greber SIGNED INNER DJ FLAP $18 95 CHARLES DICKENS Color Pictured by Arthur I Keller 1866-1924 Percy Keese Fitzhugh Pencil gift inscription from 1926 Half Title pg 238 pages plus ads several illustrations
by Emmett Kelly with F Beverly Kelley SIGNED IN GREEN INK BY EMMETT NO INSCRIPTION Decorations by ALICIA FIENE SPENCER CRUMP SIGNED COLLECTORS LIMITED EDITION BEATRIX POTTER INNER DJ FLAP price on DJ is 3 6 Illustrated by Author color endpapers different animals has Name
Captain Wilbur Lawton B W Glossy Frontispiece ILLUSTRATED CHARLES L WRENN Blank Endpapers Former Owner Name Sticker Andrew Carey Lincoln Contemporary owner's inscription on ffep Inner Flap DJ Blank&PriceClipped in RARE Color DustJacket by J McCracken CHARLES DICKENS INNER DJ Flap StickerPrice&TINY HOLE Red&White ILLUSTRATIONS BY DONALD MCKAY blank endpapers Foxed
BEATRIX POTTER COLOR ENDPAPERS show animals looking at ad for her books Unclipped dustjacket Beatrix POTTER Priced dust jacket both color&B W ilustrations with nearly EVERY turn of the page in this much loved series of books Charmingly decorated endpapers-animals COLOR FRONTISPIECE BEATRIX POTTER inside bottom DJ flap is 3 6 net
beatrix potter Illustrated throughout in color by Potter British price of 3 6 net on DJ flap Color Frontispiece 2 Squirrels Paul and Mabel Thorne Inner DJ Flap Priceclipped ROY J SNELL SIGNED ON BOOKPLATE Inner DJ Flap Priceclipped NOT Illustrated
Roy J Snell Inner DJ Flap $1 25 NOT Illustrated ROY J SNELL SIGNED&INSCRIBED Color Frontispiece NOT Illustrated Roy J Snell Priceclipped but INNER Flap $1 25 NOT Illustrated
BEATRIX POTTER INNER DJ FLAP 3 6 BEATRIX POTTER Color iLLUSTRATED Inner DJ Flap 3 6 NET neat previous owner's name to front free endpaper Roy J Snell FORMER OWNER Christmas INSCRIPTION BLANK FOX FLYLEAF B W Frontispiece NOT ILLUSTRATED
ROY J SNELL Inner DJ Flap $1 with Name&Date NOT ILLUSTRATED IRENE SMITH B W Illustrated by Emil Weiss Inner Dj Flap $2 75 color Illustrated Endpapers FRONTISPIECE Clara Ingram Judson B W Illustrations by Paul Brown Front and rear endpapers illustrated in red pencil Name NOT EX-LIBRARY INNER DJ Flap $2 50
FRANCES COWEN SIGNED&Inscirbed by author FOR Ella Every Good wish FRANCES Fox to Blank Endpapers DJ Design Colin Andrews Inner Dj Flap Present Beatrix POTTER 1866-1943 Glossy COLOR FRONTISPIECE Unclipped DJ 3 6 NET Frontispiece and B W&colour illustrations FRANCES COWEN Inner DJ Flap 4s NET Glossy color Frontispiece
BEATRIX POTTER WITH 3 6 INNER DJ FLAP Mentions Editions in French Welsh Spanish&German Multi-character COLOR Endpapers Beatrix Potter 1866-1943) NOT price clipped 3 6 INNER DJ FLAP Full-page colour illustrations coloured pictorial endpapers&frontispiece small owner inscription ROY J SNELL Priceclipped but INNER DJ FLAP $1 25 NOT ILLUSTRATED
BEATRIX POTTER DUSTJACKET WITH 3 6 NET Illustrated in Color with the multi-character Endpapers BEATRIX POTTER DUSTJACKET WITH 3 6 NET Illustrated in Color with the multi-character Endpapers COLOR FRONTISPIECE BEATRIX POTTER INNER DJ FLAP 3 6 NET with PRICE CODE 485 951 Illustrated in Color with the multi-character Endpapers COLOR FRONTISPIECE
Snell Roy J Owner's name front free endpaper PRICECLIPPED DJ Flap NOT ILLUSTRATED BEATRIX POTTER with 3 6 NET DJ Inner Flap COLOR FRONTISPIECE of 2 Bumble Bees&Mouse COLOR ENDPAPERS OF ANIMALS Written&Illustrated by Sanford Tousey DUSTJACKET ONLY NO BOOK DJ ONLY Inner DJ Flap $1 50 Ink Letters Code
by Alice Taylor Rafaello Busoni DUSTJACKET ONLY NO BOOK DJ ONLY by Constance Jordan Henley DUSTJACKET ONLY NO BOOK DJ ONLY Initials on the corner FLAP WITH $3 50&Fifth Printing by Mary H Wade DUSTJACKET ONLY NO BOOK DJ ONLY Priceclipped but $1 75 Present
written&Illustrated by Olive L Earle DUSTJACKET ONLY NO BOOK DJ ONLY Priceclipped $2 Intact with E E in Ink by Lillian S Gardner Illustrated by Mary Stevens DUSTJACKET ONLY NO BOOK DJ ONLY Inner Dj Flap $2 75 by Margot Benary-Isbert Illustrated by Enrico Arno DUSTJACKET ONLY NO BOOK DJ ONLY Inner Dj Flap $2 50&Ink Letters
by Margaretta Brucker DUSTJACKET ONLY NO BOOK DJ ONLY DJ&Endpapers by Nina Albright Inner Dj Flap $2 7&ink Letters by Earle Looker Illustrated by James Montgomery Flagg DUSTJACKET ONLY NO BOOK DJ ONLY inner DJ Price $1 50 by Helen Ferris&Virginia Moore Illustrated by Harriet Moncure DUSTJACKET ONLY NO BOOK DJ ONLY INNER FLAP PRICECLIPPED 15TH PRINTING
by Alice Taylor Color Illustrated by Rafaello Busoni with Maps Also DUSTJACKET ONLY NO BOOK DJ ONLY Inner DJ Flap $1 75&Ink by Edward C Janes Decorations by Raymond Abel DUSTJACKET ONLY NO BOOK DJ ONLY Initials on the corner INNER DJ FLAP Priceclipped Ink book club Edition by James Ralph Johnson Illustrated by Robert Frankenberg DUSTJACKET ONLY NO BOOK DJ ONLY Inner DJ Flap $2 50&ink Letters
by Ruth Langland Holberg Illustrated by Grace Paull DUSTJACKET ONLY NO BOOK DJ ONLY Inner DJ Flap $2 75&Ink Letters written&Illustrated by Robert M McClung DUSTJACKET ONLY NO BOOK DJ ONLY Initials on the corner INNER DJ FLAP WITH $2 50 ADA CLAIRE DARBY DJ ONLY NO BOOK Inner Dj Flap $2 50 with Ink Letters&says 18th Printing
by Patricia Lauber illustrated Leonard Shortall Inner DJ Flap $2 50 Ink Code DUSTJACKET ONLY NO BOOK DJ ONLY by E H Lansing Illustrated by Susanne Suba DUSTJACKET ONLY NO BOOK DJ ONLY Inner DJ Flap $2 Ink Letters Code BEATRIX POTTER BORN IN LONDON 1866 DJ FLAP 3 6 NET with Code 74 749 COLOR ENDPAPERS CHARACTERS reading Titles Color Frontispiece of Cat&Mouse
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