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Newby, Eric: A SHORT WALK A Preposterous Adventure Cahn, Lenore L. [editor]: CONFRONTING INJUSTICE Stephen, Leslie: THE PLAYGROUND OF EUROPE
Hoskins, Franklin E: FROM THE NILE TO NEBO A Discussion of the Problem and the Route of the Exodus Thomas, Dylan: THE SELECTED WRITINGS OF DYLAN THOMAS Kehoe, William & Kehoe, Constance: ENJOYING IRELAND
Dixon, Jeane: MY LIFE AND PROPHECIES Her Own Story As Told to Rene Noorbergen Cocteau, Jean: PROFESSIONAL SECRETS An Autobiography of Jean Cocteau Covarrubias, Miguel: INDIAN ART OF MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA
Champney, Elizabeth: ROMANCE OF THE ROMAN VILLAS (The Renaissance) Baedeker, Karl: BAEDEKERS AUTOFÜHRER. BAND 1. DEUTSCHES REICH (OHNE DAS LAND OESTERREICH) Offizieller Führer Des Deutschen Automobil-Clubs Baedeker, K: ITALIE SEPTENTRIONALE JUSQU' A LIVOURNE, FLORENCE ET RAVENNE Avec L'Ile De Corse Et Les Routes Conduisant De France, De Suisse Et D'Autriche En Italie
Baedeker, Karl: DAS DEUTSCHE REICH UND EINIGE GRENZGEBIETE Reisehandbuch Für Bahn Und Auto Holland, Clive: THINGS SEEN IN JAPAN Whitson, Skip: THE HUDSON RIVER One Hundred Years Ago
Chase, Mary Ellen: NEW ENGLAND Woods, Josephine Hoeppner: HIGH SPOTS IN THE ANDES Peruvian Letters of a Mining Engineer's Wife [Canadian Transfer Co. ]: 1929 GUIDE AND TOUR BOOK MONTREAL The Tourists Mecca
Herzog, Maurice: ANNAPURNA First Conquest of an 8000-Meter Peak [26, 493 Feet] [editors Of Look]: LOOK AT THE U.S.A Forbis, William H: JAPAN TODAY People, Places, Power
Forbes-Lindsay, C. H: INDIA PAST AND PRESENT [TWO VOLUME SET] Gleason, David King: OVER NEW ORLEANS Aerial Photographs by David King Gleason Chu, Valentin: THAILAND TODAY A Visit to Modern Siam
De Pantorba, Bernardino: GUIA DEL MUSEO SOROLLA Espanol, Francais, English Olsen, Harvey S: MOTORING GUIDE TO FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, & ITALY Butcher, E. L: THINGS SEEN IN EGYPT
Huddleston, Sisley: NORMANDY Its Charm its Curiosities its Antiquities its History its Topography Vallarni, G. B: FLORENCE Monuments, Arts, Folk-Lure and General Characteristics Being a Practical Guide for Visitors Wpa [Federal Writers' Project]: NEBRASKA A Guide to the Cornhusker State
Wpa [Federal Writers' Project]: WASHINGTON, D.C. A Guide to the Nation's Capital Wpa [ Federal Writers' Project]: NEW YORK A Guide to the Empire State Wpa [Federal Writer's Project]: MOUNT HOOD
Wpa [Federal Writers' Project]: RHODE ISLAND A Guide to the Smallest State [Wpa], Webb, John N. ; Brown, Malcolm: Migrant Families Weinstein, Jay: A COLLECTOR'S GUIDE TO JUDAICA
Lendvai, Paul: ANTI-SEMITISM WITHOUT JEWS Communist Eastern Europe Scholem-Alejchem: TEWJE, DER MILCHMANN Kaufman, Ludwig: BEGEGNUNG IM HEILIGEN LAND
Yahil, Leni: THE HOLOCAUST The Fate of European Jewry, 1932-1945 Waskow, Arthur I: THE BUSH IS BURNING Radical Judaism Faces the Pharaohs of the Modern Superstate Wiesel, Elie: SOULS ON FIRE Portraits and Legends of Hasidic Masters
Teller, Judd L: STRANGERS AND NATIVES The Evolution of the American Jew from 1921 to the Present Raphael, Chaim: A FEAST OF HISTORY The Drama of Passover through the Ages Lind, Jakov: THE TRIP TO JERUSALEM
Charney, Leon H: THE CHARNEY REPORT Confronting the Israeli-Arab Conflict Kollek, Teddy; Pearlman Moshe: PILGRIMS TO THE HOLY LAND The Story of Pilgrimage through the Ages Schiller, Ely [editor]: JERUSALEM IN OLD ENGRAVINGS AND ILLUSTRATIONS
Raisin, Max: A HISTORY OF THE JEWS IN MODERN TIMES Duncan, Alastair: THE NOBLE SANCTUARY Portrait of a Holy Place in Arab Jerusalem Elbogen, Ismar: A CENTURY OF JEWISH LIFE
Howe, Irving: WORLD OF OUR FATHERS Waldman, Mark: GOETHE AND THE JEWS A Challenge to Hitlerism Costain, Thomas B: THE SILVER CHALICE
Graetz, H: POPULAR HISTORY OF THE JEWS Volume 5: from the Reigh of Stephenbathory of Poland (1575-1586 C. E. ) to the Present Time (1873 C. E.) Marcus, Jacob Rader: MEMOIRS OF AMERICAN JEWS 1775-1665 [THREE VOLUME SET] Cohn, Norman: WARRANT FOR GENOCIDE The Myth of the Jewish World-Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Mann, Vivian B: GARDENS AND GHETTOS The Art of Jewish Life in Italy Wpa: WISCONSIN A Guide to the Badger State Baedeker, Karl: TYROL AND THE DOLOMITES Including the Bavarian Alps
[Murray's]: A HANDBOOK TO THE ENGLISH LAKES Included in the Counties of Cumerland, Westmorland, and Lancashire Baedeker, Karl: NORTHERN GERMANY Handbook for Travellers Baedeker, Karl: AUSTRIA-HUNGARY Including Dalmatia and Bosnia
Haley, Alex: ALEX HALEY'S QUEEN The Story of an American Family Vonnegut, Kurt: JAILBIRD Vonnegut, Kurt: GALAPAGOS
[Corps Of Engineers, U. S. Army]: CHARTS OF NEW YORK CANALS Champlain Canal, Erie Canal, Oswego Canal, Cayuga and Seneca Canal Harris, Bill: MANHATTAN Pike, Nicolas: SUB-TROPICAL RAMBLES IN THE LAND OF THE APHANAPTERYX Personal Experiences, Adventures, and Wanderings in and around the Island of Mauritius
Freuchen, Peter: IT'S ALL ADVENTURE Holland, Clive: CZECHOSLOVAKIA The Land and its People [Cooks]: COOK'S HANDBOOK TO LONDON With Map, Six Plans and Eight Illustrations
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