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KANNEMEYER, A.J: Hugenote-Familieboek PESCOTT, Trevor: The Otways KIEVIET, C. JOH, Illustrated by W.B Ijzerdraat: Onder Verschillende Meesters
KIEVIET, C .JOH, Illustrated by Joh. Braakensiek: Uit Het Leven Van Dik Trom KIEVIET, C.JOH, Illustrated by Joh. Braakensiek: Het Tweede Boek Van Dik Trom En Zion Dorpsgenooten KIEVIET, C. JOH, Illustrated by Joh. Braakensiek: Dik Trom En Zyijn Dorpsnooten
ANDERSON, Hans, Illustrated by Rie Cramer: Sprookjes HICHTUM, N. Van, Illustrated by Rie Cramer: Vertellingen Uit De Duizend En Een Nacht TEVIS, Walter, S: The Hustler
STEVENS, Robert, Tyler: Woman of Cordova CORDELL, Alexander: The Bright Cantonese PHILLIPS, Caryl: The European Tribe
MASEFIELD, John: Victorious Troy McCLOY, Helen: Burn This DANIELS, Harold, R: House on Greenapple Road
UTTLEY, Alison, Illustrated by C. F, Tunnicliffe: A Year in the Country STEGNER, Wallace: A Shooting Star WALLACE, Donald, Mackenzie & KROPOTKIN, Prince & MITATOVICH & BOURCHIER, J.D: A Short History of Russia and the Baltic States
ANDREWS, H.J.C & FRANKENSTEIN, E.N & LAWS & PLANCKIE: The Chess Problem Text Book with Illustrations SCOTT, R.F: Scott's Last Expedition Being the Journals of Captain R.F. Scott and the Reports of the Journeys and the Scientific Work Undertaken by Dr. E.A. Wilson and the Surviving Members of the Expedition, Arranged by Leonard Huxley, JOHNS, W.E: Gimlet Goes Again
STEVENS, Robert, Tyler: Flight from Bucharest MORRIS, Desmond: Intimate Behaviour ANTHONY, Piers: Centaur Aisle
DINGLE, Herbert: Science and Human Experience JOHNS, W.E: Biggles Hunts Big Game BADENOCH, Andrea: Mortal
JACKSON, Mick: The Underground Man CUSK, Rachel: The Temporary MILLER, Andrew: Casanova
MARDER, Louis: Its Exits and Entrances : The Story of Shakespeare's Reputation GUNN, Thom: Shelf Life Essays Memoirs and an Interview COLEMAN, Francis: The Northern Rhodesian Copperbelt 1899-1961
GROGAN, Tony & BARROW, Brian: Vanishing Cape Town OGILVY, J.S: Relics and Memorials of London City Bombadier a Dream with International Reach 1942-1992
DOBSON, Jessie & WAKELY, Cecil: Sir George Buckston Brown KOONTZ, Dean: Whispers ROLAND, Arthur: Farming for Pleasure and Profit ; Third Section ; Tree Planting
RICHARDSON, E.W: A Veteran Naturist, Being the Life and Work of W.B Tegetmeier FRITSCH, F.E: The Structure and Reproduction of Algae BRUES, Charles, T & MELANDER, A.L: Key to the Families of North American Insects
HAYNES, J.h: BMC 'A' Series ; Sprite Midgets A35 A40 Minor 1000 Tuning Manual SCHNACKENBERG, J: Geschichte Der Freien EV - Luth Synode in Suid Afrika 1892-1932 WILSON, Andrew: The "Ever Victorious Army" A History of the Chinese Campaign Under Lt.-Col C.G.Gordon C.B. R.E. And of the Suppression of the Tai-Ping Rebellion
GUSSOW, H.T & ODELL, W.S: Mushrooms and Toadstools : An Account of the Most Common Edible and Poisonous Fungi of Canada ABE, Jobo: The Face of Another RAVEN, D.s: Greek Metre : An Introduction
SAWYER, Ruth: tHE WAY OF THE STORYTELLER SCOTLAND, A.P: The London Cage NEIL, Marion, Harris: Salads Sandwiches and Chafing Dish Recipes
VILLIERS, Alan: The Cutty Sark Last of a Glorious Era SASTRI, Hirananda: A Guide to Elephanta BARKER, Dudley: Swaziland
MYERS, John, Brown (ed): Centenary of the Baptist Missionary Society JAMES, Angela & HILLS, Nina: Mrs John Brown 1847-1935 BAKER, Richard St Barbe: Sahara Challenge
WADE, Eileen, K: The Chief, the Life Story of Robert Baden Powell BARDHILL, John, E & COBBE, James, H: Lesotho Dilemmas of Dependence in Southern Africa AYLIFF, John, Rev & WHITESIDE, Joseph, Rev: History of the Abambo Generally Known as Fingos
FOLLETT, Ken: The Man From St.Petersburg BAKER, A.N: Grace Triumphant O'DONNELL, Peter: The Night of Morningstar
SCOTT, Jack: A Knife Between the Ribs SHANNON, Dell: The Manson Curse LATHAM, Charles & PHILLIPPS, E. March: The Gardens of Italy
OSBORNE, Sidney: The Upper Silesian Question and Germany's Coal Problem FENTON, Alexander: Scottish Country Life LEGRAND, Nadia: The Rainbow Has Seven Colours
EMMERMANN, C: Leica Technik VIELLE, E.E: No Subway ARIA, Mrs., Illustrated by Percy Anderson: Costume Fanciful, Historical and Theatrical
KONRAT, Georg Von: Assault from Within LOWNDS, L. E. O. (Introduction By J. STEVENSON-HAMILTON): Toulon PETERS, Elizabeth (as MERTZ, Barbara): Temples Tombs and Hieroglyphs
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