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Erika Tamar blank white Endpapers Inner Flap DJ original Price of $16 95 Intact
Desmond Atholl&Michael Cherkinian Inner Flap DJ Original Price $18 95 Intact Blank white endpapers Design by Jaye Zimet Introduction DJ design by Doris Straus
Robert Jay Misch Ilustrated by Roger Duvoisin Inner Flap DJ Original $1 50 Price Intact
painted by Mr Otis in Color Introduction by Stewart H Holbrook of Portland Oregon a Newspaperman PRICECLIPPED INNER FLAP DJ BUT ORIGINAL PRICE INTACT OF $3 95 Blank Endpapers Fox stains Color Frontispiece Self Portrait of Artist&his Favorite
by Grimm Jacob Grimm Wilhelm Retold by Lisa Campbell Ernst PURPLE DECORATED Endpapers Original price of $16 95 Intact inner Flap DJ
Eleanor Underwood 64 pps many colour&B&W illustrations FOREWORD BY Liza Dalbv Red&White Decorated Endpapers
Howard R Garis Illustrated by Elmer Rache Glossy Color Frontispiece He saw that the rain had stopped&he didn’t need the Toadstool Umbrella
Ramy Allison White Plain white Endpapers FOXED has FORMER OWNER STAMP B W Glossy Frontispiece Sunny Boy Hurled His Ball asx hard as he could in the Sniow NOT PriceClipped
Ramy Allison White Illustrated by John M Foster with INTERNALS in B W Inner Flap DJ Lists Thru sunny Boy at Rainbow Lake Blue&White Pictorial Endpapers of Boy with hands in pocket of Shorts has FORMER OWNER STAMP&Ink Writing B W Glossy Frontispi
Betty Coombs Illustrated by Ferelith Eccles-Williams in B W Inner Flap DJ PriceClipped
Lynne Ewing is Screenwriter who also Counsels Trouble Teens who lives in Los Angeles CVR PHOTO BY SUZA SEALORA BLACK ENDPAPERS LIGHT WEAR
Viktor Lowenfeld Inner Flap DJ Original price $6 50 INTACT Blank Endpapers B W Photographic Frontispiece whatg does art mean to my child Bookplate attached&Former Owner Name address Illustrated B W&Color
Edna Lyall Blank endpapers light Fox Inner Hinges just slightly Starting front cvr Illustration by Archie Gunn
Kristiana Gregory Cover Painting by Tim O’brien Illustrated B W of Great Pyramid Sphinx Cleopatra’s Death Scene Map of Ancient Egypt Goddess Isis Cleo Receiving Marc Antony ETC Green&White Decorated Endpapers
Darren Shan Inner Flap DJ Original price of 16 99 Intact Blank White Endpapers DJ Design by RICH DERS
Sue Erikson Bloland Blank white endpapers Endpapers
Darren Shan Inner Flap DJ Original price of 15 99 Intact Blank White Endpapers DJ Design by RICH DERS
EMILIE RICHARDS Dark Blue Endpapers Inner Flap DJ Original price of $24 95 INTACT McGee
Mary Higgins Clark&Carol Higgins Clark Inner Flap DJ Original Price of $22 Intact DJ Design Debra Lill
Ed Slott SIGNED by Author in Green on blank Endpapers Inner Flap DJ Original price of $24 95 INTACT
George Savage profusely illustrated with photographs 201 gravure Illustrations 31 in full Color BLANK Endpapers NAME&FOXING
Ruth Waterbury Blank Endpapers Foxed former owner Name STAMPS Inner Flap DJ Original Price of $4 95 Intact Ilustrated B W eight pages of B&W Photographs
Illustrated B W&Color Blank endpapers INK Former owner name Inscription free flyleaf mended tear at spine Beautiful Color Frontispiece of Puss in Boots AT COURT OFFERING UP SOME WHITE BIRDS TO SEATED MONARCH&LADIES IN ATTENDANCE with White&BROW
Carroll Lewis B W Frontispiece Detached&SEPARATED from Book&42 illusts by John Tenniel in B W Former owner inscription blank Foxed Endpaper in Pencil
FRANKLIN DIXON DJ Illustration by Derek James Blank White Endpapers SCUFF RUB WEAR X-LIBRARY Inner Flap DJ Original price of $8 95 Intact Illustrated B W INTERNALS
SIGNED WHOOPI Goldberg in plastic mylar frame Autograph GUARANTEED AUTHENTIC
Carolyn Keene with Plain B W frontispiece What are you Doing Jean Demanded Sharply towards a Man with shovel in Basement NO OTHER INTERNALS Ferdinand E Warren Dark green lettering on front cover and spine Dark green Illustrate
Mollie Hart inner Flap DJ PriceClipped FORMER OWNER STAMP back blank Endpaer
by Helene Hanff Introduction by Anne Bancroft Lavender Endpapers Inner Flap DJ Original price of $16 95 Intact
Franklin W DIXON Ilustrated by Leslie Morrill dust jacket illustration by George Gaadt Inner flap DJ has Original 0f $7 95 Intact Price B W INTERNALS
John H Westerhoff III frontispiece of William Holmes McGuffey endpapers browned on edges Robert Buekett editor Illustrated
Franklin W Dixon Orange&white Greta Endpapers in front&white endpapers in back with Wrinkling Fox Inner Flap DJ PriceClipped with pencil&RUB WEAR CREASE FOLD OF DJ
Wendy Leigh Inner Flap DJ Original Price of $22 Intact Limegreen Plain Endpapers Research assistance by Stephen Karten Illustrated by 27 Glossy B W Photos
Harlan Ellison Inner Flap DJ Original Price $22 Intact
Written&Illustrated in B W by Wally Cox SIGNED&INSCRIBED by Author Actor BUT INVALID BECAUSE OF DATE ACTOR ALREADY Deceased Inner Flap DJ PriceClipped Back Blue Blank Endpapers FORMER OWNER STAMP
by John Boyd Thacher lllustrated B W Frontispieces with Tissue Guard in B W&Color Inner Hinges starting Cracked B W FOLD OUT MAPS Charts
Helen Worden Erskine photographic Endpapers ILLUSTRATED 15 Photographs FORMER OWNER STAMP back Blank Endpaper Blank Endpapers Preface DJ by L N Breach Inner Flap DJ Original Price of 15s NET Intact
Thornton W Burgess Illustrated with B W Line Drawings by Harrrison Cady Pictorial endpapers Green&White of Various Forest Animals B W Frontispiece Marshes must be something Like Swamps Ventured Peter Rabbit
Wilfred McCormick was a local author here in Albuquerque NM Front Inner Flap DJ 100100 price Code Intact FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Flyleaf Blank Endpapers Light Fox Former Owner Name address in Ink
Wilfred McCormick was a local author here in Albuquerque NM Front Inner Flap DJ PriceClipped BACK Blank Endpapers Light Fox smazll mark FORMER OWNER STAMP
Carolyn Keene Green&White Pictorial Endpapers 2 girls leaving House one with Flashlight on Stormy Nite FORMER OWNER STAMP BACK Blank flyleaf Inner Flap DJ price code
Clair Blank Glossy B W Frontispiece Duplicated DJ Illustration Anselo stopped Close to Window&Continued His Playing Blue&White Decorated Endpapers FORMER OWNER NAME&STAMPS Back Inner Flap DJ LISTS THRU QUEST MISSING MAP
VINTAGE Ceramic Figuerine Shirley Temple
Warren F Robinson B W decorated endapers have Tiny corner chip out&FOX
Clair Blank Blue&White decorated endpaper small Ink Name&Mark FORMER OWNER STAMP back Blank Flyleaf Front Inner Flap DJ PriceCliipeed but with Original Price Code Intact of 120-160 Lists Thru Beverly Gray’s Challenge Inner Hinges slightly Star
Clair Blank Blue&White decorated endpaper small Ink Name&FORMER OWNER STAMP back Endpaper Front Inner Flap DJ PriceCliipeed but with Original Price Code Intact of 120-160 Lists Thru Beverly Gray’s Mystery Inner Hinges slightly starting
Clair Blank born Allentown Pennsylvania in 1915 blue white decorated endpaper FORMER Owner Bookplate Attached Front Inner Flap DJ Original price code 120-160 in blue at btm Corner Lists T
Clair Blank blue white decorated endpaper FORMER OWNER STAMP Front Inner Flap DJ Original price code 120-160 in blue at btm Corner Lists Thru Beverly Gray’s Adventure Glossy B W Frontispiece matches DJ Illustration
Clair Blank blue white decorated endpaper FORMER OWNER STAMP has Scuff marks stain Front Inner Flap DJ Original price code 120-160 in blue at btm Corner Lists Thru Beverly Gray’s Challenge B W Frontispiece
by Lewis Carroll Alice&all the People of Wonderland are Illustrated bv A E Jackson Inner Flap DJ PriceClipped in Color Dustjacket Illustrated by C A Federer Dark Green white Illustrated Endpapers of Royalty&Court FORMER Owner Inscription C
By Harriet Pyne Grove No Frontispiece
Franklin W Dixon DJ Illustration by Steven Assel Blank White Endpapers FOXED WITH SMALL CHIP TOP EDGE&SCUFF WEAR Inner Flap DJ Original price $8 95 Intact Illustrated B W INTERNALS by Leslie Morrill Spine tag discards stamps&card pocket
Franklin W Dixon DJ Illustration by Derek James Blank back White Endpapers FORMER OWNER STAMP Inner Flap DJ Original price HAS SMALL STICKER Illustrated B W INTERNALS
Eddie Cantor omedian Author Statistician and Victim B W Frontispiece Illustrated by Sid L Hydeman FORMER OWNER STAMP BACK Blank Flyleaf
Mabel C Hawley Blank Endpapers Fox FORMER OWNER STAMP B W Frontispiece Foxed Snow man was so Tall that Bobby could not Reach The Top of His Head without a Chair
by Marjorie Flack&2 pg Full-color illustration of Bullfight and several one-color illustrations by Karl Larsson IN BROWN&WHITE Brown&WHITE ILLUSTRATED ENDPAPERS OF MOUNTAIN SCENE WITH PEOPLE walking WITH Burro
by Dorothy Wayne Inner Flap DJ Lists Thru&Double Cousin Blank Endpapers FOX
R Sidney Bowen Youngest member of Royal Flying corps&R A F in World War 1 FORMER OWNER STAMP back Blank Flyleaf B W Illustrated drawing Blank endpapers Foxed Former Owner Inscription Modest map of Libya Egypt Mediterranean to Pg 25
Howard R Garis illustrated b w frontispiece Bull NO OTHER INTERNALS B W decorated endpapers FORMER OWNER Inscription Foxed Inner Flap DJ Original price code 60-100 Intact Lists thru 21 Buddy&His fresh-Air Camp has circles around some of Numbers I
Text by Tracy Tolkien Color&B W Photography by Michael Harvey with More than 600 International Sources Shiny Turquoise Endpapers TOLKIEN runs world Famous Vintage Clothes shop Steinberg&Tolkien in London’s King’s Road
Adelaide Anne PROCTER Inner Hinges Starting Slightly Cracked Patterned Color Endpapers with Creases
William Richard Hereford Inner Hinges Starting slightly Cracked
Lois Holliday Holman SIGNED&Dated 1991 by Author Introduction Illustrated B W&Color
Helen Cody Wetmore&with Foreword&Conclusion by Zane Grey Blank Endpapers Fox with Bookplate Helen was Colonel Cody’s Sister Mrs Helen Cody Wetmore IN COLOR DUSTJACKET by Frederic Remington Mary Helen Wetmore is the Only
Charles Horn EDITOR ARTICLES by Dr E Lee Dorsett E I Edwards Samuel Sackett Paul Powers etc Illustrated B W
Poem by Neeta Marquis M C STANLEY Mary Armstrong Ryan S J Alexander of San Mateo California Articles by C L Edholm Mary Le Grand Reed Hector Alliot M M Stearns R Claiborne Pitzer Elwood S Brown ETC Illustrated B
Willis Linn Jepson B W Frontispiece Illustration Big-Cone Pine Illustrated 125 Original Figures in B W Preface Inner Hinges Starting slightly cracked
Sir William Jardine Bart Illustrated by Coloured Plates Inner Hinge slightly Starting with Frontispiece Drawing Bust of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles engraved for the Naturalists Library with slight foxing&Tissue Guard Green Endpapers
Awquasrelles de Mila Lippmann-Pawloski Traduit de l’allemand revu et augmente par Fred Geetz Illustrated in Beautiful Color
Retold by Watty Piper From the Pony Engine by Mabel C Bragg Wonderful Color&B W Pictures by Lois L Lenski Color Glossy Frontispiece of Red Train with Brown Front Engine pulling a trainload of toy animals up the hill to the town on Yon
Story&Color Pictures by Virginia Lee Burton Illustrated bright yellow background with B W Red Endpapers show parts of the steam shovel with Names in Red&Blue and different things it can do 48 unpaginated leaves not including endpapers
Ralph Arnold B W Glossy Frontispiece by John de Walton Inscription in ink on flyleaf with Date 1945 White Front Inner Flap DJ PriceClipped but Price of 2 6 NET with Printed in Great Britain Intact He Solemnly Shook Hands with Michael Ian&James
William S Hart-World famous Filmstar 1ST U S MOVIE COWBOY actor Director SIGNED&Inscribed by author Blank Endpapers with Attached Bookplate illustrated in color by James Montgomery Flagg whose World War I I Want You Uncle Sam recruitment Post
Color&B W Illustrated by John R Neill Red B W Frontispiece of Little Girl with Staff&MAN IN RED HOOD Inner Hinges starting slightly Cracked pencil name blank flyleaf Includes Fifty-eight black white and color illustrations
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