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CLINT, J.H: Surfactant Aggregation FRIEND, C. H: Aircraft Maintenance Management BHATT, P. & NELSON, H.M. (Revised by): Marhsall & Nelson's Structures
HATTON, Phillip: Foundation Hairdressing THOMPSON, M. & WALSH, J.N: A Handbook of Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry CLAYTON, C. R. I.; MILITSKY, J.; WOODS, R.I: Earth Pressure and Earth-Retaining Structures,
KARIHALOO, Bhushan L: Fracture Mechanics and Structural Concrete HOLLAWAY, Leonard: Glass Reinforced Plastics in Construction: Engineering Aspects ELIAS, Norbert: Time: An Essay
SUNTOLA, T. & SIMPSON, M. (Edited by): Atomic Layer Epitaxy FRASER, Angus: The Gypsies MARSHALL, A. L: Marine Concrete
HENDRY, G.A.F. & HOUGHTON, J.D. (Edited by): Natural Food Colorants REES, J.A.G. & BETTISON, J. (Edited by): Processing and Packaging of Heat Preserved Foods SAXBY, M.J. (Edited by): Food Taints and Off-Flavors
DICKINSON, E. & McCLEMENTS, D.J: Advances in Food Colloids TUCKER, G.A. & WOODS, L. F. J. (Edited by): Enzymes in Food Processing SAXBY, M.J. (Edited by): Food Taints and Off-flavours
LEVY, Geoffrey M. (Edited by): Packaging in the Environment JARVIS, K.E.; GRAY, A.L.; HOUK, R.S: Handbook of Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry BARNARD, C.N.; SHRIRE, V.; HEWITSON, R.; BOTHA, M.C.; HITCHCOCK, J.F.; OZINSKY, J.; HALL, G.; JORDAAN, P: Human Heart Transplantation BR.207 and BR 208)
BOLSTER, John / LLOYD, Nevil: Sound and Fury. The 1958 British Grand Prix Silverstone // the B. R. M. Story STEWART, Jackie: Championship Year SWAMY, R.N. (Edited by): The Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete
FRANCE, P.W. (Edited by): Optical Fibre Lasers and Amplifiers TAYLOR, R.N. (Edited by): Geotechnical Centrifuge Technology KAMEL, B.S. & STAUFFER, C.E. (Edited by): Advances in Baking Technology
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POTTS, Philip J.; BOWLES, John F. W.; REED, Stephen J. B.; CAVE, Mark R. (Edited by): Microprobe Techniques In The Earth Sciences TREDGOLD, Arderne: The Ardernes and Their Garden. A Family Chronicle BAHCALL, John N. (et al.) (Edited by): Solar Neutrinos: The First Thirty Years
PORTER, M. R: Handbook of Surfactants NARAYANAN, R. S. (Edited by): Concrete Structures: Eurocode EC2 and BS 8110 Compared (Longman Concrete Design and Construction Series) BOOTH, K. S. (Edited by): Industrial Packaging Adhesives
RICKERBY, D.S. & MATTHEWS, A. (Edited by): Advanced Surface Coatings: A Handbook of Surface Engineering CHAMBERLAIN, M.R. & BOWLER, J.F (Edited by): Dictionary of Converting ALLEN, R.T.L. ; EDWARDS, S.C.; SHAW, J.D.N. (Edited by): The Repair of Concrete Structures
WILLIAMS, D.F. & SCHMITT, W.H. (Edited by): Chemistry and Technology of the Cosmetics and Toiletries Industry GRATTAN, K. T. V. & ZHANG, Z.Y: Fiber Optic Fluorescence Thermometry KULKARNI, Viyadhar G: Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems
KERR, Roger & SZELKE, Elizabeth (Edited by): Artificial Intelligence In Reactive Scheduling WILSON, D.; STENZENBERGER, H.D.; HERGENROTHER, P.M: Polyimides ORKIN, Martin: Drama and the South African State
HALL, Anthony: Igneous Petrology McGILL, Greg: Building on the Past: A Guide to the Archaeology and Development Process KIRK, Roger E: Experimental Design: Procedures for the Behavioral Sciences
NEVILLE, .M: Properties of Concrete VINCENT, David: Poor Citizens: The State and the Poor in Twentieth-Century Britain HERBERT-CAESARI, G: The Voice of the Mind
BOYD, John Morton (Edited by): Fraser Darling in Africa: A Rhino in the Whistling Thorn CAULCUTT, Roland: Statistics in Research and Development, ANDERSON, P.W: Concepts in Solids : Lectures on the Theory of Solids
MURRAY, Michael K. & RICE, John W: Differential Geometry and Statistics D'ESPAGNAT, Bernard: Veiled Reality: An Analysis of Present-Day Quantum Mechanical Concepts BELL, F.G: Engineering Treatment of Soils
WOLPERT, David H. (Edited by): The Mathematics of Generalization: Proceedings of the SFI-CNLS Workshop on Formal Approaches to Supervised Learning KHAN, Riaz (Edited by): Low-Calorie Foods and Food Ingredients TCHAKERIAN, Vatche P. (Edited by): Desert Aeolian Processes
DVIR, Zeevi: Isokinetics: Muscle Testing, Interpretation and Clinical Applications McNALLY, G.H: Soil and Rock Construction Materials IYER, H.M. & HIRAHARA, K. (Edited by): Seismic Tomography. Theory and Practice
HENNEL, Jacek W. & KLINOWSKI, Jacek: Fundamentals of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance HAMOUDA, O. F: John R. Hicks: The Economist's Economist CRAVEN, B.D: Control and Optimization
HENDRY, G. A. F. & HOUGHTON, J.D. (Edited by): Natural Food Colorants, Second Edition ARTHEY, D. & ASHURST, P.R. (Edited by): Fruit Processing FOOTITT, R.J. & LEWIS, A.S: The Canning of Fish and Meat
NWOKOLO, E. & SMARTT, J. (Edited by): Food and Feed from Legumes and Oilseeds STREET, C.A: Flour Confectionery Manufacture GRENBY, T.H. (Edited by): Advances In Sweeteners
KEARSLEY, M.W. & DZIEDZIC, S.Z. (Edited by): Handbook of Starch Hydrolysis Products and their Derivatives CHESWORTH, N. (Edited by): Food Hygiene Auditing RANKEN, M.D. & KILL, R.C. (Edited by): Food Industries Manual
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