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HORRELL, Muriel: Action, Reaction and Counter-Action. A Brief Review of Non-White Political Movements in South Africa PADDOCK, Stephen W. (Edited by): Confocal Microscopy. Methods and Protocols WILLISON, J H Martin & ROWE, Arthur J: Replica, Shadowing and Freeze-etching Techniques. Practical Methods in Electron Microscopy VOLUME 8
STACK, Prunella: Movement is Life. An Autobiography SWIFT, Graham: Waterland HAYEK, F.A: The Fatal Conceit. The Errors of Socialism
MANN, Thomas: Tristan. Sechs Novellen LA SALLE, A. (Attributed to): Les Quinze Joyes De Mariage BLEEK, W.H.I: Reynard the fox in South Africa, or, Hottentot fables and Tales: Chiefly translated from original manuscripts in the library of Sir George Grey
GARRARD, Timothy F: Gold of Africa. Jewellery and Ornaments from Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali and Senegal in the Collection of the Barbier-Mueller Museum DIAS, Jorge & DE OLIVEIRA, Ernesto Veiga: Escultura Africana No Museu De Etnologia Do Ultramar SCHADLER, Karl-Ferdinand: African Art in Private German Collections
SCHERZ, Ernst Rudolf: Felsbilder in Südwest-Afrika. Teil 1: Die Gravierungen in Südwest-Afrika ohne den Nordwesten des Landes. / Teil II: Die Gravierungen im Nordwesten Südwest-Afrikas LEAKEY, Mary: Africa's Vanishing Art. The Rock Paintings of Tanzania LIPS, Julius E: The Savage Hits Back or the White Man Through Native Eyes
DE HILLERIN, Jean (and Other authors): Plaisir De La Maison. I: Entrees, Salons, Bureaux; 2. Salles a Manger; Coins Rerpas, Cuisines. 3. Chambres, Rangement, Salles Dee Bains. 4. Living Rooms, Caves et Greniers, Terrasses EISENSTAEDT, Alfred (Introduction By Peter ADAM): Eisenstaedt on Eisenstaedt : a Self-Portrait GRAY, Stephen: Schreiner. A One Woman Play
ROTH, Holly: The Van Dreisen Affair YEATS, Jack B: Ah Well. A Romance in Perpetuity (AND) and to You Also CORRIGAN, Mark: Why Do Women.......?
CORRIGAN, Mark: Lady of China Street BILSON, Frank: Crossbows LIPSEY, Richard G: An Introduction to Positive Economics
HUDSON, R.A: Sociolinguistics CHRISTIE, Peter; LESSEM, Ronnie; MBIGI, Lovemore (Edited by): African Management. Philosophies, Concepts & Applications FISCHER, Bobby: Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess
BRANDON, John G: Finger-Prints Never Lie! SPENCER, David J: Knitting Technology CLARKE, Donald Henderson: Tawny
CORRIGAN, Mark: The Riddle of the Spanish Circus CLAERHOUT, Francois Martin: Kromdraai ALBERTS, Paul & GIBBS, George: Children of the Flats
KINGFISHER (Pseud. Fred BOWKER): Trout-Flies WRIGHT, Alan (Edited by): Arcs, Sparks and Engineers: A Centenary History of A.Reyrolle & Co.Ltd. (1901-2001) (PERIODICAL): The Sporting Magazine or Monthly Calendar of the Transactions of the Turf, the Chase and Every Other Diversion Interesting to the Man of Pleasure & Spirit VOL. 13 New Series March - April 1824 (AND) May-Oct 1832
(PERIODICAL): The Sporting Magazine July - December 1846 CRAVEN, (Edited by): THE SPORTING REVIEW A Monthly Chronicle of the Turf, the Chase, and Rural Sports in all Their Varieties VOL. VIII July-Dec 1842 ZABAZNOV, A. (Edited by): The History of Vnesheconombank
HUTCHINSON, Louise Daniel: Anna J. Cooper. A Voice from the South KIRK, D.N. & HARTSHORN, M.P: Steroid Reaction Mechanisms DARLINGTON, C.D: The Evolution of Genetic Systems
PAULING, Linus: The Nature of the Chemical Bond and the Structure of Molecules and Crystals LIDDELL, E.G.T. & SHERRINGTON, Charles: Mammalian Physiology: A Course of Practical Exercises. A New Edition LIEBER, Lillian R: The Einstein Theory of Relativity
KRAHL, M.E: The Action of Insulin on Cells WATSON, Cecil James; HIRST, George K.; LIPMANN, Fritz; SCHMIDT, Carl F.; SONNEBORN, T.M.; KREBS, H.A.; RITTENBERG, D.; GRANICK, S: The Harvey Lectures Delivered Under the Auspices of the Harvey Society of New York 1948-1949 (Series XLIV) FERGUSON, Lloyd N: Electron Structures of Organic Molecules
WOODGER, J.H: The Axiomatic Method in Biology DANIELLI, J.F. (Edited by): Nucleic Acid - Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology, Number 1 O'HARA, C.W. & WARD, D.R: An Introduction to Projective Geometry
JEANS, James: Physics and Philosophy CARNAP, Rudolf: Logical Syntax of Language BOWDEN, Sydney T: The Phase Rule and Phase Reactions Theoretical and Practical
TARSKI, Alfred: Introduction to Logic and to the Methodology of Deductive Sciences WATSON, James D: The Molecular Biology of the Gene BOYCOTT, Richard C. & BOURQUIN, Ortwin: The Southern African Tortoise Book. A Guide to South African Tortoises, Terrapins and Turtles
DE BROGLIE, Maurice: X-Rays KATCHALSKY, A. & CURRAN, Peter F: Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics in Biophysics QUINE, Willard Van Orman: A System of Logistic
HEISENBERG, Werner: Nuclear Physics PARPART, Arthur K. (Edited by): The Chemistry and Physiology of Growth WINTON, F.R. (Edited by): Modern Views on the Secretion of Urine. The Cushny Memorial Lectures
DAWKINS, M.J.R. & REES, K.R: A Biochemical Approach to Pathology SACHS, Ernest: The Diagnosis and Treatment of Brain Tumors DUBUISSON, M: Muscular Contraction
SZENT-GYORGYI, A: Chemistry of Muscular Contraction YOUNG, F.G.; BROOM, W.A.; WOLFF, W.F. (Edited by): The Mechanism of Action of Insulin. A Symposium HARRIS, H: Human Biochemical Genetics
HINDEMITH, Paul: Elementary Training for Musicians HEILBRUNN, L.V: The Dynamics of Living Protoplasm DIANA, John N. & PRYOR, William A. (Edited by): Tobacco Smoking and Nutrition: Influence of Nutrition on Tobacco-Associated Health Risks (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol 686)
SIMMS, Barbara: John Brookes Garden and Landscape Designer: The Career and Work of Today's Most Influential Garden and Landscape Designer ORPEN, Neil: War in the Desert (South African Forces in World War II Vol,. III) MARSHALL, Bill: Guy Hocquenghem. Theorising the Gay Nation
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