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Gumuchian & Cie: Catalogue de Reliures du XVe au XIXe Sičcle, en Vente a La Librairie Gumuchian & Cie. Fine Bindings Jayne, Sears: Library Catalogues of the English Renaissance Fredeman, William E: Pre-Raphaelitism. A Bibliocritical Study
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Gronau, Hans Dietrich; Fischel, Oskar: Georg Gronau. 15 Februar 1868 - 26 Dezember 1937. Verzeichnis Seiner Schriften Grego, Joseph (intro.): Cruikshank's Water Colours Green, T Frank: Morden College, Blackheath; Being the Tenth Monograph of the London Survey Committee
Von Wenckstern, Friedrich: A Bibliography of the Japanese Empire, Being a Classified List of All Books, Essays and Maps in European Languages Relating to Dai Nihon (Great Japan), Published in Eurpe, America and in the East from 1859-93 Suyematsu, Baron: The Risen Sun Roscoe, Thomas: The Tourist in Switzerland and Italy. The Landscape Annual for 1830
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Menin, Sarah and Kite, Stephen: An Architecture of Invitation. Colin St John Wilson Snodin, Michael: Karl Friedrich Schinkel: A Universal Man Burelli, Augusto Romano: Le Epifanie Di Proteo. La Saga Nordica Del Classicismo in Schinkel e Semper
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Archer, Thomas: Pictures and Royal Portraits, Illustrative of English and Scottish History, from the Introduction of Christianity to the Present Time. 2 Volumes Amberg, Anna-Lisa: Saarinen's Interior Design. Saarinen Sisustustaide 1896-1923 Gebhard, David (intro.): The Work of Purcell and Elmslie, Architects
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Locker-Lampson, Frederick (ed.): Lyra Elegantiarum: A Collection of Some of the Best Social and Occasional Verse By Deceased English Authors Fine, Ruth E: GEMINI G.E.L. Art and Collaboration Alberti, Leon Battista; Krüger, Mário Júlio Texeira: Da Arte Edificatória
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Fairbrother, Trevor: Tom Wesselmann Cuevas, José Luis: Marzo Mes De Jose Luis Cuevas Kertész, André: André Kertész: A Portrait at 90 - Signed Copy
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Caye, Pierre: Le Savoir De Palladio: Architecture, Métaphysique et Politique Dans La Venise Du Cinquecento Storrer, William Allin: The Frank Lloyd Wright Companion Wright, Olgivanna Lloyd: The Roots of Life
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Bliss, Douglas Percy: Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the Glasgow School of Art. 1 the Architecture. Exteriors and Interiors Eibink, A; Gerretsen, W J; Hendriks, J P L; Mieras, J P: Hedendaagsche Architectuur in Nederland. Architecture Hollandaise d'Aujourd'hui. Holländische Baukunst Von Heute. Dutch Architecture of Today Prowler, David: A Telegram from Marcel Duchamp
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