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Bibliophile Bookbase Authors
Andrew Loomis
A B Marquand Compiled&Printed by Northern Miner Press Limited
Frances Margaret Fox Pictures by Dorothy Lake Gregory blank endpapers some stains former owner name&small stamps small ink mark table of contents
J Arthur Hill blank endpapers Introduction by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Willa Cather blank endpapers with Paper Stain
James Goode Illustrated with Photographs Movie back blank endpapers former owner stamp
Elizabeth Barrett Browning Illustrated W J Hennessy Engraved by W J Linton brown endpapers small brown stains blank flyleaf
Booker Reverend Vaughan
Lawrence L Copeland artwork design photography by Jeanne G M Martin Revised by R A P Gaal PH D&Jim Taylor Frontispiece photo Nepal Diamond 70 41 carats Preface illustrated color&B W
Doug Fetherling Frontispiece Ben Hecht Dust Jacket design by Dreadnaught
W A Macleay 16 illustrations by Frank Wallace frontispiece
Cram Mildred former owner name blank flyleaf
William S Gray A Sterl Artley&May Hill Arbuthnot illustrated by Corinne Boyd Dillon blank endpapers small stamp&former owner Name¬es
Francene Sabin Illustrated by Yoshi Miyake
Harold Eaton Expert in Criminology
Allen Upward blank endpapers browning with ink Christmas&Date
Donald Ogden Stewart decorated endpapers some Foxing Frontispiece&illustrated by Herb Roth
Isabella Rossellini DJ design Andy Carpenter
Thomas Hauser SIGNED BY Arnold Palmer illustrated
Written by Right Honourable Francis Verulam Lord Vifcount S Alban Published after Authors Death by William Ravvley Dodorin Divinity one of His Majefties Chaplaines blank Endpapers have mild Wear&Soi
Franklin W Dixon brown&white multi-picture endpapers of Hardy Boys Adventures former owner stamp Frontispiece possibility free endpaper is missing in back of book
Lucy Agnes Hancock blank endpapers Browned
F A Hornibrook Preface Sir William Arbuthnot Lane illustrated blank endpapers pencil mrks&former owner name foreword
Carolyn Keene orange&white Silhouette endpapers former owner name Pencil frontispiece drawing illustrated by Russell H Tandy back endpapers slight creases
Franklin W Dixon Blank Endpapers with Former Owner Name&Stamp&Pencil Marks Glossy Frontispiece By Walter S Rogers NO OTHER INTERNALS
Signed by some of Students including Ed Brewer Roger Comfort Pat Finerty Betty Graham Alice Hardy Jack Peacock June Piper etc illustrated Staff Artists Bob Berg Kazwo Mayeda photographers Phil Taylor Bill Russ Norm Crouch Editor Gurney Brecke
Christopher Young blank endpapers former owner name address
Tana Kaleya Polish Photographer who Lives in an Old Fishing Boat Introduction Roger Peyrefitte Color&B W Photographs by Kaleya Text from Sonnets of Michelangelo translated by Elizabeth Jennings Allison&Busby London 1969
Leonard John small tiny ink mrk copyright page inner flap photo of author by Sam Falk The New York Times DJ design Alex Gotfryd
Decorated Endpapers with fold out Guest List frontispiece Abraham Lincoln Coin with Tissue Guard with Addresses Named Grace by Rev Dr Faunce Abraham Lincoln by Hon Chauncey M Depew The Republican Party by Senator Joseph B Foraker etc
Played Scarecrow in Wizard of OZ Ray Bolger Signed Inscribed Piece of Paper Framed
Handwritten&SIGNED Note by Dreiser in Ink
Maxwell Anderson decorated Endpapers former owners Name Date
Brown endpapers with Contents Words&Music by Walter Kittredge S M Grannis Henry C Work S H Byers John Parker ETC
J K Rowling purple Endpapers Illustrations by Mary Grandpre
Jon A Jackson DJ design David High
Carl I Wheat Introduction blank endpapers light fox
Harris Eleanor illuststrated
Henry Miller Blank endpapers some Browning
Aldous Huxley blank endpapers former owner name
Virginia Woolf Comes with Simply Wonderful Early Postcard Depiction of Woolf with Oversized Head in Chair Wearing Dress&Heels in Yellow&Black Drawn by Gersten Dust Jacket by Vanessa Bell
Helen Van Aken Illustrated Yoshie Noguchi Dust Jacket Design Y Noguchi&S Katakura SIGNED&inscribed by Author&Tatsu
Poems chosen by ONDAATJE Michael Drawings Tony Urquhart
Richard Burton SIGNED&Dated By author With All good Wishes&the Hope of future Meetings Richard Burton March 28 1902
Murat Halstead war Correspondent engravings from Original Photographs Frontispiece with Tissue Guard
Rafael Sabatini RAPHAEL blank endpapers former owner name Frontispiece Milton Sills as Sakr-El-Bahr the Sea-Hawk Illustrated with Scenes from the Photoplay a First National Picture Produced by Frank Lloyd Productions
Charles Dickens color marblelized endpapers SIGNED&dated London November the 12th 1889 by EUGENE FIELD this bk is from his private collection inner hinges slightly starting with 43 illustrations by R Seymour&Phiz with color Frontispiece
Friedrich Holderlin Translated by Frederic Prokosch blank enmdpaper bookplate Original Design by Margaret Evans
Carl Sandburg
Ralph Waldo Emerson Brown Endpapers
Edith Wharton Decorations by E C Caswell decorated endpapers with small round sticker
Lawrence Durrell
Thomas Hardy Blank endpapers bookplate Frontispiece Castle with small light pencil note on dedication pg
Henry James
Robert Penn Warren
Rev John Nelson D D SIGNED&inscribed Preface Nice decorated Endpapers
Charles Dickens Green endpapers inner hinges slightly starting with 43 illustrations by R Seymour&Phiz with Frontispiece by Phiz small sticker endpapers pencil notes&former owners names ink blank free flyleaf
Rachel Copelan
Kenneth Roberts Illustrated in color N C Wyeth color decorated endpapers former owner stamps Color Frontispiece
Leslie Halliwell
Clive Barker SIGNED&Inscribed TITLE PAGE
Dr John Trent SIGNED by author Color Paintings by Thomas Kinkade color pictorial endpapers
Adlai E Stevenson former owner stamps
H H Pars blank endpapers light foX small sticker Translated from German by Kathrine Talbot preface appendix index inner flap DJ has PC&small triangular edge cut but original price Intact illustrated
Giorgio Bonsanti illustrations from Scala Archive translated Paul Blanchard Editor Karin Stephan
John Muir Coloured Frontispiece of Muir Glacier from Painting by Thomas Hill with Tissue Guard Preface William Frederic Bade illustrated with photos
Verse L Frank Baum coloured pictures W W Denslow decorated Endpapers few small stains&small ink mrk blank flyleaf wonderful ink inscription from prior owner Long Ago wishing Dear Little Mary Jolly Christmas with few small mrks&small mended tea
Andre Tridon SIGNED&inscribed by author in Brown Ink
Lewis Carroll with nine illustrations Henry Holiday&Board Diagram frontispiece blank endpapers
Isabella Pierpont Hopkins blank endpapers former owner name
Lucy H Wallace Texas newspaperwoman DJ design Hazel L Walker photographic endpapers foreword illustrated
Edgar Rice Burroughs Glossy Frontispiece + 4 illustrations illustrated John Coleman Burroughs Blank endpapers
Edgar Rice Burroughs Glossy Frontispiece illustrated John Coleman Burroughs Blank endpapers
David Daiches Inner Flap DJ FOX PriceClipped B W Frontispiece Photo-Portrait of Virginia Woolf By Man Ray for Harpers Bazaar
Charles Dickens Illustrated Harold Copping SIGNED By 4 People Illustrator Publisher&Kate Perugini Dickens Daughter Etc But Not Signed By Charles Dickens Compiled with Foreword By B W Matz Editor Dickensian Frontispiece of Dickens With
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