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Written&Illustrated by Jan&Cora Gordon Back Blank endpapers Former OWNER STAMP Color Frontispiece Fog&Arc Lamps from Docks of NY Gouache by Jan Gordan Numerous b w Illustrations by Laurie Jacobson additional Research&Photos by Marc Wanamaker Blue&White Frontispiece Illustrated throughout with Photos Buster Wiles Movie Stuntman FORMER OWNER STAMP BACK blank endpaper Inner Flap DJ Original price of $21 95 Intact Illustrated B W Photos DJ cover photography by Peter Stackpole
Written&Illustrated by Jan&Cora Gordon Blank endpapers Former OWNER Inscription&Small STAMPS has Clear Mylar protector TAPED to Endpapers Color Frontispiece Fog&Arc Lamps from Docks of NY Gouache by Jan Gordan Numerous b w Illustrations Edited Ronald Gottesman Illustrated B W glossies FORMER OWNER STAMP back Blank endpaper articles by Kenneth Tyan Peter Bogdanovich Charlton Heston Phyllis Goldfarb ETC Agatha Christie Born in Devonshire seaside Resort of Torquay in 1890&was Dame of British Empire Inner Flap DJ Original Price of $13 95 Intact Plain White Endpapers Cover&Interior Design by Elizabeth Driesbach
Robert Rodi SIGNED by Author Plain Green Endpapers DJ Design by Michael Ian Kaye author lives in Chicago with a dog 2 birds&a Man Inner Flap DJ Original price of $20 Intact Light Fox Richard Bojarski Foreward Carol Borland INNER FLAP DJ Priceclipped B W Frontispiece Bela Lugosi DJ Design by Janet Anderson FORMER OWNER SGTAMP back blank endpaper Illustrated with hundreds of photographs-including stills from all the films Frederick J Dockstader Blank Endpapers FORMER Owner Stamps Fox Photography by Carmelo Guadagno 50 tipped in colour plates 200 b w illustrations in gravure maps extensive bibliography Inner Flap DJ Original Price $27 50 Intact Color Tipped in Fro
Articles by Bessie Little Edith Gwynn May Mann Baer ETC Art Director Mel Blum Edited Collection Ronald Borst Introduction by Stephen King Inner flap DJ Original price of $50 Intact FORMER OWNER STAMP back blank endpaper from collection of Ronald V Borst Personal Reminiscenes by Forrest J Ackerman Clive Barker Ruth Bernhard blank grey endpapers with list of plAtes in back Frontispiece Classic Torso with hands Inner Flap DJ Original price of $60 Intact FORMER OWNER STAMP Back blank Flyleaf
LARRY KLENO Plain Musztard goldenrod Endpapers with Former OWNER STAMP Illustrated B WS Photos No Author Blank Endpapers Former owner Name Pencil Some Inner Hinge Tape Repairs illustrated in Color&B W with the articles from Magazines Books Illustrated by Harrison C Taylor J Oppen J Keppler Gillam Victor ETC includes engraving o Martha Stewart decorated endpapers Text with Elizabeth Hawes photographs by Michael Skott&others design Roger Black photographic Frontispiece
Giles Sarah photograhic frontispiece Astaire Bruce T Torrence-300 Vintage Fotos Illustrated in B W John Cork Editor articles by Nancy Schultz Michael Vanblaricum Etc
Josephus Flavius translated by Late William Whiston M A Revised&Illustrated with Notes by rev Samuel Burder A M Inner Hinges Starting Cracked Slightly pictorial frontispiece of Josephus Blank Endpaperrs tears Wear FOXing&few chips Ma Keith Carter Introduction by Rosellen Brown Illustrated B W Photos Tony Thomas Inner Flap Dustjacket PriceClipped Illustrated B W Photos DJ Design by Tim Gaydos FORMER OWNER STAMP back blank Flyleaf B W Frontispiece of Howard Hughes in white shirt Tie
William Bast Cvr photo of James Dean by Ray Schatt Back blank endpaper FORMER OWNER STAMP William S Gray A Sterl Artley May Hill Arbuthnot Illustrated color by Corinne Boyd Dillon FORMER OWNER STAMPS endpapers&Ink Names Wm william S Gray&May Hill Arbuthnot FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Flyleaf Former Owner Name date blank foxed Endpaper Illustrated by Eleanor Campbell&Keith Ward in Color Stories by Louise Neyhart Maud Lindsy Eunice Wentworth Eva Knox Ellen
Clive Hirschhorn w some second thoughts by James Mason Inner Flap DJ Original price of $14 95 Intact DJ Design by Peter Davis FORMER OWNER STAMP back blank Endpaper Illustrated b w photos Research by Corin Moore Andrew Loomis former OWNER STAMP back blank endpapers foxing INNER Flap DJ PriceClipped RED STAMP HALF-Title pg Illustrated B W&Blue Paul L Nemcek B W Glossy Foto Frontispiece Of Nancy Carroll 1905-1965 Illustrated b w Photos BVlasnk white endpapers ligvht scuff Ink Name Inner Flap DJ Original price of $7 95 Intact
Lawrence J Quirk Inner Flap DJ Priceclipped FORMER OWNER STAMP back blank endpaper DJ Design David Robbins Illustrated in B W John Cork Editor articles by Nancy Schultz Michael Vanblaricum etc WITH ORIGINAL PRICE OF $5 ON FRONT CVR Bruce T Torrence-SIGNED&Inscribed by Author On Title pg 300 Vintage Fotos Rust colored Endpapers
Elizabeth Pomada&Michael Larsen photographs Douglas Keister Klaus Mitteldorf illustrated in colour with a Fold-Out NO AUTHOR with Original price of $1 on Title Pg
Jacqueline Clayton Originally by Lewis Carroll Profusely illustrated in colour by unknown illustrator but NOT JOHN TENNIEL New endpapers Former owner bookplate attached blank Flyleaf Color Frontispiece crease Marks Written by Lewis Carroll Written by Ruth Plumly Thompson born in Philadelphia Pennsylvania BEAUTIFULLY COLOR Illustrated by Charles Coll Inner Hinges Starting slight separation Color Frontispiece of 4 children holding Large Box of Royal Fruit Flavored Gelatin Thompson Wr
E Fuller Torrey M D blue Endpapers Ludwig Marcuse dust jacket design by James Hendrickson foto of Marcuse on back inside flap of DJ by Ernest E Gottlieb translated by Joel Ames from the German Frank H Converse b w Glossy Frontispiece Illustration Something Dark glided beneath the Shark’s Body Inner Hinges starting Blank endpapers Pencil Marks
BY Floyd Akers Author AKA L Frank Baum of Wizard of Oz FAME Blank Endpapers light FoX Crease mark NO Frontispiece FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper Inner Hinges starting slightly B W Green&Orange Pictures by Julian Wehr Color Frontispiece Jefferson Brim Crow III grey endpapers fully illus w b&w photographs
Mark McGwire Rookie BASEBALL PLAYER SIGNED ON COVER AUTOGRAPH GUARANTEED AUTHENTIC How McGwire is beating the Pressure by Rick Reilly Edited with Introduction By Hartwell James Inner Hinges Starting Cracked Illustrated Illustrations by Wizard of Oz illustrator John R Neill in B W with Red Outline decoration top each pg Front right blank endpaper with inscription in ink is loose Jean-Paul Sartre Translated from French by Eric Sutton DJ Original Price of $1 95 Intact Grey&White Decorated Endpapers
by Chuck Norris with Joe Hyams SIGNED by Norris blank endpaper Inner Flap DJ Original price of $16 95 Intact Illustrated B W Glossy Photos DJ Design by Pearl Lau Steve Snider Edited Gardner Murphy&Arthur Bachrach INNER flap DJ Priceclipped Former Owner STAMP back blank flyleaf Grey&White Decorated Endpapers scuff Mark stories by Willard Edwards Vera Glaser A E P Wall ETC Illustrated in Color&b w with Original price of $2 Intact on Title Pg
Mark McGwire Rookie BASEBALL PLAYER SIGNED ON COVER AUTOGRAPH GUARANTEED AUTHENTIC Dean R Koontz B W PHOTO OF AUTHOR ON BACK DJ by Bryson Leidich Former Owner STAMP Back bvank Flyleaf unclipped $8 95 PRICE ON INNER FLAP dust jacket Lee Iacocca SIGNED Inscribed by Author on Blank endpaper with small Sticker Illustrated with Photos B W Inner flap DJ Original price Intact of $21 95 DJ photo by Mark Homan
Anna Alice Chapin-Illustrated&Decorated by Ethel Franklin Betts in color&b w Red Blue B W decorated endpapers Foxed with piece out of right side edge of Flyleaf endpaper Inner Hinges starting cracked NO Frontispiece Possible blank Flyleaf Mis Color&b w photos by Anne Geddes Celine Dion who sings on the CD&DVD included Showcases over 80 full color images Albert Baller Illustrated by Eleanor Corwin
Edited BY MARLO THOMAS AND CHRISTOPHER CERF llustrated in color Lane Smith Barry Root Jimmy Pickering Christopher Myers DETC Dark Red Endpapers Inner Flap DJ original price of $17 95 Intact Stories by Maurice Sendak Tiger Woods Whoopi Goldber by Rudyard Kipling Color Illustrated by Tim Raglin Narrated on Audio Cassette Tape by Jack Nicholson Music by Bobby McFerrin color illustrated endpapers of Forest Directed by Mark Sottnick Karen Ravn Illustrated color By Cary Phillips green&white endapers Inner Flap DJ Orginal price of $9 95 Intact
Elizabeth Hillman Illustrated color by John Wallner Inner Flap DJ Orginal price of $14 95 Intact has small Sticker partially torn Off Light Purple endpapers Illustrations were done in watercolor&colored Pencil on Sanders Waterford Watercolor Pap Story by Nancy Robison Illustrated by Hilary Knight In COLOR Decorated color endpapers Inner Flap DJ Original price of $13 95 Intact by Michael J Rosen Color Paintings by John Thompson Inner flap DJ original price of $16 95 Intact Salmon rust plain Endpapers
Erica Jong Illustrated in B W and color Freya Tanz Dark Rust Endpapers Inner Flap DJ original price of $14 95 Intact Gloria Stephens more than 500 Bewitchingly color Photographs by Tetsu Yamazazki Plain blue Endpapers written&Illustrated by Robert Florczak Inner Flap DJ Orginal price of $15 95 Intact COLOR goldenrod Endpapers Hand-Lettering by David Coulson Designed by Kathleen Westray DJ by author
Hoppie Stibolt Illustrated by Katy Murphy Gurtner with Line Drawings Sarah Keyser COLOR ILLUSTRATED By Tim and Greg Hildebrandt Nell MURBARGER INNER FLAP DJ CLEAR TAPED MENDED with many photographs and line drawn Maps
Nell Holladay Boand born 1852 in Spotsylvania County Virginia SIGNED&Inscribed by ALFRED C BOAND Includes a section of glossy B W photographs C S Forester Decorated endpapers blue&White of Bay of Biscay foxed Inner Flap DJ Original price of $2 Intact Blank Flyleaf Former Owner Name Date Walter N Des Marais Blank endpapers Former Owner name address Foxed
Irene Hanson with Bernard Palmer SIGNED&Inscribed by Hanson on blank Endpaper Inner Flap DJ Original Price of $3 95 Intact Front flyleaf FORMER OWNER STICKER&Fone Illustrated with silhouette cutouts in the folk art tradition of Ancient China in Frans Evenhuis and Robert Landau B W FRONTISPIECE NORMA SHEARER Original price Intact inner flap DJ $29 95 Endpapers depict a repeating pattern of divers in red on white Tom Gorman as told to Jerome Holtzman SIGNED inscribed by Gorman front end page Inner flap DJ Original price of $8 95 Intact ILLUSTRATED B W PHOTOS DJ Design by Mike McIver
CASSETTE AUDIO TAPE Book Originally written by Charles Dickens Oliver read by Edward Long Mrs Mann by Pam Ferris Mr Bumble by Roger Hume Fagin by John Grillo Old Sally by Joyce Gibbs Music composed&performed by John Kirkpatrick Dramatized& Lewis Carroll B W Frontispiece By John Tenniel Graced with the Signature of The Original Alice SIGNED By Alice Hargreaves in Back of Book On COLOPHON Page with Original Illustrations in B W By Tenniel Introduction By Carl Van Doren Preface Illus Signed-Julie Tricia Dick Pat Framed Nixon Family 4 OF THEM JULIE TRICIA DICK&PAT SIGNED by each in Black Ink but its a Photo Copy of Signatures Under that Printed in Red Best Wishes for the Christmas Season from the Richard Nixons
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