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Randy Shilts Book is SIGNED Inscribed To Keep the dream alive I ve Heard about your Good work Warmly Randy Shilts NOV 13 '85 San Francisco FORMER OWNER STAMPS Back Blank Fyleaf Rudolph Valentino B W Glossy Frontispiece of Valentino in Open White Shirt Pensive Mood Back Blank Endpaper FORMER OWNER STAMP Foxing Inner DJ Flap 2-NET Price Introduction EDITED Introd Arthur B Reeve Grey&White Rockwell Kent ENDPAPERS Address Sticker Stamp Inner DJ Flap 95 Cents authors such as Leopold Kompert Montague Rhodes James and Ambrose Bierce Algernon Blackwood ETC
H L MENCKEN Inner DJ Flap Priceclipped but 95 cents Intact Green&white Rockwell Kent Endpapers light edge Scuff TASHA TUDOR INNER DJ FLAP $1 75 Illustrated in Lovely Water Color by author The book is SIGNED Tasha Tudor 1994 on the front endpaper A rare title Pictorial CROW Endpapers Foxed RAYMOND CHANDLER 1888-1959 Original $2 45 price intact DJ EDGE CREASE Beige White Rockwell Kent Endpapers He died in La Jolla CA
PAUL ADER Signed&Dated 1977 NOT an ex-library book Inner DJ flap $10 Mark Shulman Full color Illustrations by Philip Fickling original dust jacket FLAP priced at $14 95 TRAVEN B Dustjacket is unclipped but the original $2 45 price is crossed out in black ink&Printed ML 389 tiny corner Crease Green ML Decorated Endpapers
Andrew J Fenady SIGNED&Inscribed BY CA AUTHOR INNER DJ FLAP $25 95 Theophile Gautier FRENCH WRITER $1 10 ON BACK OF DJ&on Inner DJ flap above price sticker reads As of April 15 1947 the price of The Modern Library in U S A is $1 25 a copy Grey&White Rockwell Kent Endpapers Tasha Tudor Inner flap Priceclipped but Price Code INTACT 30-60 with small crease Calligraphy by Hilda Scott Plain endpapers Light fox
SIGNED and Dated by Editor Russell Schroeder with Drawing of Mickey Mouse on Yellow Endpapers Introduction written by Diane Disney Miller Illustrated by Walt Disney in B W&Color Plain ue Endpapers small scuff mark with price code 5050 on DJ Flap Marjorie Fleming DIED AT 8 YRS OLD by L MacBean INTRODUCTION CLIFFORD SMYTH Green&white Horace Brodzky endpapers
by Jacques Casanova de Seingalt Venetian adventurer&Author Edited by Madeleine Boyd Introduction by Ernest Boyd Not Illustrated Words&Color pictures JULIE DURRELL born in Springfield MASS INNER DJ Flap Priceclipped Sparkling 4 color Illustrations Gertrude Stein introduction by Carl Van Vechten Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped but 95 Cents Intact Great DJ design by Reichl! Orange&White Rockwell Kent Endpapers
SIGMUND FREUD Translated by Dr A A Brill Inner DJ Flap priceclipped FORMER OWNER Inscription Half Title Pg In Beige Printed Dustjacket Design by Sam EISENMAN Plain White endpapers Carolyn Haywood B W pictures JULIE DURRELL born in Springfield MASS Gold endpapers former Owner NAME Inner DJ Flap $11 75 Harriet Beecher Stowe Inner DJ Flap $1 25 Brilliant Introduction by Raymond Weaver of Columbia University GREY&WHITE ROCKWELL KENT ENDPAPERS
Isak Dinesen DJ unclipped an introduction Dorothy Canfield Former owner's small Bookplate SIGMUND FREUD Translated by Dr A A Brill Inner DJ Flap priceclipped but $1 25 INTACT Grey&White endpapers FOX Back Inner Flap Lists 3 books Harriet Beecher Stowe Inner DJ Flap $1 25 with pencil Note Brilliant Introduction by Raymond Weaver of Columbia University GREY&WHITE ROCKWELL KENT ENDPAPERS
by Bill Martin Jr&John Archambault Color Illustrated by Ted Rand SIGNED&Inscribed by Archambault with Hand Drawn Indian Spirit Feather for Good Luck on Pink Endpapers Tim Egan Inner DJ Flap $16 GRAY ENDPAPERS GARTH STEIN SIGNED on Title pg Inner DJ Flap $26 95 Intact
Mary Tavener Holmes SIGNED on Title pg by the scholar who lives in NYC Illustrated Jon Cannell Erin Hunter WITH ORIGINAL PRICE ON BACK CVR $16 99 COLOR&B W Illustrated by Wayne McLoughlin Frances Khirallah Noble SIGNED&Inscribed by Author who is Lawyer in Santa Monica CA Front flap blurb by T Coraghessan Boyle Dustjacket Painting by George F Welch
Judith Viorst lives in Washington DC Illustrated by Kevin Cornell IN B W Inner DJ flap Original Price Intact $15 99 Dust jacket by Lane Smith Aaron Peckham Creator of Urbandictionary com lives in San Luis Obispo CA BOOK Design Diane Marsh Erin Hunter WITH ORIGINAL PRICE ON BACK CVR $15 99 COLOR&B W Illustrated by Wayne McLoughlin
MOSS HART Playwright INNER DJ Flap Priceclipped Small scuff mark Grey&White KENT Endpapers Running man with Streamer Nice Condition SIGNED BY AUTHORS NATHAN LANE&Devlin Elliot&SIGNED BY Dan Krall Inner DJ flap $17 99 DJ Design by Lizzy Bromley Isak Dinesen DJ Unclipped an introduction Dorothy Canfield Fox Blank Endpapers with tiny sticker on back Tiny small thin chip at DJ Fold
ISAK DINESEN GREY&WHITE ROCKWELL KENT ENDPAPERS RUNNING Streamer Man Introd Bernardine Kielty Penciled name and gift inscription blank flyleaf&Half Title Ellen MacGregor ILLUST PAUL GALDONE in B W Frontispiece Ex library book with all the usual markings Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped but has code W8H12 Elsie de Wolfe was an American interior decorator Former OWNER STAMP back blank endpaper Inner DJ Flap $3 50 nominal author of the influential 1913 book The House in Good Taste
SIGNED by Bette Davis in Blue Ink SIGNED in Blue Ink Humphrey Bogart Facsimile part of a collection of same made of a number of stars in the 90s SIGNED PHOTO CLAUDETTE COLBERT in Blue Ink
JENNIFER HOLLIDAY ACTRESS SINGER SIGNED&Inscribed Note at Bluff Park Rare Books in Long Beach CA Located at 2535 E Broadway EDWARD GOREY Eric Maisel Ph D Illus with B&W photos and drawings and gold-tone decorations by Danny Gregory and Claudine Hellmuth Edited Jane Friedman Decorated brown endpapers cover Design Grace Ring
Lewis Carroll inspired Poem&B W Art&color DJ by Sean Morrison who grew Up in England&graduated from Cambridge Univ Price Clipped but $2 95 price on the front DJ flap altho line thru it Ellen MacGregor numerous text illustrations by PAUL GALDONE The dustwrapper is clipped BUT shows the original price of $2 25 Blank Endpapers Former Owner inscription Raquel Bevilacqua Wuthenau traduccion Libre por George Godoy illust in bright colours Este libro se termino de imprimir el 12 de Diciembre de 1942 in la imprenta Eduardo Casas en la ciudad de Mexico
Hiawatha Red Cloud Hawkes DJ Inner Flap $11 95 Originally by Kenneth Grahame retold by G C Barrett WHO WAS BORN IN BELIZE Illustrated color by Don Daily Alumnus of Art Center College in Los Angeles now lives in PA Color Illustrated Endpapers Tony DiTerlizzi CD Read by Alan Cumming
by Dante Alighieri Translated by John Carlyle Thomas Okey and Philip Wicksteed Inner DJ Flap 95 cents Intact Haggard H Rider Numerous B W Wood Engravings are executed by Edward Whymper J D Cooper&B Lloyd&process blocks by Messrs Walker&Boutall Frontispiece of Cleopatra with FoXed Tissue Guard by M Greiffenhagen Ernest Renan Written by French Expert of Middle East Ancient Languages and Civilizations Philosopher introduction by John Haynes Holmes
SAMUEL BUTLER INNER DJ FLAP 95 CENTS EDITED Introd BY Manuel Komroff Inner DJ Flap 95 Cents Orange&White Endpapers Rockwell Kent small Ink Markout Name Date City Inner Hinges starting Slightly Joseph Conrad Introduction by J Donald Adams 95 CENTS ON INNER DJ FLAP orange Kent endpapers Sticker&former Owner name Inner Hinges Starting slight Cracked
American Translation by Edgar J Goodspeed BIBLICAL SCHOLAR INTRODUCTION BY Moses Hadas Inner DJ Flap $1 95 Inner Hinges starting Slightly Grey&White Rockwell Kent Streamer Man Endpapers C S Forester born in Cairo Egypt 1899 Grey&White running Streamer Man flyleaf Inner DJ Flap Tiny Priceclipped but Original Price 95 Cents INTACT Author educated in England Helene Liss with the Loizeaux family of Controlled Demolition Inc Color Frontispiece Bibliography&Photography Credits over 300 Photos in Color
TOM ATWOOD Photographer FOREWORD BY CHARLES KAISER Illustrated in Color Photos Plain Orange Endpapers Theodore Dreiser Inner DJ Flap 95 cents Introd by Author Orange&White Rockwell Kent Endpapers small Ink Mrkout THOMAS HARDY GREY&WHITE ROCKWELL KENT ENDPAPERS 95 CENTS INNER DJ Flap
Edited by Edgar J Goodspeed&J M Powis Smith GREY&WHITE Endpapers Former Owner Name Preface Inner DJ flap 95 Cents DOROTHY PARKER Price on Jacket Flap reads 95 cents FOREWORD BY Franklin P ADAMS Previous owner's address STAMPS on front endpaper and half-Title page blue& Sandra Deeble GOOD MANNERS GURU and blue blue purple B W illustrations by Chris Long INNER DJ Flap $9 95
Elsie de Wolfe photographic Frontispiece Illustrated with photos Former Owner Stamp back blank endpaper B W Advertisement from Magazine has Gorgeous Beautifully Attired Elsie talking about dieting&Smoking Lucky Strike Cigare Edited by Edgar J Goodspeed&J M Powis Smith GREY&WHITE Endpapers Preface Inner DJ flap 95 Cents has Crease Henry Fielding 1707-1754 includes a biographical note on the author Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped Back Inner Flap mentions 274 Tiles&goes thru G52 Ulysses Blank Endpapers Lite Fox
by Albert Cullum SIGNED by Author on dedication pg 28 Color Illustrations by J K Lambert Nicole Clavelous Jean Seisser By Antonia Barber Illustrated in Soft Pastel color Diz Wallis Inner DJ Flap $16 95 Intact Plain Red Endpapers WALTER PATER Former Owner's signature on front free Rockwell Kent endpaper with no other writing in text INNER DJ FLAP PriceClipped 95 cents INTACT
ELLIOTT ROOSEVELT SIGNED INSCRIBED AND DATED IN THE YEAR OF PUBLICATION 1990 BY Author son of Eleanor Inner DJ flp $16 95 Intact Dustjacket by Michael Accordino small b&w photo by Gittings of the author on the back Flap by Raymond R Sarlot&Fred E Basten Ann Donegan Johnson illust in colour by Pileggi Blank endpapers small Sticker
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