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GREGG, Pauline: Free-Born John: A Biography of John Lilburne GRIBBLE, Francis: The Story of Alpine Climbing GRIFFITH, Linda Hill. (Illustrated by...) Concept and Paper Engineering by Dick DUDLEY: When Ricky Reads. An Imagination Pop-Up Book
GRIMAULT, Berthe. Translated by Diana Athill: Beau Clown GRIMM. Translated by Lucy CRANE and Illustrated by Walter CRANE: Household Stories From the Collection of the Bros. Grimm. DELUX LEATHER EDITION GUINNESS, Mrs. H. Gratton: The New World of Central Africa. With a History of the First Christian Mission on the Congo. With Maps, Portraits and Illustrations
GUTHRIE, Charles. QUINLAN, Michael: Just War. The Just War Tradition: Ethics in Modern Warfare HADDON, Mark: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. (SIGNED, FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE WITH STUNNING DOG DOODLE) HAEBICH, Anna: For Their Own Good. Aborigines and Government in the Southwest of Western Australia. 1900-1940. PRESENTATION COPY FROM AUTHOR
HAINING, Peter: The Golden Age of Crime Fiction HALL, Rev. Robert: Works. With a Brief Memoir of his Life by Dr. Gregory and Observations on his Character as a Preacher by John Foster. In Three Volumes HALL, Robert: Works. With a Brief Memoir of his Life by Dr. Gregory and Observations on his Character as a Preacher by John Foster
HAMILTON, Bruce: Let Him Have Judgment. FIRST EDITION HANCOCK, Thomas: Researches into the Law and Phenomena of Pestilence Including a Medical Sketch and Review of The Plague of London in 1665; And Remarks on Quarantine. With an Appendix: Containing Extracts and Observations Relative to the Plagues of Morocco, Malta, Noya and Corfu. PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR HARDIE, Martin and Arthur K. SABIN. Selected and Edited by: War Posters Issued by Belligerent and Neutral Nations 1914-1919
HARPER, Clifford. (Drawings by): Prolegomena to a Study of the Return of the Repressed in History HARRIS, Seymour E. (Editor): The New Economics: Keynes' Influence on Theory and Public Policy HARTLEY, Keith. (Edited by...): The Romantic Spirit in German Art 1790-1990
HASTINGS, Max: Vietnam. An Epic Tragedy 1945-1975 HEANEY, Seamus: District and Circle. FIRST EDITION HEANEY, Seamus: Opened Ground. Poems 1966-1996. (SIGNED FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE)
HEANEY, Seamus: Preoccupations: Selected Prose 1968-1978 HEANEY, Seamus. (Translated by): Beowulf. (SIGNED) HEATH, Charles. Under the Superintendence of..: The Holy Gospels With Numerous Illustrations on Wood
HELD Jr, Warren H., SCHMALSTIEG, William R., GERTZ, Janet E: Beginning Hittite HERBERT, James: The Ghosts of Sleath. FIRST EDITION FLAT - SIGNED BY AUTHOR HEREFORD, John: Shepherd's Tump. SIGNED BY AUTHOR
HERGÉ: The Adventures of Tintin. The Shooting Star HEWLETT, J.H: Offa's Dyke HEYMAN, Josiah McC: States and Illegal Practices
HILTON, Lisa: Elizabeth: Renaissance Prince. A Biography HMSO. RCHM: The Royal Commission on The Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions in Wales and Monmouthshire. An Inventory of The Ancient Monuments... III. County of Radnor HOBSON, J.A: John Ruskin Social Reformer
HOCKIN, Dennis W: Whessoe. Two Centuries of Engineering Distinction. SIGNED HOFFNER Jr., Harry A. Edited by Gary M. Beckman: Hittite Myths. Second Edition HOFSTADTER, Douglas: Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
HOLIDAY, Gilbert: We'll All Go A'Hunting Today. A Sketchbook from the Hunting Field HOLINSHED, Raphael: Holinshed's Chronicle, as Used in Shakespeare's Plays. Edited with an Introduction by Prof. Allardyce Nicoll and Josephine Nicoll HOLLAND, James: Fortress Malta: An Island Under Seige 1940-1943
HOLLIS, Matthew: Now All Roads Lead to France. The Last Years of Edward Thomas. SIGNED HOLTUG, Nils and Kasper LIPPERT-RASMUSSEN. Edited by..: Egalitarianism. New Essays on the Nature and Value of Equality HOMER. Translated by Alexander POPE: The Iliad of Homer. Edited by The Rev. H. F. Cary
HOOD, Dorothy: The Admirals Hood HORLER, Sydney: The Sidney Horler Omnibus of Excitement. Consisting of Four of the Most famous Full Length Novels... Chipstead of the Lone Hand, The Spy, Princess After Dark, Horror's Head HORT, G. M: Dr. John Dee. Elizabethan Mystic and Astrologer
HOUSEHOLD, Geoffrey: Dance of the Dwarfs HOUSEHOLD, Geoffrey: Olura HUGHES, Bettany: Istanbul. A Tale of Three Cities
HUGHES, David: A Feeling in the Air [HUGHES, Ted.] Edited by Keith SAGAR: The Achievement of Ted Hughes HURLEY, Graham: Sabbathman. SIGNED BY AUTHOR
HUXLEY, Aldous: Brave New World INGOLDSBY, Thomas. [Rev. Richard Harris Barham]: The Ingoldsby Legends or Mirth and Marvels. First, Second and Third Series. In Three Volumes. FIFTH EDITION INGPEN, Robert and Barbara HAYES: Folk-Tales & Fables of Asia & Australia
IRVING, Ernest: Cue For Music. An Autobiography. With a Prologue and Epilogue by Derek Hudson. ASSOCIATION COPY WITH LOTS OF EPHEMERA LOOSELY INSERTED JAMES, E. L: The Fifty Shades Trilogy: Fifty Shades of Grey; Fifty Shades Darker; Fifty Shades Free. ALL UK FIRST EDITIONS AND ALL FLAT SIGNED BY AUTHOR JAMES, P. D: A Certain Justice. SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY
JARDINE, Charles: Dark Pools. The Dry Fly and The Nymph JENNINGS, Elizabeth: Growing-Points. New Poems by... SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY FROM POET JODOROWSKY, Alexandro and GIRAUD, Jean "Moebius": The Incal 1
JODOROWSKY, Alexandro and GIRAUD, Jean "Moebius": The Incal 2 JODOROWSKY, Alexandro and GIRAUD, Jean "Moebius": The Incal 3 JOHANSEN, Bruce E: Silenced ! Academic Freedom, Scientific Inquiry, and the First Amendment under Siege in America. Foreword by Matthew Rothschild
JOHN, Augustus: Chiaroscuro. Fragments of Autobiography: First Series JOHN, Barry: The Barry John Story. PRESENTATION COPY FROM AUTHOR JOHNS, Captain W. E: Biggles In Mexico. FIRST CHEAP EDITION IN DW
JOHNSON, Samuel: The Works, with An Essay on His Life and Genius by Arthur Murphy. A New Edition in Twelve Volumes JONES, Gan. J. Mendus: A Practical Welsh Grammar. Gramadeg Cymreig Ymarferol JONES, Jeff: Idyl
JONES, R. Gerallt. Edited by... Contributors include Gillian CLARKE, Gwyn THOMAS, Lyn DAVIES and William MATHIAS. et al: Tuag at y Filrif. Towards the Millennium JOPLING, Norman: Shake It Up Baby! Notes From a Pop Music Reporter KAMINSKAYA, Dina: Final Judgement. My Life as a Soviet Defence Lawyer. REVIEW COPY FROM HARVILL PRESS
KEE, Robert: A Sign of The Times. SIGNED KELLY, Mary: The Christmas Egg. FIRST EDITION KEMPIS, Thomas A: Of the Imitation of Christ. Four Books
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